
My Life Story

Sahnndhreeila was a happy girl that always be kind to everyone.. But she had a weakness that makes herself down .. She believes everyone easily who are close with her .. It is because she like to make friendship .. She had a sweet family and she spent all of her time with them .. Her life was happy and wonderful with her two lovely sisters and her mother .. Her dad was working in KL as a taxi driver .. Eventhough she stays with her beloved ones .. She always miss her dad and sometimes she will cry because she was a little child .. Her father sacrifice his life for her family by staying in KL alone and work so that her family can survive .. But everyday she thinks about her father and everyday she will speak with her father in her mom's handphone.. Every month at least once her father will come back home and stay with them .. When father come back from KL he will buy some things for his childrens that they always ask .. They will enjoy that moment by going outings to restaurants or somewhere they like .. She really loves her father and mother very much .. But one day her life turn dark and her family was broken .. Her father and mother had a fight and they became separated ..

On the fight her father decided to shift to his hometown and her mother went to KL .. From that day onward she and her siblings stayed with father .. Sometimes they will miss their mother like they missed their dad before but now her father stays beside her and her mother went far away from her ..After that bad day gone her father faces many difficulties because he leaves his job and came to his hometown to take care of them .. After some days he get a job in a temple as a clerk .. The lady who gives salary felt pity of her dad and she gives him extra salary but the other workers was jealous of him and they create story and give a bad remark on him and her father was been dismissed .. After that incident,father was very upset and he was worried .. Finnally he get a job opportunity as a taxi driver in his own hometown .. He borrowed some money from his brothers and continued his job .. After that, father take care of his children alone without anybody's expectation .. He raised up his children with love, caring and etc .. He became a father and a mother for them .. He cooks for his children and buy everything they need .. He was very careful so that his children won't miss their mother ..

One day father fall asick, and he couldn't be as before and that time they had contact with mother and once and a while she will come to see children .. That time mother and father was sick .. Then they had and end on their fight and we stayed together but that time father was very sick and he frequently goes hospital and he get admitted .. But everytime when he have been admitted, In a few days he will come back house so they didn't get too emotion when he admitted again in hospital .. But that time he gone to unconscious stage and they became scared because everytime when he admitted he will become alright but this time he left us .. When mother was with her father was in KL ,Then when father was with her mother went KL .. When they were together father leave the world and go somewhere that we can't imagine ..

After that bad memories she was staying with her mother in her hometown because she mom also was sick so they stayed together ..But she still has the angryness in her heart because her mother left her when she was a small child .. She loved her mother very much but after mom came back from KL she doesn't like to be as those days .. It is because mother cheated father and he was daily drinking beer and his health became bad .. But she still talks with mother because they are only one who stayed with her and her siblings now ..The happiness with mother also doesn't take a long time ..