

~MANGA SPOILER ALERT! It's nothing too bad but the situation they're in it's because if something that happened recently in the manga.~

~There was a tweet that said "omg if ocha rlly confessed to a unconscious deku, watch this mf just flatline😭" by @ZUZUBITCHWIFE

I commented a little blurb like this:~

Midoriya: *grunts from the pain*

Uraraka: "D- Deku you're awake!"

Midoriya: "Oh, hi Uraraka, what are you doing here? *eyes widening as his mind remembers what happened* "Wait where kac-"

Uraraka: "All Might's in the hallway, I asked for some time alone."

Midoriya: "Wh- what for?"

Uraraka: "Because after I saw what you went through I don't think I can wait any longer so I'll come right out and say it. D- Deku I... i love you."

Midoriya: (Gif of a Modern Family character saying "Death is coming.")

~Which was turned into the rest of this one shot lol okay I'll shut up now.~

Uraraka slid open door to Midoriya's hospital room and walked in to find All Might sitting by the bed with a melancholy look on his skinny face.

Once he heard the door shut he looked up to find the young girl looking over at Midoriya with an equally sad look on her face.

"Young Uraraka what are you doing here? You should be resting." He asked her

She walked towards the bed.

"I wanted to see how he was doing."

"Oh... well he's unconscious at the moment." All Might said with a worried look for her and for Midoriya

"Is he in a coma?" She asked grasping the railing and leaning forwards just slightly to look at Midoriya's sleeping face

"...Yes, but he's stable... for now." All Might answered

"Sensei, I hate to ask, but may I have a few minutes alone with him." Her eyes were blurring from the tears that were beginning to breach her eyelids

"Yes you may." All Might stood up and walked around Midoriya's bed

"He'll be okay. You really should go to the dorms and rest" All Might said giving a light pat on her shoulder

"I know. I just wanna tell him something then I'll head home." She gave him a small smile and wiped her eyes with a sniff

All Might nodded then gave her a sad look like he knew something she didn't.

"I'm sorry." He said

Sorry for what? She thought as he left.

Uraraka walked around the bed and sat in the chair All Might left empty to gathered herself for a few moments. She steadied her breathing and wiped her eyes again not wanting to cry as she said what she wanted to say. Something she's been wanting to say since she met the plain looking boy now laying in front her unconscious with almost his whole body in a cast.

Uraraka laid her hand carefully on top of Midoriya's casted arm and took a deep breath readying herself.

"Deku... I don't know if you can hear me. I'm really hoping you can because there's something I wanna tell you. This is actually pretty hard for me, but I need to do it." Uraraka said with a shaky voice as she looked down at her lap frowning

Then she heard a small grunt and her head shot up to look at the body her hand was laying on.

Brown met green as they were slowly revealed and she snatched her hand away to stand up.

"Deku, you're awake?!" She said a little too loud with a blush and it made Midoriya flinch groaning in pain

He blinked a few times obviously trying to clear us burry eyesight.

"Oh," He winces as he shifts

"Uraraka what are you doing here? Where am- wait where's kac-" Midoriya's eyes widened as his memory came rushing in like a waterfall into a river

Uraraka cut him off.

"All Might's in the hallway and you're in the hospital. You got hurt really bad and were unconscious for a few days. We're all worried about you."

That was a look of worry not a look of joy. He's just concerned is all.

"I- I'm sorry." Midoriya said

Again not a happy one, a pleading one, not because he almost sacrificed his life, but because he knows loosing him would cause people pain.

Uraraka laughed short with a small shake of her head.

Same ol' Deku.

"You don't have to apologize for being a hero Deku." She told him with a soft smile

Midoriya blushed a little and nodded as best as he could in his position.

Then there was a moment of awkward silence until Uraraka cleared her throat choking down her anxiety. She needed to do this before it was too late.

"I- I asked All Might if I could have some alone time with you..." she started

Midoriya furrowed his eyebrows curiously and out of shock.

"Wh- what for?" He questioned nervously

Uraraka swallowed hard.

"Because after I saw what you went through, I don't think I can wait any longer so I'll just come right out and say it. D- Deku I... I love you."

"You wh-" Midoriya started to question until they heard yelling outside in the hall

They both turn their heads towards the door to see who was interrupting their moment.

"I said I'm fine now let me see that idiot!" The voice shouted gruffly

"I'm sorry you'll have to wait." Another person said calm and deep

"Like hell I will!" The door slammed opened to reveal Bakugou in his hospital attire and bandages down his torso including his arms

Red met green.

"If you think you can die on me then you're dead meat Deku!" Was the first thing out of Bakugou's mouth as he walked to Midoriya's bedside with his usual frown

You can tell he was at least a little happy to see Midoriya when he frown turned soft like he was relieved.

"Kacchan you're okay!" Midoriya smiled sheepishly

Uraraka looked at the two during the interaction and saw Midoriya smiling.

He's smiling and it wasn't at her. It was at the boy yelling.

She saw something she didn't want too. Something maybe, she shouldn't have. Something she felt for the person laying on the bed.

Of only he would look at her that way, but it's obvious now that he doesn't. That he won't.

His favorite color is red after all.

"Young Bakugou you shouldn't interrupt. Young Uraraka was trying to tell Young Midoriya something." All Might said tiredly and with an apologetic look towards Uraraka

Then Bakugou's attention was on the girl. This being the second time he's probably ever payed any attention to her.

"I- it's fine." She smiled awkwardly

Bakugou frowned then looked at Midoriya who's smile had turned awkward looking too and back up to her.

"Shit." He said like he figured it out because it was that easy

"Um, I'm just going to leave now. We can talk later Deku. I'm glad you're awake."

As much as she didn't want to she had to accept reality.

She walked towards the door then stopped when Midoriya spoke up.

"Th- thank you Uraraka. I'll give you an answer when I'm better." Midoriya said looking down at his body with a small blush again

Bakugou frowned feeling unsure, which he didn't feel often. He hated that feeling.

"You don't have to rush, I think I kind of... already have my answer anyway. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Uraraka smiled genuinely as she left, All Might following her out and shutting the door

She stood outside the door and turned to All Might.

"You knew, didn't you Sensei?" Uraraka asked looking at her feet, tears threatening to pour out again

"I'm afraid I did. I'm sorry." All Might patted her on the shoulder again for some comfort

"Why didn't you stop me?"

"Because... having an answer, good or bad, is better than not having one at all. Don't you think?" All Might shrugged

"I guess. I don't know why I even thought I stood a chance against Bakugou." Uraraka said with a broken laugh

"Young Uraraka don't put yourself down like that. You're a special girl you'll find someone one day." All Might said meaning to be sincere, but used words that are over way overused

Uraraka nodded wiping her eyes with the heel of her hand she knew there was some truth to what All Might was saying. After all Uraraka was strong, smart, and knew what she wanted in life.

"Thank you All Might." She sniffled

"If it's any consolation. I don't think anyone stands a chance against young Bakugou, in that sense." All Might told her

"You're right Sensei, I guess Deku just has an affinity for Bakugou like no one else." She laughed quietly again at the hard truth

All Might have her a small smile. There may be a little pity in his eyes, but not too much. She didn't need pity right now.

"I'll be going now. I really need some rest after today." Uraraka bowed and took her leave giving All Might a wave

"I'm sure you do." All Might waved back at she walked down the hallway

"Poor girl, really never even had a chance." All Might muttered to himself

Then he stopped once he heard Midoriya and Bakugou's voice leaking though the door.

It sounded like their conversation was ending so All Might decided he would listen in. Only this once.


"You look like shit." Bakugou said after Uraraka left with All Might

"I know..." Midoriya gave a small pout

Bakugou's eyes flickered to the floor then back up.

"I'm... glad you're okay and awake." He added

Another smile grew on Midoriya's face.

"I'm glad you're okay too, but I have a lot of questions Kacchan." Then his smile faltered looking at Bakugou with big green eyes

Bakugou rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"You always have questions Nerd. Why don't you let me ask you one for once?" He said

"Okay... w- what?" Midoriya asked him curiously unable to really do anything else

"Why'd you do that to her?" Bakugou asked in a serious low tone

"Do what to who?" Midoriya questioned

"Pink cheeks. Why didn't you give her an answer before I came in here?" Bakugou looked to the side with a frown

"You kind of... interrupted us." Midoriya told him

Bakugou eyes snapped back to Midoriya.

"Oh." He said realizing what he did

Midoriya look down at his body. If he was able to move his arms he would be fiddling with his fingers.

"Besides I- I would've said the same thing even if you didn't interrupt us. I don't want to reject her while I'm... y'know, practically in a full body cast." He tried to shrug, but winced instead

"Well whose fault is that?" Bakugou crossed his arms also wincing from putting too much pressure on his wounds

"Mine." Midoriya answered looking at his feet that were casted and in separate slings

Bakugou looked around the room for a few seconds processing what Midoriya said.

"You uh- you said "reject her" why would you do that? Don't you like her?"

Bakugou and Midoriya didn't talk about things like that. When they hung out it was to study or train. There wasn't room for other things, but Bakugou had seen Midoriya blush at the brunette a few times so he just assumed he liked her romantically.

However, when he saw them together he always felt strange like Midoriya should be looking at him instead of her, but that was just Bakugou being selfish right?

Midoriya nodded.

"I like Uraraka. She is pretty, she's strong, kind, and a loyal friend, but just... n- not in the way she likes me."

"Hm." Bakugou said not really sure what to answer with

"Yea, so I feel like it would be better to tell her when I more healed. I just hope we can still be friends after, I'd hate to lose her." Midoriya explained with a small frown

"If you don't like her "that way" then wh- who do you like?" Bakugou asked suddenly nervous as he walked to the empty chair

What the hell, why was he nervous all of the sudden? It's just Deku.

"You really wanna know?" Midoriya questioned Bakugou like he didn't believe him

Bakugou scowled at the silent accusation.

"Well you don't have to tell me, but I kinda thought we were... friends or whatever. Don't friends share that type of shit with each other?" He defended himself

Midoriya huffed a small short laugh wincing again, but smiled brightly as always.

"I guess they do sometimes, but I don't think I'm ready to tell anyone yet." A blush dusted his pale cheeks

Bakugou nodded understandingly and leaned back in the chair to get comfortable.

"Right. Whatever, it's not like I wanted to know about your dumb nerd crush anyway."

Why did he ask in the first place? That was stupid.

"Kacchan, did you know my favorite color's red?" Midoriya smiled softly changing the subject

He was in a lot of pain, but Bakugou being there seemed to dull it a little.

Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Duh, how long we been together and you think I don't know something like that?" He scoffed at Midoriya's implication that he wouldn't know something so simple as his childhood friend's favorite color

"I knew you would know." Midoriya laughed lightly

"Then why'd you ask idiot?" Bakugou shot him a glare

"It's a- a hint." Midoriya stated blush deepening making his freckles more noticeable

"Hint for what?" Bakugou cocked an eyebrow

"For who I like." Midoriya smiled brightly again

"Tch- damn cryptic Nerd. How's that supposed to tell me who it is?!" Bakugou grumbled

Red? Kind of like his ey- no that couldn't be it.


"Jeez these kids are gonna dance around each other until the end of time." All Might muttered to himself again shaking his head after hearing the tail end of their conversation

"Oh, I need to go alert the the doctor that young Midoriya is awake." All Might rushed off


~I couldn't decide on the title of "Confession" or "Favorite Color." So I just went with confession because it made more sense technically lol.~

~I have a Ko-Fi! So if you guys would like to support me that would be great! You can donate any amount. Obviously you don't have to, I'll definitely understand.




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