
A Breath Into The Past

"Mommy! Mommy! I really want to play on the rock wall over there!" I say, desperately. "Alright, don't get hurt sweetie, I'll be here watching." A lady says, who seems to be my mother. I climb the rock wall, my palms are sweaty. I feel as if I might slip. "H-Help me!! Mommy!" I yell and cry. Then I fall down, but it doesn't seem like I hit hard. I look up, slowly opening my eyes. I see a boy with black hair, he seems to be about my age. "Are you alright?" He says. I nod, crying with tears streaming down my rose cheeks. I can hear my mother, thanking the boy many times. I was far up there, almost to the part where I could've broke my arm and even legs. In a flash, I can't remember anything else but a name, so distant, but I can't.

I hear a voice calling my name. "Wake up, I don't keep you just to cause a burden! Piece of crap.." Aunt Ella says. I get off my bed and I put in my clothes and do my basic routine. "I made fresh butter buns there, enjoy them as you please. Do not even try to drop those wasteful crumbs." She says as she heads down the wooden stairs.

I sit down on the chair, eating a bun. I look at my phone, I scroll continuously until I find the school blog. I curiously click on it. "New student transferred to Lusten Tin High. And it's a male, a pretty cute Korean male. Get ready ladies!" I read those sentences. I couldn't care less, it's just a guy.

I get dropped off to school, as I go in, a crowd of girls surround something. It seems to be a person, a guy. I walk past them, pushing through. I bump into someone. "Eeeek!" I say, shocked. I look up, seems to be him, the new student. "Could you..get off?" He says, disturbed. "Uh, yeah, sorry!" I say. He looks Korean and all, but at least he knows English. I take a deep breathe. He stands up and takes out his hand. "Here." He says, looking down. I take his hand. "Thank you." I say in embarrassment.

"What's your name?" He asks. I look around, people staring at me. I hesitate and say, "My name is Becky, nice to meet you." "Becky sounds like something I know." He rubs his chin, curious to look into me. A person crashes onto his back, something slips out of his pocket. While he turns around to confront the person, I look at what has dropped. It's a picture, a picture of a kid who seems to be him, and a girl...who looks almost like me when I was a child. He turns around and picks it up.

"Sorry how rude of me. I should probably go now." He says. "Great you messed it up." Said a girl, then a another nodded and agreed. I look at myself with disappointment. Dylan pops up. "Bro, stop right there." He blocks the way of the new student. "What?" He says. "You literally made her upset, not cool, totally not cool. Not the way to treat Becky. As in Becky, Becky Frest." He says briefly, trying to drag attention, more attention. "B-Becky. Becky Frest?! I know her. For sure, I know her, I always wanted to tell her goodbye but I never had the chance." The new student looks down, in regret. I look from beyond, I know, it was him.

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