Blue Moon has a secret she must keep from others, lest she risk her kind becoming extinct. not only is she a werewolf, she is also an indigenous Canadian, descended from the first peoples who have lived in harmony with nature for thousands of years before Europeans came to Turtle Island (Now known as North America). Her whole world changes when she meets a whole new kind of 'tribe', the traveling, hitchhikers and train hoppers of North America. Blue becomes captivated by the free spirits she meets and before she knows it, she has a hiking bag packed and ready to go. Blue experiences both freedom and hardship, maybe even love, as she also struggles to keep her true identity as a werewolf hidden. will she survive the hardships of the road? or will she end up with a broken heart and a bus ticket home?
Lucene Weasletail was in the kitchen, putting ingredients together to make bannock (a bread like food made by indigenous peoples) with wild rice, trying to work around her enlarged belly. She was heavily pregnant with her first child, due any day now. Her husband, William Whitewolf, a husky man who was Plains Cree on his mother's side, Dene on his father's,(although not officially married by the church, they considered themselves husband and wife) was in the tiny living room watching a baseball game. Lucene was 30 years young, and was with her first child later than most of the women she knew in her community who had their first in their 20's or even as teens. Lucene's mother was 17 when Lucene was born, and she had just finished residential school. Lucene was a child concieved through rape while her mother was at residential school. For those who are unaware, from the 1800's onward, European colonists would force young indigenous children from the ages of 6 to 17, to attend residential schools, where they often suffered abuse, from beatings to rapes, even death, at the hands of men and women of 'God'. The schools were run by the Catholic church, and if parents refused to allow their children to attend, they would be jailed. Lucene's mother took her to an isolated Northern community soon after birth to ensure Lucene's safety. Around the time Lucene was born the Sixties Scoop was afoot, where young indigenous children were taken from their families and adopted or sold to White families. Residential schools were also still taking children , the last one not closing until the 1990's. Lucene's husband was a sixties scoop victim, suffering abuse at the hands of his so called adoptive family. When Lucene was 17 she moved back down south to the community her family was from, a year earlier her mother had passed away from a drug overdose paired with alcohol. She met William two years later. Lucene's mother was of Cree heritage, The only telltale sign Lucene had of being half white, was her sparkling blue eyes, which paired well with her dark skin, giving her a striking look. Lucene was just about to put the bannock in the oven when she felt a hot, wet substance dripping down her leg. 'William!' she called, 'The baby's coming! my water just broke!'