
Baptism of Blood

The story of Thale, who survived and prospered in the world of cultivation through his discipline, quick wits and hard work. Many chapters a day! So far Chapters 1-20 have been edited I will keep you guys updated here! Cover image, not mine All credits for the image go to the artist

DragonPhoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
116 Chs


Thale had just enough time to see the pirate commander's wicked smile before he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He gasped in shock and pain as the blade of the pirate's dagger sank deep into his flesh, the cold metal slicing through his skin and muscle as if it were butter.

Thale fell to his knees, his vision blurring as the pain consumed him. He could hear Elara's screams and the pirate's laughter, but he couldn't focus on anything but the agony that wracked his body.

As he lay there, helpless and in pain, Thale couldn't help but wonder if this was the end. He had always known that his life as a cultivator would be filled with danger and hardship, but he had never expected it to end like this, in a cold and lonely courtyard, at the mercy of cruel and ruthless pirates.

Just when Thale thought that all was lost, he felt a surge of energy and determination course through him. He remembered the old man's words, about the importance of having a strong mind, and he knew that he couldn't give up.

With a roar of defiance, Thale summoned all of his remaining strength and rose to his feet, ready to fight for his life and the life of Elara.

As Thale tried to rise to his feet and face the pirate commander, he was smashed back down to the ground with brute force. He felt his body being pinned down, his limbs immobilized as the pirate's henchmen held him in place.

Thale struggled and fought against his captors, but it was no use. He was outnumbered and outmatched, he was at the mercy of the pirates.

Elara tried to help Thale, but she was quickly apprehended by the pirate's men. She was held back, her cries of protest and outrage drowned out by the pirate's mocking laughter.

"Well, well, it seems that our little rodent has some fight in him after all," the pirate sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "But it's too little, too late. You're both mine now, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Thale and Elara were in serious trouble. They had no weapons, no allies, and no way to escape. They were completely at the mercy of the pirate, and their fate was not in their hands.

As the pirate commander looked at Elara, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and desire. She was a beautiful and fierce young woman, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She stood tall and proud, her face a mask of defiance and determination.

The pirate could easily break her, but he also knew that he would much rather have her by his side. He had always been attracted to strong and independent women, and Elara was exactly the kind of woman he admired.

"You, my dear, are a rare find," the pirate said, his voice dripping with charm and sincerity. "I can see that you have strength and spirit, qualities that I value highly. I could use a woman like you by my side."

Elara sneered at the pirate, her eyes blazing with anger and disgust. "I would rather die than join forces with a monster like you," she spat, her voice full of hatred.

The pirate chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, I like you even more now," he said, his voice dripping with irony. "You have fire and spirit. I can see that you would be a valuable asset to me."

Thale watched in horror as the pirate tried to woo Elara, his heart heavy with grief and anger. He knew that he had to do something to save her, but he was powerless to do anything in his current state.

Don't be a ninja reader. I am literally entertaining you for free! Drop a review and give me that power stone!

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