
Base Wars: Gacha System

Welcome to Eteria, where limitless power is within reach for those lucky and daring enough to seize it! Embark on an epic journey in a base building survival game, where every skill, weapon, and character is just a button press away. SKILL GACHA: Unleash fireballs, master concealment, or wield calamitous powers - try your luck for powerful skills! EQUIPMENT GACHA: Arm yourself with swords, bows, or spears of destruction - discover potent gear with a single spin! CHARACTER GACHA: Summon your dream team - rogues, warriors, mages, builders, or even a sun-powered female knight - all at your fingertips! Build your paradise - a haven for your characters, an impregnable fortress, or an unstoppable empire. The choice is yours, and who will challenge you? Other players? But power is not just for show. Team up with your summoned companions, conquer rival bases, slay foes, and plunder skills and equipment to enhance your might! Recruit fallen players' summoned characters to expand your empire even further. Conquer, kill, loot - rise in power and perhaps ascend to godhood. The ultimate question: Can you survive until then? Join Eteria now and test your mettle in a world where power awaits those bold enough to claim it! ••••• "Ding!" "Welcome to the world of Eteria, Player number 42069." "Build your base and conquer others. But beware, for they will come for you." In the throes of illness, John Smith's dying wish opens the door to a new existence. Transported in a world where Gacha reigns supreme, he discovers a mysterious voice has granted him the power of Gacha Fusion—a unique skill enabling him to combine gacha rewards for unimaginable power. As John navigates this realm, a system lets him draw for skills, equipment, and characters. His Gacha companions, complete with life, classes, and purpose, pledge unwavering loyalty to their lord. Yet, the price of power becomes apparent as John is thrust into a grand survival game. Betrayal and exploitation lurk around every corner, forcing John to rely solely on his summoned Gacha Characters for trust. In a world shaped by luck and resourcefulness, John rises above the challenges. As the dawn approaches with apathy and fearlessness, he builds an empire, determined to construct the most powerful base of all. The survival game has begun, and John Smith is ready to conquer. ••••• Posting Schedule: Monday through Friday. Chapter Length: 2500 Minimum.

Koizumi_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 3: Dawn

As the sun descended, surrendering its warmth to the encroaching night, the moon emerged, a celestial guardian casting its silvery glow across the sky. Beneath this celestial theater, the colossal trees stood as solemn sentinels, their elongated shadows engaged in a mesmerizing dance upon the earth.

Amidst the nocturnal symphony, the sounds of unseen creatures reverberated through the air, creating a mysterious cacophony that echoed the wildness of the night. A cold wind, like an elusive phantom, whispered through the leaves, causing the foliage to shiver in response to nature's unseen breath.

In this nocturnal ambiance, Mark, fueled by the primal instinct to conquer the chill, kindled a campfire. The flames leapt and twirled, their orange tongues licking the darkness, providing both illumination and a welcoming embrace of warmth. The crackling fire orchestrated a symphony of its own, echoing the primal heartbeat of the wilderness.

John, undeterred by the wild surroundings, focused on optimizing his survival. With purposeful intent, he distributed his available stat points, a strategic allocation that mirrored his commitment to balance and preparedness across all attributes. Each point invested was a testament to his meticulous approach to overcoming the challenges that lay ahead.

With the campfire ablaze, John skewered boar meat on a makeshift stick, presenting a culinary offering to the flames. The sizzling sound as the meat met the fire harmonized with the wilderness, a primal collaboration of elements.

"My Lord, I've fashioned a bed from the bounty of nature, woven from grass and leaves," Mark declared with a smile, his face illuminated by the flickering firelight.

"Thanks, Mark," John replied, acknowledging the thoughtful gesture as he prepared to rest amidst the untamed expanse.

However, amidst the tranquility of the night, John's attention was drawn to Mark's status board hovering above him—an ethereal manifestation of the dynamics that governed their shared reality.

John gripped the air, unlocking the intricacies of Mark's status board.

[Mark (Common).

Race: Human.

Class: Builder.

Subclass: None.

Skills. Build.

Equipment: None.]


"Unlock the power to construct infrastructure, the caliber determined by the character's rarity, necessitating specific materials."

Fixing his gaze on an upgrade button, John's eyes narrowed, and he pressed it.

"Not enough Ascension Orbs. To elevate Mark to Uncommon, one Ascension Orb is required," declared the authoritative system voice.

[Number of Ascension Orbs Required for upgrades.

Common: 0

Uncommon: 1

Rare: 10

Super Rare: 100

Legendary: 500

Mythical: 1000

Supreme: 2000]

In the midst of contemplating his limited resources, John savored a bite of boar meat. "How can I acquire Ascension Orbs?"

"By vanquishing other players. By eliminating or recruiting characters Super Rare or higher," elucidated the system voice.

Acknowledging the valuable information, John nodded in understanding.

The much-anticipated day had dawned once more, basking in the warm embrace of the morning sun. The surroundings exuded an air of tranquility, setting the stage for a day of purpose. United in their endeavor, John and Mark collaborated tirelessly to erect a makeshift town hall, a testament to their collective vision.

Crafted from carefully chosen boulders and the sturdy branches of ancient trees, the town hall bore the mark of resourcefulness and determination. It resembled a miniature dwelling, reminiscent of a structure playfully constructed by imaginative children. As John stepped into the humble abode, the interior revealed a floor adorned with dried grass, adding a rustic charm to their creation.

The spacious interior could easily accommodate a gathering of at least five individuals.

Mark, his eyes brimming with pride, eagerly sought John's approval. "What do you think, My lord?" he inquired.

John, assessing their achievement, nodded with a measured satisfaction. "Not bad."

Mark, buoyed by John's acknowledgment, seized the moment to declare, "Now, all you need to do is proclaim it as our town hall, and you shall have triumphantly completed your quest." His enthusiasm radiated as he continued, "Give our base a name, My lord."

The stage was set for John to etch their legacy with a name that would resonate through the makeshift town's corridors.

John stood proudly, his towering figure casting a commanding presence. "This infrastructure shall stand as our town hall," he declared with unwavering determination. His penetrating gaze swept across the modest room, envisioning a future of prosperity. "Henceforth, this base shall bear the illustrious name of Dawn, symbolizing the birth of new beginnings."

"As expected of my lord! Majestic!" Mark exclaimed, overcome with emotion, his applause resonating through the room. Tears welled up in his eyes, a testament to the significance of this transformative moment.

"Don't shed tears, my friend," John gently remarked, his voice resonating with a blend of humility and strength.

"Quest completed," intoned the system voice, echoing through the newfound hall, sealing the accomplishment with a sense of finality and triumph.

"You have received rewards."

"One Skill Draw, one Equipment Draw and one Character Draw."

John nonchalantly shrugged, "That was a breeze."

The authoritative system voice persisted, "Congratulations! The tutorial is now complete. Henceforth, you shall acquire rewards and draws through the elimination of fellow players. Best of luck on your odyssey."

"What's the meaning of this? Are you planning to vanish?" John retorted.

The system voice remained silent.

"Fine. That's the game you're choosing to play?" John casually selected a stone. "Is this even edible?"

"No. That is a stone," replied the system voice.

"And this?" John inquired, lifting a dry leaf.

"That's a leaf. It depends," the system responded.

Mark observed John's interaction with the system voice, remarking, "My lord, your prowess is truly astounding," expressing immense reverence towards John.

Several hours had elapsed since the establishment of the townhall when noon arrived. John's attention fixated on the Skill Gacha, and with determination, he pressed the draw button. A magical resonance reverberated in the vicinity, punctuated by a satisfying "Ding."

"Skill Acquired: Healing Touch (Common)."

"Mends minor wounds with a gentle, restorative energy."

"By acquiring a Common skill, you have received 5 stat points."

"Oh, a healing skill. Not bad at all. This will undoubtedly prove invaluable," remarked John, contemplating its potential to enhance his survivability.

With a swift shift of focus, John's gaze honed in on the Equipment Gacha. Another decisive press of the draw button initiated a symphony of relaxing blacksmith sounds intertwined with the crackling of fire, creating an enchanting ambiance in the confined space.

The melody of the music proved irresistibly captivating, adding to the allure for any avid Gacha player.


"Equipment Acquired: Mask (Common)," declared the resolute system voice.

John observed as a seemingly mundane, yet enigmatic, plain white mask materialized out of thin air before him.

"By acquiring a Common Equipment, you have received 5 stat points."

The mask boasted meticulously crafted openings for the eyes and lips, shaping an unsettling smile that seemed to hold a hint of malevolence.

With a swift motion, John caught the mask and placed it upon his face.

He pressed his fingers against his forehead and spoke with a commanding baritone, "Not bad."

"My lord, it suits you exceptionally well! You exude an air of mystery!" Mark cheered.

In response, John raised his sword and declared, "This world doesn't crave a hero; it hungers for a villain." He swirled the blade with a dramatic flair, assuming the role of a mysterious super villain, ready to reshape the destiny of the realm.

Mark applauded enthusiastically, his hands coming together in a thunderous collision of approval. "Absolutely astonishing! The sheer charisma in your words, compelling me to contemplate deeds of moral ambiguity!" Mark's voice reverberated, a testament to his admiration for John's performance.

"Please refrain," John responded, his tone a mixture of humility and caution. With a deliberate motion, he removed the mask that had concealed his features. "Regardless, let us conjure forth another companion. The expanse of this place demands more than just our presence."

John's fingers pressed with determination on the draw button of the Character Gacha, initiating a sequence of events that would once again fill the air with the epic melody and enchanting voices.

"I extend my gratitude for bestowing life upon me, My Lord," a melodic female voice echoed, resonating with an ethereal quality.

Before them, a mysterious black smoke materialized, heralding the arrival of a new ally.

"Henceforth, I shall be your shadow, and my blade shall serve as your ever-extended hand," the newly summoned companion declared with unwavering commitment.

The dense black smoke dissipated, unveiling a petite girl adorned with long, obsidian hair tightly secured in a ponytail. Her porcelain skin radiated an ethereal glow, setting a stark contrast against the darkness that had just evaporated. Deep pools of blackness, her eyes, gazed intently, betraying an enigmatic depth of emotion.

In a display of humility, she knelt gracefully before John, her countenance a portrait of unwavering discipline and unyielding loyalty.

Clad in tunic clothing, her attire spoke of simplicity and grace. A delicate, thin tunic top adorned her form, complemented by pants that flowed with the fluidity of her movements. Despite the otherworldly encounter, she stood barefoot, grounding herself in the moment.

The air around her seemed to vibrate with a silent reverence as she recognized John, her demeanor transforming into one of profound respect.


"Character Acquired: Rogue (Common)."

"Character Skill: Conceal (Common)."

"Enables silent movement and brief invisibility, enhancing the Rogue's stealth capabilities."

John's face lit up with a warm smile as he welcomed her. "Welcome to the team," he announced with a sense of authority, raising his hand for emphasis. "From now on, you will be known as Kageko – The Shadow Of Dawn."

A sense of pride emanated from Kageko as she raised her head, expressing her gratitude. "It is my greatest honor to receive such a name," she declared with unwavering determination. "I will never disappoint you, my Lord."

John, acknowledging her commitment, nodded confidently. "I'll make sure you won't."

The system's robotic voice echoed through the room, adding a touch of formality. "For acquiring a Common Character, you have been granted 5 stat points."

Eager and resolute, Kageko wasted no time in expressing her readiness for the first mission. "Give me my first mission, my lord," she asserted, her eyes filled with a palpable resolve.

John, amused by her enthusiasm, responded with a hint of casualness. "Oh, I see, you're an eager one," he mused, clearing his throat before continuing. "Let's see... I don't know, wander around and report anything you find useful." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Or whatever."

Kageko, displaying unwavering dedication, stood up. "I understand, my lord. Rest assured, I will put my life on the line for the success of my mission."

"Please don't," John interjected.

"Make our lord proud, Kageko," Mark commanded, his voice resonating with authority.

Kageko nodded resolutely at Mark. "You can count on it," she replied, her gaze unwavering.

"Did you two suddenly become best friends or something?" John inquired, furrowing his eyebrows with skepticism.

"I am going now, my lord. Wait for my return," Kageko declared, her footsteps echoing as she swiftly sprinted towards the dense forest.

John silently observed her disappearance. "Maybe I shouldn't have sent her away so hastily," he mused. "She doesn't have any weapon in hand."

"She will be more than fine, my lord. I know her quite well to assert it," Mark declared with an assured smile, exuding confidence.

"My man, you just met her a few seconds ago," John retorted skeptically.

Mark nodded with unwavering confidence. "Exactly. That's long enough to gauge her resilience."

John shook his head, his skepticism lingering. "I don't know what to think anymore," he admitted, glancing at his status board. "Let's just hope she won't encounter any troublesome situations while wandering around."

John meticulously distributed his stat points, striving for balance.

He instantly felt the changes reverberate through his body, a surge of newfound strength coursing through him.

Eager to fortify their surroundings, John then joined forces with Mark to cleanse the area surrounding their base.

Together, they removed dry leaves, tall grasses, and diligently constructed small infrastructures around the delicate saplings, creating a more fortified sanctuary amid the wilderness.

As several hours slipped away, the fiery orb in the sky gracefully yielded to the impending darkness. The atmosphere within the dense forest transformed into an inky abyss, accentuating the shadows cast by towering trees. Amidst this nocturnal realm, a campfire flickered, casting dancing shadows that painted the surroundings with an eerie glow.

John and Mark sat huddled around the campfire, indulging in a feast of succulent fruits. The efficiency of the system voice spared them the worry of mistakenly ingesting anything poisonous, allowing them to savor their meal without a hint of apprehension.

John, engrossed in self-reflection, couldn't help but notice the burgeoning strength in his biceps. "Is it just me, or are my biceps becoming more robust?" he mused aloud.

Mark, ever the loyal companion, affirmed, "I noticed that too, my Lord."

With a nod of acknowledgment, John diverted his gaze towards the scattered fruits on the forest floor. "We've gathered provisions for three people, but I wonder when Kageko will return," he pondered, his eyes fixated on the mesmerizing dance of flames. "I hope she's safe."

In that moment, Kageko's voice resonated behind John, sending a jolt through his senses. "My lord," she calmly addressed.

Startled, John nearly leapt from his seat. "Mother of all shadows! You startled me! Don't materialize out of nowhere like that," he exclaimed.

Kageko innocently tilted her head.

"My sincere apologies, My Lord," Kageko uttered, her head bowed in deference. "Should I impose a punishment upon myself for surprising you?"

"There are numerous questionable things in that last sentence, and I'd rather not delve into them," John responded, visibly relaxing. "Regardless, I am relieved that you have returned."

"As I mentioned, My Lord, she can handle herself well," Mark interjected confidently.

"It appears to be the case," John acknowledged, his gaze focused on Kageko.

While Kageko remained unscathed, a hint of dirt marred her attire.

Leaves adorned Kageko's hair, a testament to the journey she had undertaken.

"How was your trip?" inquired John.

"I stumbled upon something that might capture your interest, My Lord," Kageko revealed, her eyes conveying a sense of gravity.

John's gaze bore into Kageko's. "Something that might pique my interest, you say?" A sly smile played on John's lips. "Well, spill it. What is it?"

"I've stumbled upon a nearby base," Kageko disclosed.

John's countenance shifted, gravity settling upon his features. He maintained a stoic silence for a few measured seconds, contemplating the inevitable moment he knew would arrive.

His palm met his thighs with a resounding slap. "Well, I can't claim surprise. It's the expected gambit: they find us and strike, or we beat them to the punch."

Mark and Kageko fixed their gazes upon John, curiosity etched into their expressions.

"What's the plan now, my Lord?" inquired Kageko.

John nonchalantly shrugged. "Survival, plain and simple. If I aim to evade death, I'll do whatever it takes. Desperation is my ally now." His gaze turned to the flames of the campfire, indifference veiling his eyes. "Time to confront the harsh reality of this new world."

To crush or be crushed.


HP: 130

MP: 130












COMMON: Healing Touch.

UNCOMMON: Thunderstrike.
