
The Bad Boy's Protective

Hailey's p.o.v

I had got myself a bathroom pass, needing to breathe for a moment. As I headed into the bathroom, someone came out of one of the stalls giggling. I looked up, realising it was 2 people. Avery and some girl. I cannot remember her name. he was pulling up the zipper of his jeans. The girl fixing her skirt and hair.

"Oh My God, I'm sorry" I said embarrassed.

"Hey, sweet baby girl" Avery said winking at me.

I put my head down, ignoring him and rushing into one of the stalls, locking it behind me. I do not even want to know what they were doing in that stall. I had a good idea, though. Eww. I stayed in the booth until the bathroom fell silent, and I heard a bathroom door close over. I walked out, wishing I had stayed in class now.

"Hey baby girl" I heard making me jump. I looked up to find him sitting next to one of the sinks. He had a smirk on his lips, his hair was a little messed up too. I swallowed hard, staring at him. I know I should pull away. I wanted too but I couldn't.

"Um...hi" I stuttered out. I eventually pulled my eyes away from him, heading to the sink to wash my hands. Doing it longer than I needed too. I was hoping he would get the hint and leave, but he never did.

"Are you not talking?" he asked

"I...I...Why are you still here? This is the girls bathroom you are in" I asked, giggling nervously.

"Was closer than the guy's bathroom" he shrugged

"Ok. I am gonna go now" I said, walking away from him. As I reached for the doorhandle to leave, he soon stopped me. He turned me around to face him, trapping me between him and the door. "What, what....what are you doing?" I whimpered out. He reached in, his hand landing on om face, stroking my cheek. He was looking at me with an intense look. He licked his lips as he watched me, making me automatically do the same. He was not going to kiss me was he? What am I thinking, obviously not? He moved closer to me, his front slightly against mine.

"Do I make you nervous?" he whispered. His lips were kissing the corner of my mouth, making me whimper.

"Yes" I breathed out.

"Why?" he asked, his lips now trailing my jawline. I was not sure what he was doing to me. It was also giving me butterflies at the same time right in the pit of my stomach.

"I don't know." I finally managed to whisper.

"is it because I am bad?" he asked "Everything you heard about me is true" he added

"Maybe" I said

"I don't bite honestly. Well, not unless you want me too" he chuckled darkly, pulling his lips away from mine, his body still close to me. I looked at him, searching his face. I was trying to work out what he was thinking. I could not read him. He watched me, watching him, a smirk slowly creeping on his lips. "You are attracted to me Hailey. You want me. That is why I make you nervous." He said smugly

"I am not. I don't" I whimpered

"Yes, you do. You should probably stay away from me cause I can turn a good girl bad in moment." He said, stroking my forearm with his fingertips, making my body shiver.

I shook my head at him, he never seemed to believe me.

"well, see you around baby girl" he winked, moving me from to door before walking out.

"oh whoa" I breathed out, stumbling a little. That was intense. My heart was thudding. My pulse was racing, and my palms were sweating. I was a hot mess after only being alone for 2 minutes with the bad boy. Not even Joshua had that effect on me. Not in that way. I took a few deep breaths, throwing some cold water on my face and pulling myself together before going back to class. Avery no-where in sight. Thank god.

I could not concentrate on my next class all due to my encounter in the bathroom with Avery. I could still feel his touch on her skin. Now it was lunchtime which I was thankful for. I headed to the lunch hall, where I was meeting Layla for lunch. I hated walking in alone, mainly because I know Joshua will be there with her. I put my head down, heading to a table in in the corner, hoping they wouldn't see me. I sat there waiting for Layla, and I was getting more anxious by the second.

"Hey, virgin your friend probably doesn't wanna be seen with you." I heard, Mandy appearing in front of me with Joshua and another couple of people. I decided to try my best to ignore them, hoping they would go away. They never did though. They stood there taking shots at me.

"I still can't believe you thought that I ever wanted you, Hailey. Look at you" "Joshua laughed, everyone joining in.

I was trying my hardest not to cry because that would make it worse for me. I do not understand why people can be this cruel to people for no reason except for the sake of it. I closed my eyes over, hoping it was only a bad dream, but that was not the case. I just wish they would go away.

"You have 2 seconds to step the fuck away from her Morrison" I heard someone hiss. I looked up seeing Avery making his way over to my table. Joshua pulled his attention from me towards him.

"What the fuck you gonna do about it Freeman?" Joshua hissed.

"you know first-hand what the fuck I can do" Avery snapped back

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking too?" Joshua growled.

"You. Who else dumbass? I will not tell you again. Get the fuck away from her. Right now, before I make you." Avery replied. The 2 of them stood there, staring each other down. They both seemed to know each other, but how? They seemed to hate each other. Next thing I knew they were nose to nose with one and other....hate in both their eyes. I sat there, not knowing what to do or say. Everyone else was standing around, staring and whispering.

"I am not scared of you Avery" Joshua snarled.

"You sure about that?" Avery smirked, his fists clenching. Darkness taking over his full face. Joshua soon backing away from him.

"This isn't over" Joshua growled at him.

"yes, it is. I see you near Hailey or hear you speaking one bad word about her I will ruin you in more ways than one. You know I can." Avery said smugly

"She isn't even worth it" Joshua laughed, looking at me. With that I see Avery going to dive at Joshua before he could.

"Enough! Both of you!" the principle called out, entering the dining hall. With that, Joshua turned walking away. Avery stood glaring after him for a moment. I have never seen such hatred in someone's eyes, the way Avery was looking at Joshua. I wonder what went on there. One thing I was wondering was why he is sticking up for me? He barely knows me. He turned his attention back to me. The darkness has disappeared a little, and he sat across from me.

"You ok?" he asked softly

"Not really. Thank you for that though" I said managing a small smile at him.

"Anytime. Hailey, you need to learn to stick up for yourself. Joshua is all talk. He is a coward and a pathetic excuse of a man." Avery said.

"It isn't just him, though, is it?" I said sighing.

"They are all the same." He said looking in their direction, him and Joshua staring each other down from afar. It lasted another moment before his attention fell back on me. He reached in, wiping a few stray tears away that I never realised had fallen. "Better. Joshua is not worth your tears Hailey. None of them are." He said, giving me a small smile, pulling his hand away from me. I wish it were that easy. I sighed again, running my hands through my dark hair, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I opened them, looking at Avery who was still watching me.

"Do you and Joshua know each other?" I asked. At the mention of his name, Avery's full body tensed. The darkness appeared on his face again. Maybe I should not have asked. He took a deep breath, his face softening a little, making me relax too.

"yes, sadly we do" he said rolling his eyes

"how? You went to different schools and he never mentioned you." I asked.

"that baby girl, is a story for another time." He winked. I nodded, not wanting to push it. "You not gonna eat?" he asks, raising his brow at me.

"Not hungry" I said shrugging.

"you need to eat. I will grab us something. Anything you can't eat?" he asked. I looked at him strangely, making him chuckle and shook my head. He nodded, smiling and heading to the food line. He appeared back a few minutes later, passing me a chicken and bacon sandwich and a bottle of water. Him having the same as me. He dug right in, I however, really wasn't hungry right now, would get something when I got home. "Eat!" he said sternly, glaring at me a little. I went to protest, but he raised his brow, giving me a stern look. I nodded, doing as he asked. What is that all about forcing me to eat. A comfortable silence fell between us as we ate. I check my phone. A message from Layla, telling me she would not make lunch. She was doing a resit test for something. I could feel everyone looking at me, probably wondering why someone like Avery was sitting with little old me. I put my head down, ignoring the stares and ate my lunch before I get a lecture from Avery. "What is your next class?" he asked

"Art with Miss Sanders" I said

"Me too. Come on. I will walk you to class. Well, nipping out for a smoke first. Let's go baby girl" he smiled, standing up. I nodded, doing the same. Avery waited for me, keeping me close to him. We headed out not before him and Joshua had another stare-down with one and another. Seriously what went on with them, it seems terrible. I decided to stop thinking about Joshua for the time being. He led us outside, heading behind one of the buildings. One that none of the teachers bothered coming to. It was where most of the people went to smoke by the look of things. He hopped up on the wall, lighting his cigarette. I stood there awkwardly, making him chuckle before patting the spot next to him. I jumped up, sitting next to him. "Cig?" he asked

"no thanks. I don't smoke" I said

"How does that not surprise me?" he laughed.

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" I said, pretending to be offended before giggling.

"I bet you don't drink, party or have sex either, am I right?" he asked cocking his brow at me. He was right, I do not do any of that. He does not need to point it out.

"Yes, you are" I said in a whisper.

"We may need to change that. Your only young once baby girl. In time. I won't righ those things on you" he said with a smirk. In time? Is he planning on spending more time with me? I don't know how I feel about that...hmmm.

"in time?" I said raising my brow.

"What did you think I was gonna let you be after today?" he smirked and I nodded "not gonna happen kitten. What would be fun in that? You and I are gonna be spending a lot of time together." He added, smiling. It was a genuine smile, not a smirk like he usually does.

"We are?" I asked surprised.

"Yup. What are your thoughts on that?" he asked

"I don't know. You have trouble written all over you" I said, giggling a little.

"Well, duh! That is what will make this fun. We can get in some trouble together. Not too much though. I don't want you losing that sweetness and innocence you have about you too much." He winked

"Um... we will see" I laughed.

"Yes, we will. You will agree eventually cause not many girls can resist me hailey" he said smugly. I shook my head, laughing at him. Cocky much? I was still trying to get my head around the way he was acting right now. I thought he was a bad boy that spent his life getting into trouble? Right now, he seemed kind of sweet in his own sort of way. "We better go before we are late. We cannot have you being late, can we? You probably have the perfect record." He laughed

"Yes I kind of do" I giggled, shrugging it off, making him laugh.

"Ok dork" he said teasingly, nudging me gently

"shut up" I laughed, pushing him gently. I smiled to myself a little. Avery had made me feel better after my shitty day. I could still not work out if being around him was gonna be a good or a bad thing for me. Time will tell, won't it?