
Chapter 3 - Flirting?

We lose our balance as the entire cabin starts shaking uncontrollably. A stack of maps topples over, books near Nami's hammock fall onto the floor. The lantern is rocking back and forth causing shadows to dance on the walls and ceiling.

"Something must have happened!" shouted Nami as she bolts for the door.

As we rush outside two things are made abundantly clear, the weather has taken a turn for the worse and two men are in a heated discussion as the rain pelts them with ferocity.

"Usopp! Franky! What happened?" Nami hollers to them at the top of her voice.

"This long-nosed bastard fucked up, that's what happened!" the man with a large greased blue hairdo exclaimed.

"Don't kid yourself, Franky! You know as well as I do that this is your fault as well as mine!" the long-nosed fellow stammered. For some reason, I'm hesitant to trust what this guy says. It must be the nose.

Before I know it, the both of them are brawling it out on the deck, the commotion brings Zoro and Luffy out of their cabins as well, soon the entire deck is full of fists and feet. I'm really starting to like these guys. I take a step forward with the intent to revel in the fun as well.

"ENOUGHHHHHHHHH!" Nami screams at the top of her lungs. I watch as she plunges headfirst into the very middle of the brawl and manages to quell it so fast I can't help but laugh myself to tears. Each participant has a shiny, red, swollen, lump on their head, some with a few black eyes. Scary.

Upon hearing me laughing, the perpetrators start glaring cold daggers at me, but that doesn't stop my tears from flowing.

"Oh, what's this?" A distinctly feminine voice makes itself known over the rain.

I look towards it and find a mature woman with raven black hair, delicate eyes, and beautiful long legs smiling at me. My heart goes into my throat as I meet her gaze. She continues to look at me with this slight smile on her face, her expression more and more amused. I realize that I was staring at her gorgeous legs and quickly glanced away embarrassed. This elicits a small laugh from her smirking mouth, it sounds so pleasant to hear that it brings my gaze back to hers with renewed vigor.

Much too soon, Nami breaks my focus. "Sorry about that Robin, these two morons broke something in the ship and these other two morons decided they wanted to join their brawl. I swear I'm going to kill the four of you! Why can't you act normal for a change!?"

"Don't worry about it Nami, I don't mind, though we should probably not let our guest be soaked by the ocean and then the rain," she teased while maintaining eye contact with me.

"That's a good idea, it is starting to come down hard out here isn't it? Let's move this inside, the four of you don't even think I'm done with you yet!" Nami snapped out through gritted teeth as she watched the four men tiptoe towards safety.

"Robin, why don't you see if you can get her a spare change of clothes, it can't be good for her to get wet again," said Nami while giving the four men a death glare.

"Sure, why don't you come with me," Robin chuckled. "I'm sure we can find something you like," She smiled at me.

Being smiled at by her made me uncomfortable, so unlike my usual self. While following behind her I can't help but glance at her again, she's absolutely gorgeous. I must've been dazed because when she stopped abruptly I almost careened into her but I was able to catch myself in time. I was rewarded with another smirk from her.

Entering her cabin was like entering one of the large libraries of Ba Sing Se, all manner of scroll, parchment and more so, books, all neatly organized and put away.

"Wow!" I gasped. "It's been a long time since I've seen this many books," I said while looking around the room.

She looked at me while chuckling and said, "Yes, I do like to collect them."

"I'm an archaeologist," she explained.

"That's gotta be very interesting, but it's somewhat strange, a pirate archaeologist?"

Giggling her answer, "Yeah I suppose it is somewhat strange, but the reasoning for that is very complicated." She answered while stepping towards a big chest near a wall.

"There are bits and pieces of our world history that have been erased. One-hundred years worth. It's called the Void Century. The World Government refuses to allow any research to be done on it, they even went so far as to destroy my home island because of it. We were only scholars." she recalled while standing in the middle of the room.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I placed my hand on her shoulder trying to placate her.

"Not to worry, it was a long time ago. Anyway, on the run from the government while looking for answers. I always wonder what was so important. Becoming a pirate was almost a necessity."

"Enough about that, let me get you out of those wet clothes." she smiled again.

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