

''Sigh, it seems like you little brats are not planning to cancel it,'' Heretic Saint sighed as he shook his head slowly. After a moment, his eyes suddenly went sharp as he continued, ''Let me help you put your little tricks out.''

A wide smile then suddenly appeared on his lips as he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

''Silence,'' he said.

To the Magic Knights' shock, the combined domains they put much effort into creating, suddenly vanished completely. As if they didn't unleash their skills in the first place.

''This... What's going on?'' Jimbal couldn't help but ask, his eyes widened for a moment. He couldn't make sense of what had just happened before his eyes.

The same went for the other two. Even they couldn't understand what just happened to their combined domains. How could it suddenly disappear just like that? Were their domains had been Silenced by that man? And at a mere snap of his fingers at that? How could someone be so capable?

Only at that moment did they see that man in a completely different light. They understood subconsciously that this matter was gravely serious. And they needed to put more care regarding this matter.


At the same time...

[Oh? A guess came without prior notice? Who is this young man might be?]

A woman whose voice sounded a tad robotic and emotionless could be heard speaking. Looking at her, her eyes seemed like a technological device. Her pupils were glowing orange light and forming into something like a gear rotating very slowly nonstop. There were also strange dark green lines on her face, and her skin was as pale as the snow.

She was busy resting, sitting there like it was the only thing she knew, when a certain young man suddenly appeared.

Though it didn't disturb her, the sudden appearance of a probable new good seedling still left her surprised.

However, that surprise, later turned into suspicion, when she noticed something.

[Wait, you didn't come from our Rebels For Freedom. How come you ended up here? Who let you in?],

The woman spoke. This time, she revealed an expression, expressing her wariness to the young man before her.

There were only two possible cases that could explain this. The First was that the Lady Creator lent one of the measuring devices to an outsider as a reward, or a favor, or an act of gratitude.

And the second reason was that someone lunatic stole the device from one of Lady Creator's acquaintances. It was something unforgivable that only deserved death for those who tried to steal what was meant for Lady Creator.

Either what was the case, she needed to find it out now.

"A robot? No, an android?" But instead of answering her, the young man suddenly asked. He failed to take notice of something more concerning. Which was the identity of that android who possibly belonged to the most notorious and infamous organization in the entire world.

The Rebels For Freedom.

In any case, the young man's name was Jax. And he was brought there in that strange place by his Master through the strange device that his Master introduced them. He never thought that that device, that seemingly looking old execution chair, was actually a high-end technology that could transport him to a certain location.

His Master could really show him a lot of surprises.

Right now, he was inside a certain small room filled with computers. In the middle of that small room was a huge globe floating in midair due to the magnetic field created by the triangular device beneath and above it.

There were plenty of other strange things for him but what caught his attention the best was the only person in there other than him. No, she wasn't actually a person. Jax could likely tell that this woman was an android.

How surprising. To think that he would see such a legendary technology here. Just what kind of place his Master had brought him to?

[Instead of answering my question, you asked me one instead. You sure know how to act rude.] The android replied, a faint smile surfaced on her lips.

''Huh? I'm not asking you though. I'm just expressing my curiosity. I won't ask something so obvious.'' Jax replied as he tilted his head slightly sideways. Then he shook his head slowly with a faint smile as if he couldn't believe that he was actually talking to a fool.

[...] The android was speechless. If she wasn't programmed to only maintain the slightest emotion, then she was afraid that her eyebrows would be twitching violently right now. This brat surely was...

[Who sent you here?] The android asked again. But this time, she asked with a stern and impatient expression.

''My Master sent me here,'' Jax replied lazily as he continued, ''Alright, you're the guide here, right? Let's get started now.''

[And who is your Master might be?] The android asked persistently as she narrowed her eyes. As if she didn't hear the other party asking something.

''Are we going to start or not? If you're just going to ask so many questions, then I'll just go back.'' Jax responded. Seriously, why was this thing so talkative?

[Huh? Wait. Don't be like that. I'm just asking out of curiosity. Don't mind me if you don't want to answer.] The android was agitated as she immediately responded with a sweating smile. If that young man were really to go back, then she would be in great trouble if he happened to be a very special person from someone that Lady Creator knew.

And from what she could see from this young man who was acting so nonchalantly and pridefully before her, she could tell that he really had someone to back him up.

Perhaps, he was a genius raised by one of Lady Creator's acquaintances?

[Alright, let's get started.] The android spoke again. She finally revealed a friendly smile as went on, [But before that, let me introduce myself.] There was a moment of pause before she continued, [I am No.111, and I am your guide. I'll help you use one of the greatest inventions of Lady Creator.]

[Come over here and place your hand on this giant orb. With this, we will learn right away everything you need to know about yourself, especially your awakened ability.]

[Other than that, it can also help you get a class specification, determine your passive and active skills, and determine the grade of each of your stats. There's just a lot that the creation of Lady Creator can do. So, let's get started and find it now, okay?]

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