David's pov

The death if mom was a crazy one. It's said that my father murdered my mom therefore was arrested.

One cold evening my mother felt a really strong pain at her stomach, it was to painful to the extend that she scremed and screamed waking every one in the house including the neighbors. My father paid no attention to her screams he even felt reluctant to send her to hospital. His

emotions were totally different from other

times. My siblings and I rushed her to the

hospital leaving our father to follow up.


were told it's food poisoning, a serious

one at that.

According to the evidence provided in

court, it was said that my dad sat on a

chair close to my mom's bed as their

conversation started.

Mom: honey I have a confession to make

my mother turned to my father as she felt

a little pain in her stomach.

Dad: why don't you relax.

Mom: no there is something I want to tell

you. I have been the one who stole the

little money you save.

Dad: I know my dad talked proudly...

Mom : you know she asked surprisingly.

Why didn't you say a word about it.

Dad: what did you expect me to say. You

are cheating on me, leave my house or

what my father asked looking sad.

Time for my own confession

Mom: what's it

Dad: I'm the fool who poisoned you. So if

you know what is best for you, you just

relax and die fast. The next time you plan

on cheating on me you got to work for

that. Why don't you cheat on me with

Someone living on the next street or

around our compound that way you don't

need transport to give to him.

My mom side chick went deep into the

case then arrested my dad for murder.

That marked the beginning of hardship in

out lives because all my dad access were

locked. That why I had to look for work at

miss Rebecca house just to keep my

younger siblings in school but all my hard

work has been burn to dust.

Blessing pov

Our mom death was such a mysterious

one yet painful. We were made to believe

that my mom was cheating on my dad

before the got married. My father strongly

believes that David is not his son but

before he could prove it he was thrown to

jail by that bastard.

I wonder whether my father suspicion are

right. But if it's through I hope his reach.

Besides how can he not be when my mom

trow away all my father money on him.

Even if I can't graduate I must make sure

Daniel and Moana will.
