
Chapter 11- Paris Here I Come

This early in the morning the terminal was empty and Marcus pulled up to the departure lounge and as he alighted from the car, the squad car from the airport patrol pulled alongside him.

"Stephanie, don't move I will deal with this; the less people know that we are here, the better it will be for both of us. Go straight inside while I speak with these two squaddies. I will get your bags inside shortly."

"Men! He did not realise that I travelled extra light and by the time he finished chatting, I should already be on the plane," she mumbled.

"Morning, gentlemen."

He spoke in an authoritative manner as he acknowledged the two uniformed men in the service vehicle,

"Morning, Supt, what brings you to the airport so early?"

"Oh, dropping my niece that is flying out. Are things ok?"

"Yes, so far, Boss. Things are quiet Supt."

"Anderson, we need to link up at the usual spot to drink some juice and of course, carry young Paul here."

He slapped the young policeman on his shoulder, "He should be the one buying us."

"How the family, Supt?" Anderson asked.

"They are fine, they are better than you and I because we are on the job and they are at home watching World Cup Football."

Paul's face lit up at the mention of football.

"Supt, you just start talking my language."

By the time the football conversation ended Stephanie had checked in and was about to board the plane. After asking for water and taking the pills that Marcus had given her, the next thing - Stephanie was awoken by the stewardess.

The plane was about to land and Stephanie could not wait to walk on the streets of Paris as it was a well needed break from the routine life at home. She had picked up a few items at the plaza, but those were not to her liking or her sense of taste, but at short notice they would have to do. It would have been better, if the trip was a romantic visit, but as she always heard, only the dead have no hope. It was summer time and Paris was nice and cool as Stephanie walked along the Seine. She had bought an English to French dictionary and had brushed up on her French on the internet, but found it quite surprising that most persons spoke fluent English. She wished that she had someone special to share the sights and to dine atop the Eiffel tower and to share that special moment making love under the stars in gay Paree. However, that would not stop her from enjoying her time and after all, she was in the wine capital of the world. As she sat by the Cafe on Rue des Pyrenees, she heard the strain of dancehall music and as natural as breathing her body started to move to the rhythm as the wine coursed through her veins and she felt the warmth between her legs. She smiled and thought of her boyfriend and how nice it would be to relax at the La Maison D'aix over viewing the sights with him by her side. She sipped and savoured the taste as she heard a voice from behind her that was distinctly Jamaican, but had a French accent; she was hesitant at first to turn and look, but she was curious and the person called her by a name that no one would have known or called in almost 15 years. He called her 'Dumpling' - the name she had been given when she was an innocent sweet girl in 4th form and only Jaden McNamara used to call her that. She had a crush on him almost 15 years ago, but he and his family moved away before the end of college and she had lost contact with him.

She turned and spat out the wine from her mouth as she looked at the man. It couldn't be, but it was Jaden. He looked nothing like what he looked like in university. He was taller and even more handsome and the shirt hugged his toned muscular torso. Time stood still as he smiled. Even the pigeons seemed to halt in mid-flight. The smells of French cuisine and the warmth of wine had its full effect on Stephanie as Jaden approached her table. She was smiling inwards and tried hard not to show her excitement.

"If this is for real, I will not be going back to Jamaica and I am going to kick that boyfriend to the kerb. God I know life with Antonio had many twists and turns, but is this what you call fate to have Jaden back into my life," she muttered.

Jaden had always had a thing for Lisa but the murder of his father in Spanish Town made his family leave Jamaica. Her face had not changed much from 7 years ago, she only looked more sophisticated. She was always a beautiful girl with a sleek, curvaceous body.

"Hi, Lisa."

"Jaden McNamara you are a sight for sore eyes, I would not have expected to see your face again."

"You are more beautiful than when we were younger."

"I am not sure about that, but I will take your word for it, Jaden."

"What are you doing in Paris, Lisa?"

"I no longer go by that name, Jaden, I changed my name to Stephanie after the incident and I am actually on vacation."

"What are you doing here, Jaden?

"Wow, I like that name, but it's so easy for me to use Lisa and I actually live and work here."

"So, tell me, what you do in Paris, Jaden?"

"I am a sous chef," while he responded he had automatically slipped into French.

Stephanie found it sweet and romantic.

"Here is my number and can I have dinner with you tonight?"

"What a coincidence to find a friend in Paris!"

. "Yes, the world is a much smaller place, Lisa. Oh sorry, Stephanie; and we Jamaicans have a way of finding each other easily no matter where we are."

She was nervous as the hair on her arms and legs stood on end as Jaden placed a light kiss on her cheek to bid her farewell till later. He offered her dinner and a night out on the town that she would not forget. She looked forward to the evening. As he walked away she could not help to notice the cheeks in his jeans and her nipples got erect as suddenly a chilly wind blew across the piazza.

Stephanie was thinking as to how she was able to win a trip to Paris when the only thing in her life that she had been able to win was the ones that came from her ass. She had her suspicions, but what the heck, she was in Paris for the next two weeks and found a high school and college friend. Who would want to stay home at Lot 463 Pink Crescent and at the salon or the restaurant trying to make Antonio earn a few extra dollars? As she walked back to the hotel, she saw the couples walking hand in hand or kissing passionately or just talking. The streets were clean in comparison to Kingston and the architecture was a combination of historic and modern and the people friendly and she felt so relaxed as she stopped at the flowers vendor to smell the roses. They smelled edible and she wished her best friend was around to share the experience.

However, tonight she was Lisa and she buried everything about her boring life back in Jamaica. The world championship was just finished and many Caribbean nationals were taking the opportunity to tour Europe. It was getting windy and quite chilly as her skirt blew up to reveal her cheeks only to hear a wolf whistle and the voice of former Commissioner Lester voice saying, "A long time me a watch that ass in a clothes and long time I've waited to see or touch that skin even if it took me 9000 miles and Paris to lick that clit, I would do so tonight." Stephanie had no response, but thought briefly about the thought of the bull dog wolfing down her burger. After all, what is done in Paris, stays in Paris.

It's been a while since a man had offered to eat her fruit scented basket, but of all the persons not him; she thought of the stories Marcus used to tell her about the things that happened in the force. Why was she not able to get away from the people at the force? She saw them everywhere she was and now in Paris. While being lost in her thoughts, she inadvertently stepped off the sidewalk only to hear the screech of tires and the screams of passers-by. Her life flashed before her eyes, her sweet 34 year old heart beat, the men she loved, her family and of course the thing she loved more than anything, food!

She looked up to see that it was a French taxi with the driver swearing in French and she caught a few words, but he was a life saver as Lester was getting closer, and even though she almost lost her life and pissed her panties, she was relieved to jump in and get away from the menace that was looming. Who knows if her basket would be eaten tonight? It certainly would not be Lester; the effects of the wine and racing heart made her feel sweet and mellow, but she asked to be dropped to her hotel as she needed a nice bath and to get ready for her date with her college friend. It was a while since Stephanie was pampered. She had a 1 1/2 hour to kill until Jaden would come to collect her. Just enough time to go to the spa for a massage and a quick nap. She drew a bath to wash away the excitement of today. The hotel was a 5 star hotel, but surprisingly there was no shower but a 4 legged bath tub. The rooms were well appointed with a 4 postured king-size bed, a full bar and suite with a mini gym to boot with an infinity pool on the patio with glass walls. The view was breath taking from the 10th floor and the oncoming dusk and the sunset made Stephanie want to feel the embrace of her significant other.

She slipped off the street clothes and slipped into the warm caress of the bath tub as the rose petals released their fragrance and stimulated her nostrils. The combination of the day and the anticipation of the night in Paris gave her butterflies in her tummy. Her inner thighs were being massaged by the water and the moisture made her lips wet and receptive to the caress of her fingers. Her hips arched as her fingers passed over her aroused clit.

Oh it felt nice, she thought, but this could lead to trouble and make her want more than she could get 9000 miles away from home. She was thinking about her outfit and tonight would be the perfect night for her black panties and the little black dress after all, she was already feeling sexy. She was determined to make the best of her vacation and with any luck she could become two before the time in Europe was over.

The massage was everything a girl would hope for, it was aromatic and had a touch of Swedish deep tissue massage and the stress and tension of the weeks at work melted away at the hands of Pierre the Masseuse. He had strong firm hands that reminded her so much of that night at the gym when she had the nicest hand job ever and it made her cum.

Where was the time going so quickly? She recalled Pierre asking if she was ok before dosing off in a deep sleep. The session was over and they allowed her to sleep a little while as the scented oils soaked into her body. She looked at her body in the full length mirrors and she was nude and she thought to herself for a thirty something girl she looked damn good especially after a child. Antonio wanted to see her now with her perky breasts and oiled tanned skin, he would eat his heart out and more, if he got the chance. The entire day was building up to something and while she tried not to pay keen attention, it was still in the back of her mind and the sexual sensations were building in her loins.

Tonight would be about enjoying the company of a friend that had not been seen in almost four years; they had a lot to catch up on. In fact, the second week of the vacation included a cruise to either the Mediterranean or the Norwegian countries. Stephanie wanted to see Rome and Greece, but she also wanted to see the peaceful ice capped mountains in order to calm her inner turmoil; but the pictures from the Vatican or the Coliseum or the leaning tower of Pisa would look great on Instagram or even the pizza and pasta that she could eat or even better yet, the Italian wines which were next to divine.

So, the Med cruise would be it. She slipped into her little black dress and her matching heels; oh, it felt good to be 25 again. Jaden had called only 5 minutes ago to say he was almost at her hotel and she was excited; she could not hide the glee and she broke out in frequent smiles as if vaseline was on her teeth. Jaden was indeed on time and was standing by the black stretch limousine in his black tuxedo; he looked sharp and even more masculine than earlier in the day. His breath stopped as he saw Stephanie descending the steps and his crotch stiffened under his jacket; he was shocked at his body's response, but smiled at the thought. Stephanie was petite but beautiful with strong legs and thighs, a small waist with nubile breasts and a smile that lit up all of Paris. She was sexy in her little black dress. Tresses of hair cascaded against her face, and framing her face and her full lips that begged to be kissed.

His chauffeur opened the door to let them both in. Inside he had a bouquet of flowers and wine and cheese. "Wow, this was heavy," she thought but quickly buried the feelings as he told her they were going on a quick tour of Paris before dinner and the club. She felt like she was on a date and being spoiled by a mature rich suitor. But this was Jaden, her college friend.

There was much to catch upon including the fact the Lisa was no longer going by that name. He, however, could and would only divulge selected information about his life and past. In a sense the two made a perfect match - smart, exposed, sexy, attractive, secretive and deadly. Jaden was also involved in the political arm of the diaspora in Britain and was in fact the first Vice President. He enjoyed the cut and thrust of politics as it reminded him of the Art of War, a book he read as a young man and Lee Quan Yue, an inspirational leader he followed and wished he could emulate.

However, tonight he would focus on showing Lisa a good time. As they visited the sites the Bastille and the Louvre, the selfie queen took pictures everywhere and made sure the Geotag was on. She wanted to ensure her best friend forever in Jamaica knew her whereabouts as she posted them. Stephanie was having fun and felt relaxed. She stood on the seat and was through the sun roof of the limo taking in the sites and scenes and smell of the historic and romantic city. She could live here, she thought as she felt alive and happy. Jamaica was now a distant place and tucked away in her compartment in her inner being. She knew her heartbeat was safe.

"Do you like Paris?" Jaden asked and she thought about it for a while and said a resounding "yes."

He said under his breath, "You haven't even seen the half."

He looked upon on her legs towards her thighs. He wanted to touch them and caress them as he was in fact a red blooded Jamaican man. They reached the Eiffel tower and were greeted at the entrance by the Maitre D. The night was a bit chilly and Jaden had planned the evening and he slipped a black mink coat around Lisa's shoulders. Oh it felt nice and soft. He let his hand slide gentle down her spine to rest in the small of her back and he looked down to see the puppies rolling under the soft cotton dress and he felt a surge of blood to his loins. Stephanie felt his gaze and smiled. He was greeted by name and they were whisked away in the private elevator with the glass walls that allowed the view of almost all of Paris from the gates of the Staad to the Napoleonic Castle.

The view was breathtaking. Jaden could not take his eyes from her face. He was amazed at the look on her face as she looked around almost like a child in a candy store. The restaurant was posh and as she thought, it was what she saw in the movies and as she imagined. There was a mixed crowd and several interracial couples and people were opulently attired. She felt comfortable in her dress and stockings accessorised with her mink coat. Jaden had taste and had matched her size exactly. Dinner was pleasant and they spoke about their days in school and recounted the many mischievous things they did as well as family and what they had been currently engaged in as business people.

Being shrewd opportunists, they spoke about the possibilities of business ventures as Jaden told her about his co-ownership in the restaurant and the possibilities of franchising operations in Jamaica and Europe. Stephanie was an intelligent girl and knew that Antonio would leap at the chances of expanding his business interest and keep her under his wing at the same time. However, she was thinking about her salon and how her wig business could grow and blossom; after all, she too dreamt of retiring before 50. She was, however, distracted by the food as the meal was a five course and the thought that the chefs were excellent and she tasted things that she never had before; and gave her ideas for her menu when she would eventually have to drag herself back to work to struggle with her temperamental and mercurial boss.

The little girl from rural Jamaica had grown up and was sitting in one of the finest places in Europe. Who would have known that a girl from cow lick pasture would have had this chance and she was making the best of it, to mix business with pleasure. She took the time to study Jaden's face; he was a handsome man with piercing eyes and she wondered about if he was wearing contacts as the young man she knew wore nerdish glasses. He did not wear a wedding ring, but spoke fondly of his child with his former wife. His travels and work had taken its toll on his relationship. So, he too was single-ish with a complicated story. Stephanie found the similarities amazing. She was naturally curious, but was smart about it too. He had smooth tanned skin, but she could see the lines of maturity creeping into his face especially when she made him laugh. That came natural to her to make men and people in general relax. Dinner was over and even though she tried hard not to eat a lot, she was stuffed, but had a lot of energy and felt she wanted to see and do a lot more.

The club was two floors down from the restaurant and surprisingly full for this time of the week, but then everyday in Paris was a holiday it seemed. The DJ had all the current music and even played "Despacito" the remix version. She danced until she was wet with perspiration. Jaden matched her toe for toe and he was fit and hardly broke a sweat. They both had discarded their coats at the door and were enjoying the music along with a few mixed brews from the bar that initially tasted like juice, but the cognac had a slow but pleasantly sweet taste as it passed the back of Stephanie's throat.

She was not a drinker with the exception of her new found fetish. The DJ switched the music and Jaden politely asked if she wanted to dance to a slower pace and she accepted. He was light on his feet and his waist was set on a spring, even though he was above average in height, amazingly he found a way to let their hips come together at times and he was slow and methodical as his hands slid down her back and pulled her closer to him. She was pleasantly surprised to feel his manhood against her, firm and hard. She was not sure if it had been the drink or her blood, but she found herself becoming wet and slippery.

Only one man had that effect on her and he was a long distance away. They danced for a while and with each move their breathing became heavier and hotter. He had not been with a woman in over a year, and Stephanie believed that the cocks of men were salt and dangerous, but for now she would just enjoy the moment. In one quick move Jaden swept her off her feet and she could feel his hot breath against her cheek and neck, as her nipples rose in anticipation. His lips plundered hers, soft and sweet and then hard and vigorous, yet gentle as if he was caring and caressing as his tongue slipped between her lips and stroked her tongue; the fire in her belly exploded between her legs.

With each stroke of his tongue, she felt the surge of blood in his dick against her belly. The heat from it was searing her skin through her clothes and his. She wondered what it would feel like deep inside her and she instantly broke the kiss to whisper "yes" as his eyes looked into her soul.

She was caught up in a whirlwind of passion and hung on for dear life. She knew she was not cheap or would put out on the first night, but the ambiance, the city and the occasion trumped everything and coupled with the fact she was going through a drought of her own.

She awoke the next morning in her hotel room and she was naked below the sheets, but Jaden was nowhere to be found, but there were signs that she had company the night before as there was a rose and a note on the bedside table. It read: "Hi Lesa. I wish I had more time to spend but the happenings in Barcelona have triggered an emergency but I will be back soon – Love Jaden" She smiled but was concerned about the "love" part as that would have been way too soon for such expressions. She knew she had a wonderful evening and the night into the morning was even better and she did things only Marcus could have imagined and worse there was a mirror on the ceiling.

The contrast of the skin colour was amazing and inspiring at the same time. What she was a little hazy about was whether or not he used a condom as she could remember the screams of ecstasy as they came together three times and how warm his seed felt deep inside her. The placement of the flower was nice, but she wanted food and she was starving. She would run downstairs after a shower and get food and pop by the pharmacy just to be sure there was no harm done.

As she got out of the shower, her cell phone rang; Marcus Dean was on the other end of the line.

"Hi, Stephanie, it's time to come home; the case has been settled."

. A sense of dread washed over her.

"Marcus, I really don't want to come back to Jamaica or to Antonio. I think I am in love."

"What the hell are you talking about, Stephanie? You have been away for almost three weeks and you found man already?"

"Marcus, please promise me you won't get upset if I told you what actually happened; and you would never guess who I met in Paris. It was as if I got a chance to finish something that I started in college."

"Stephanie, please don't tell me that you hooked up with Jaden McNamara, that boy will be trouble."

"Marcus, hooking up is an understatement, he rocked my world and he is so romantic and caring, he is everything a woman could want in a man." "Sure, Stephanie, do you know what he has really been up to in the past 48 months?"

"Yes. He was in the British Army and he is into Finance now and owns a night club in France; and the best thing is that he looks so good, tall and handsome. Marcus, you know I am not loose and careless, but I gave into him and he made me feel complete."

"Stephanie, what is his mental state? Remember it's your uncle Damian that killed his father and caused his family to have to run from Jamaica. Be careful it's not revenge he has on his mind and I hope you used protection."

"Marcus, you sound just like my mother would. What are you, my father or my friend? I was so excited to tell you that for once in my life I am happy and you are pouring cold water all o3ver me."

"Don't get me wrong, Steph, I am excited for you, but you need to think things through before you act and you still have not answered my question."

"Marcus Dean, I am hungry, let me get a bite to eat and then I will try and get on the first available flight home. If I am lucky, you may see me in office the day after tomorrow."

"Good and make sure you carry sweets for all your boyfriends in the office and let's hope you carry the biggest bag for me."

"Right, you Marcus, I will not carry anything for you ever. You're too fat and ugly anyway," she replied.

"Hah! Hah! Hah! Hurry and come home. I am sure you're missed and besides, I know you would become bored of Mister Jaden in a few days and want to come back home to Antonio." He heard a long hissing of her teeth on the phone before it went dead.

Marcus had a feeling that he had lost Stephanie as she sounded a bit disturbed and whether or not that disturbance was being caused by the return of her past. Based on his mental and spiritual connections, he knew and felt things that something magically might have happened. Deep down, he knew something was wrong. However, the circumstances of life would not facilitate him getting to the bottom of it. He knew that Stephanie needed a break from life and he had engineered her trip to Europe, but he had a gut feeling that he sent her into harm's way.

He personally believed that she was at a crossroads in her life and had to wrestle with her needs, wants and dreams and how she could still salvage those dreams from her current position. Her path in life was turned upside down, but he knew she was mentally tough, but some things were just too much for the little girl whom he had met in Rivoli, St. Catherine. She was too timid to strike out on her own and Marcus provided, he hoped, the strength and fortitude to do so. He ultimately wanted her to be happy and wanted her to realize her dreams and not get side tracked by the selfish actions of Antonio Sharpe. He knew within his heart that she too had contributed to the situation; however, in a real sense Marcus knew that the details were none of his business as all women would have secrets that they would take to their graves.

Next chapter