
The Bus

Olivia woke up with a jolt. "What time is it?" were the first words out of her mouth that morning. She checked her alarm clock; 7:36 AM. 'Great,' she thought, 'First day back from winter break and, of course, I sleep through the alarm.' She rushed to get ready and dashed out the door.

Once she got to the bus stop, she started looking for her best friend Ema. They'd been best friends ever since they first met in first grade. Once she located Ema, she walked over.

"Oh. Hey, Olivia," said Ema, a little bit startled.

"Hey, Ema."

"Where were you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you seriously forget about going to TCBY before school?"

"Yeah, I guess. I slept through my alarm."

"Did you just forget to set it?"


"I can relate. Happened to me back in seventh."



"Hey, Ema?"


"There's something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Okay, what?"

"Hey," said Logan as he walked by them on his way to his group of friends. Olivia had been crushing on Logan ever since they first met in sixth grade.

"Well?" asked Ema, "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Olivia shrugged and said, "Nevermind," and walked over to the bus, which had just pulled in.


Olivia got on the bus and made her way to the seat she usually sat in, only to realize someone was already sitting there. "Um, excuse me?" said Olivia, shyly.

"What do you want?" asked the guy in her seat.

"I usually sit here, so I was, um, wondering if you could move."

"You got a problem with me sitting where I want?"

"No! You can sit there," said Olivia, as she made her way to the back. 'Man,' she thought, 'today is not my day.'

As Olivia walked to the back, she realized that her stomach hurt. Granted, she was in such a rush to get out the door that she forgot to eat breakfast. Luckily, she grabbed a pop-tart just in case.

Just as she pulled out her pop-tart, the bus pulled into the next station. As usual, she tried to stay hidden, which worked, because Logan sat down right next to her.

"Hey," said Logan as he sat down.

"Oh! Hi," said Olivia, startled. She nearly jumped out of her seat. She held out her pop-tart: "Want some?"

"Sure," said Logan as Olivia broke it in half and handed him some, "Thanks."

"No prob."

"Whatcha doin' in the back? Don't you usually sit up front?"

"You're right, I usually do sit up front. But somebody was already sitting there, and I didn't want to bug him, so I made my way back here. What about you?"

"Same as you."


"Yup. See you in math."

"Oh, wait. I just remembered that my mom is picking me up early to go to a doctor's appointment, so I won't be in math today."

"Oh. So... see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Wait, wanna sit with my friends and I at lunch today?"


"Kay. See you at lunch, then."

"See you at lunch," said Olivia as she walked into the building. 'Huh,' she thought, 'Maybe it is my day, after all.'