
The Fall. (prologue)

I sat on the edge of a rooftop looking at my Hands as they began to tremble.

By my side was a small stuffed rabbit with a slight ting of brown staining it.

Why did this happen, where did everything go wrong I thought with anguish in my heart.

I tried so hard to do the right things and live a good life have my own family to look after but it seemed after everything was said and done his efforts made no difference.

The world was a cruel place.

This world isn't meant for me and I'm not meant for this world, I thought

not without her

I had no close relatives left, they either abandoned me at the fist signs of trouble or died long ago, his child she would have been 5 years old this month was the last family he had and he hated his weakness to not be able to protect her. It should have been me but I am so powerless.

He was alone, betrayed by the mother of his child as she ran away to save her own life and he was abandoned by all the people he held dear at one point.

Stretching my hand out to the full moon as the tears finally rained down my face. I've given up

He wanted to yell and scream but nobody would hear him, there was no one left in this building ...thanks to them the building was empty.

This city was in flames amidst piles of rubble he was at one of the few remaining buildings left standing.

This war was the cause of this and over nothing. Humanity has reached the end of its greed there where no rich and there was no poor only death.

The fighting wasn't over money, or oil, or food but to survive

5yrs ago

the year was 2038

Gates from another world opened up and seemed to engulf the world with there presence.

Out of these gates monsters and demons and creatures straight from fairytales and fantasies ravaged the land.

While many people through out the world thought this was the end there were numerous people who became hopeful

They thought that this was something right out of a webtoon or anime.

As people died and some fled away from these gates, others waited for a system prompt or a worldwide announcement saying they were chosen to be heros to save the world.

Nothing happened

No heros emerged, no powers awakened.

This was simply the end of mankind and the invaders didn't want anything but conquest and the need for more.more death, we were just in the way.

Different groups of gates where not the same as others. Many finally understood that this was not an invasion from one world but many.

Many lives were lost and there was no hope in site, modern weapons had no effect on these creatures. Even if they did mankind had no time to react

As I sat on the ledge was about to make the choice that many before me made.

Some would say the easy way but this long after the gates appeared there is no way ive had an easy time.

Monsters weren't around the building I was at simply for the fact why bother the world was theirs and humanities end was right around the corner.

He looked to be 30 years old. He had a unsettling look on his face and his clothes where nothing but rags.

I hated the monsters that ruined my family I didn't care about the world I only wanted my family back. I clenched my fist so hard I could feel blood on my fingertips.

I wish I could kill you, I wish I could give you as much pain and loss as I have felt.

If I jump maybe I will land on one of those bastards, and they will know I escaped when they see my mutilated body...okay probably not but this was the end there was no where to go he was so angry though it was as if he saw red all around him.

Then a thought came to mind it was so crazy he almost had to question his sanity, but then again who would be sane in this place.

I stood up on the ledge and I looked at the portal that was a block away and turned and ran down the stairs towards the first floor of the building.

If I was going to die no matter what I did why would I not run through the gate to certain death.

In the past army's and citizens tried to force there way into gates but what was the point of going to the other side if we would die right away.

My reason was simple if I can get over there maybe they left the weak at home.

I will get my revenge

Laughing maniacly down the stairs I arrived at the street.

My fear wanted to kick in but what is there to fear when you are ready for death.

I ran and you could hear my footsteps in the quiet night slapping into concrete

I started to see eyes in the dark the closer I got to the gate but to my surprise they didn't pay to much attention to me

Some saw where I was going and I could hear laughing coming from the darkness

I almost hesitated but it was already to late I was already to far if I didn't do this my sanity would not last here much less my life.

20 ft


I was almost there the growls and laughter coming from around me

Something grabbed at my feet but yanking my leg away I jumped into the pure nothingness that was the gate then...


Did I die

How can I think if I am dead

Where am I

(A voice rang out)

"Oh hero if only you made the choice sooner"

What is this place, I thought

As if answering me the voice rang out once more.

"You are at the in-between, and this is where you gain power to fight for your world."

I was shocked and then laughed uncontrollably

"Why do you laugh so" reverberated the voice

After a moment I calmed down as tears sprang up in my eyes again

Why now. what is the point my world is over, everyone is dead my family is dead my daughter...I trailed off

"Yes it is a shame if only you made the choice sooner and gained the courage to do what few thought to do you could have saved them all"

"They where strong indestructible and I am a father first I could not take that risk " I sobbed withering on the ground

"What do you plan to do now oh heroic coward who is also a father," it mocked




Yes!!?, said the voice?


laughter rang out in the darkness