
bokugo x deku

Hi I am Izuku Midoriya and I am going to my dream school today UA to. Become a pro hero one day but the cool thang about it is that all might. Is going to be a teacher there but can you guys keep a secret I am in love with someone but I don't know if he will like me back his. Name is kutski bakugou am I am going to tell him how I feel about him but not today oh look I . Am all ready here hey deku I hate you why do you always have to ruin my life why won't you . Just die nerd hey bakugou that is not nice hey midoriya are you okay ya I am fine kirishima I'm used to it . Ok if you say so deku well we should go to class ya hey students we have something to do. Today we are going to be fighting giant robots that principal had made for us to fight so don't get. Yourself killed but every robot you destroy you get points cept for the zero if you get the zerothen you get no points okay that's all I wanted to tell you guys. Now hurry up and get trained train your powers before you have to go ahead and start fighting the giant robots. hey guys I hope you all enjoyed the story that I just made I was thinking about it while I was writing it I would have made a todoroki x bakugou x deku story but it would have have been to long to make.