
S1E01 - Dead Man

Twenty five years ago, a meteorite hit the surface of earth. It caused mass extinction of each and every species on earth. From the space rock escaped the radiations and chemicals, which caused some of the living beings to mutate, and gave them uncanny abilities. And thus began the new age of humanity, the Mutant Age!


Todo was playing soccer with his friends, but suddenly felt like something called him. It was not a voice, it was a feeling.

He looked to his right, and at far distance saw something falling from the sky. But.. How? The sky was open, and there were no aircrafts or drones or anything flying by. Curious, he decided to go and check.

After the match, he walked towards the direction he saw the thing. As he approached closer, the feeling of uneasiness increased. That was until he stopped and saw a dead body of a man.

The man was long dead, as could be seen by his half rotten skin, and beside him was a piece of paper. Now, you would not pick up anything which is kept beside a corpse. But the paper was not normal. It attracted Todo, and he couldn't help but picked it.

When he opened the paper, he realised that it was a map. And in it was marked a place, a labyrinth, which was abandoned long ago.

*To Be Continued*

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