
Something random for ya

(This has nothing to do with the real story its just a random story I made up, also art on the cover is not mine)

No one's POV

              "Great work yall!" Mao Mao said happily. "I did do pretty good didn't I" Badgerclops said "Yall both did great!" Adorabat said "You did espesilcy good my little deputy!" Adorabat smiled warmly in respones. *GASP* Mao Mao sighs "What is it this time Badgerc-" Mao Mao was interupted by a yelling Badgerclops "WHO ATE MY DOUNUTS!?" Badgerclops said angirly "it was probally stolen by some raccons or something, why do you care so much anyway there just doun-" "THEY WERE NOT JUST DOUNUTS, ME AND DOSE DOUNUTS HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH TOGHETHER!" Badgerclops yelled more angerly this time.

             "Badgerclops you had those dounts for like 13 minutes, besides we can just buy you so-" "SUUUUUUUUUUUSSHHHHHHHH" Silence was now upon the trio of heros until Badgerclops broke the silence "Do you guys hear that?" Silence, again "What are we supposed to be liseni-" Adorabats question was cut off by a sound coming from ouside the doors of HQ. "What, was that?" Mao Mao asked "I don't know, lets go check it out" All 3 heros nodded to eachother. They slowly approched the doors. "3" Badgerclops looks at Adorabat with worry in his eyes. "2" Adorabat retearns the same glare back at Badgerclops "1" Both Badgerclops and Adorabat look at Mao Mao. "GO!"

             All 3 heros jump out of the sliding doors weapons ready only to find a raccon in a knocked over trash can. Adorabat and Badgerclops sigh of relif puting away their weapons. "HEY, THOSE ARE MY DOUNUTS JERK!" Badgerclops yelled as he dived in the trash after the raccon."BADEECLOPS GET OUT OF THE TRASH!" Mao Mao yelled. "NOT UNTIL THIS JERK GIVES ME BACK MY DOUNUTS!" Badgerclops yelled back at Mao Mao while tussiling with the raccon "BADGERCLOPS FOR THE LAST TIME WE CAN GET YOU MORE DONUTS!" Mao Mao yelled. "Promise?" Badgerclops said. "Promise" Mao Mao said while letting his hand out to help Badgerclops. Bagerclops gleefully took Mao Mao's hand , being lifted up to his his feet. Badgerclops put his robotic arm around Mao Mao making Mao Mao blush slightly, Adorabat then flew on Badgerclops shoulder and they sat there and watched the sunset.

"Badgerclops you really stink"


(P.S How was my writing?)

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