
A set up

Li Xiang's face looked shocked.

"Well what do people usually call you?"

The boy kept silent with his head down.

"I see." Li Xiang silently studied the boy before flashing a beaming smile. "Well then it's decided! You'll just have to come back with me then! I'll name you Li jun! You'll have the same surname as me!" The girl said excitedly as she was obviously proud of herself puffing out her chest while sticking her little nose in the air arrogantly.

"I'm not a dog!" The boy exclaimed helplessly. Despite sounding wronged the boy felt a weird surge of happiness in his heart. He now had a name! Despite the cruel names that others had called him. He gently lowered his head hiding his pure smile from the young girl who was completely immersed in her own self.

As if right on cue loud panicked voices rang out from under the bridge.

"Young miss where are you?!" "Please come out young miss or else the master will have our head!"

A bunch of tall built men in suits where looking high and low around the bridge for something while arguing back and forth between each other. The scene was quite comical.

One particularly standing out among the group. His posture and position seemed liked this guy was the one in charge. He had very dainty features and was quite fetching. However his temperament was....

"You big idiots! How did you loose her?! Hua Guozhi roared out.

They felt very wronged. The last thing they remembered was the little miss had picked a cute little cake stall that she wanted to sit and eat some cake at. After taking a couple of bites of the cake she ordered. She ran to the bathroom holding on to her little stomach in a hurry saying she would only be a second.

They were all men so of course they couldn't follow her in. They stood guard by the door patiently waiting for her to come out.

All the woman that passed gave them a weird look making them feel very helpless. They were waiting on their young miss ok?

However after about ten minutes they new something was up. They got one of the female staff from the shop to go in the bathroom to check on her.

The bathroom was completely empty the only thing out of place was the little shoe mark on the edge of the sink and the window above it which was completely opened up wide.

Their hearts instantly leaped out of their chests and into their throats. If anyone didn't know any better they would have thought the little girl was kidnapped however they knew their young miss best! She gave them the slip once again!

There young miss loved to make trouble running off and sneaking away and this was not her first time doing so. Hua Guozhi who was usually in charge of keeping watch over the young miss had errands the big boss wanted him to run so unfortunately couldn't join in on the outing with the young miss.

He was usually the one that was strict on the young miss keeping her from acting badly. He was the only one out of them who could even bare to scold their young miss However, everyone knew how much he really cared for her. Who thought their miss would take advantage of the fact he wasn't their to cause trouble.

They immediately called him up with a heavy heart explaining the situation to him which led to the following scene.

Li Xiang decided it was time to stop playing around and she was also quite excited to bring her new friend home with her and went to the edge of the bridge to call out to them.

"Oi up here!"

Li jun curiously peeked down. "You know them?" He curiously inquired. Just from looking at how well dressed and groomed they were you could tell they all came from some influential backround with money.

All the men looked up to see a very familiar face. "Young miss!" They all cried out in joy.

"Mm yup it's me!"

A man stepped out of the group seeming to be quite slender with a very gracile build. He had very beautiful features that were quite feminine if it wasn't for his cheek bones and Adam's apple you would have mistaking him for a girl.

"Wahhhh miss how could you run off like this Do you even care for this little one? Geez!"

Hua Guozhi grabbed the man known as Yuan Fen by his collar preventing him from running up the bridge and clinging on to their young miss.

Li Xiang's face scrunched up in disgust.

"Alright! we are heading down make sure to catch!"

"We?" Everyone looked up.

Li Xiang grabbed Li Jun from under his arms.

"What.. what are you trying to do.. you let me go!" Li Jun looked at her warily before flailing all about.

"Tsk" Li Xiang sucked her teeth.

"This is the fastest way down. Hold still!

Li Xiang Ignored his protest "Alright make sure you catch us!" All of a sudden they see a small tiny figure of a boy fly from off of the bridge like a kite. There mouths were opening and closing in shock. Of course with their level of skill catching him was no hard feat at all. They easily catches him before setting him on the ground.

Li Juns eyes were open wide he was so scared he didn't even have time to process what happened and when it happened. Only feeling the hard ground below him before sighing in relief and fainting.

"Alright I'm next!" Li Xiang threw herself off of the bridge next before looking down and almost fainting. Right below her was Hua Guozhi with an evil smile across his face with his arms open wide ready to catch her.

"Oi!" Li Xiang immediately started flapping her arms like a bird trying to float back up. But all for not. Everything happened so quick in the blank of an eye she was tightly secured in his arms with no Room to escape.

It's a set up I swear! Li Xiang started to wildly flail about trying to get loose. Finally getting tired and just giving up slumping into his arms.

"We're going home!"


Before she could even finish a strict harsh voice sounded out.


Li Xiang let out an aggrieved cry. Before her eyes shot open in surprise."

"Li Jun!"