
Chapter 1: Here he comes

once there was this thing.... or guy, i don't know. and he was like... very dumb, like stupidly dumb. i don't know why but i guess he was dropped on the head when he was a baby. anyway he did something and i'm writing about said thing so what ever.

"OK, so like, this is the part that i introduce to our character, he lives in a house with one neighbour and close to a town where he enjoys to roam, i'm of course talking about Bad Man *its in the title* and ill just give him the transcript here" said on ominous voice

Bad Man - "hello, i am Bad Man and... Uh... i am a person... or something. i should probably stop reading this random piece of paper i found. people are giving me weird looks."

Bad man had a simple routine, he would wake up at 7am... or 4pm depending on what he fells like and he always goes straight to his only neighbour and friend, Jeff. Bad Man dose not walk on the cement pathway like the local government intended for people to do but instead walked on the grass like a degenerate. he steps on Jeff's doorstep and knocks constantly till he answers. Jeff slams the door open, thinking it was the Jehovah's witness but instead was Bad Man as always. "BAD MAN! i though you were one of those kids talking about where i will go when i die." Jeff exclaimed

Bad Man always replies with a simple "Hello Jeff". Jeff slumps down looking tired greeting him back, "did you come back for another cup of custard?" Jeff exclaimed. "no, was just wondering if you want to join me for another adventure today?" Bad Man quickly replied. Jeff sighed and nodded. Bad Man screamed in excitement, signalled Jeff to follow him and started running off. Jeff trails at a slower trying to keep him in view to make sure he doesn't do anything embarrassing or dangerous.

after a good 10 minutes of walking Bad Man stops at a halt, Jeff only seconds later flopping on the ground from climbing the hill. "Were Here!" Bad Man shouted. the site being the edge of a cliff, overseeing the ocean around it. "what are we here for Bad Man" questioned Jeff as he leans over the edge. Bad Man stepped back a few times and got into a readying position, "what are you doing" Jeff Asked as he got back onto his feet. Bad Man started bolting towards the edge of the cliff, Jeff reaches out trying to stop Bad Man from committing the jump, Bad Man narrowly misses Jeff and preforms the biggest leap the whole human race has ever seen. He flattens himself head first to stick the landing.

The he get fricking impaled by a rock spike and dies, yeah... thats the type of person he is.

what can i say, things like this happen.

go home

there is no more

he is legit dead.