
Bad Blood: Villains Love

UPDATED SUMMARY!!! [ Mischevious darlings ] Born as the Daugther of Marquess from a most prosperous kingdom that hailed from the Haelan Empire. She was born to have a brighter feature, glory, and all of the beauty in the kingdom of Atharta. Nonetheless, a feature determined to be a Queen ruling the kingdom. Adelaide ---- was betrothed by the Crown Prince from birth. But there were also unexpected obstacles she has yet to face. Little did she know there would be another rising star outshining her light, and stealing every future she had. Now known as a "wicked wench" by all the people, she lost her dignity and hope for anything. Heartbroken, anguish, and bitter betrayal she experienced all at once. She was almost usurped by the troublesome corrupted that took advantage of her broken heart until she was saved by one of her known enemies. Damien Von Heinrich is such a bright and extravagant character. A powerful man who was taking a liking to her ever since. Adelaide could not help but always reject every advance on him because all his lineage flows in his blood. But in the end, they become an ally till her heart beats to him. ------------- Hate to Love // Enemies to Lovers Royal Affairs // Medieval Times Romance // Slowly developed romance. Mystery//horror of some part

caeslesta · Fantasy
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21 Chs

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One might ask how the ' corruption ' started, but all of them knew every fragment of what happened the day the gracious Prince of Sun did to his own family. Stories spread fire across the realm, sharing various interpretations of it. People say he was enraged by the Chosen Ruler of the throne, few say it was love rivalry and the other one told it was all about the wrongdoings to their Realm which he has revealed.

However, it was still a mystery that was left unsolved. Why did the Prince of Sun betray his beloved realm? He was calm, delightful and charming but how did he end being the Villain of his land?

It only began when the Prince of Sun, made a bargain with the devil of Pride. Both were fallen by grace, and the Devil was felt unified from the man. As the agreement settled down to stone, the Prince succumbed to the darkness and forgot his purity, leaving all his judgements of good from him.

With his corrupted state, he hurls his younger brother, Devan, from the chasm of despair and has suffered endless grief. And it was the Daemon Clan, that rules over the Abyss to that extent. They Provoked a war between realms, and which the Prince of Dawn risen from his feet. The sole reason of Heinrich's bloodline, A half-human and half-demon of modest.

Even after what happened 7000 years ago, it is still a wound that never heals. A scar that left among humanity, which they never forget. Remembering the past and the mayhem unravelled by those Devils, they only dreamed of having a peaceful dream. And that is why the Heinrich Heirs were scorned amongst folk.

The bequest of 'Daemons' flow through them. As the sayings go " Blood is thicker than water," and one might fear the true intention of their power.

And Until now, those called " Corruption " still lingers through the darkness, causing an uproar. The despair and misery caused them to be that, once drastic remorse lingers through their aura a negative entity shall retain them, making them a puppet in the conflict.


" My sire, You have misunderstood my Master's intention. He is not a dire person as you taught to be," the raven-haired lad mumbled at the Knight lowly, Felix recoiled at the sudden address.

He stepped at the lad closely, whilst the young boy still lowered his head. " You think I believe those despicable statements I just heard? I think I should recall that your so-called ' Master ' comes from a wretched Clan," he whispers in his ears by most threatening voice.

The boy retreats slightly. His breath hitched.

" I apologized for speaking up, sire, I should be careful next time," looking at his eyes one time and looks away, however, there was no hint of fear through his expressions. A calm composure, and remaining unfazed.

Even servants have the same attitude to their masters, he speculated surprisingly. It is odd and creepy, which those emotionless faces were always displayed in their nature.

' Still blinded from those Dupe's words, I believe, you are the one who is pathetic,' the young lad thought in his head. They thought they all knew what Heinrich's is to accuse them, but deep in its truth, they were the Victim.

Felix turned back again, " Tsk. Bring me to where I assigned at, and ask a servant to bring me a cup of tea," " Also maybe a food tester, who knows, there might be a poison set in it,"

Felix was still wary of them, and the young lad can only hide his bitterness from the request. He needed to suppress his anger or else their plan will fail.

" As you ordered, and I will bring in the tea in your camp. This way, Please, " the lad nonchalantly speaks up, his still facing on the ground avoiding the eyes that pierce. He led the way with his other hands on the sheathed sword. Until they were at Felix's residence, the knight slowly went in. Examining the place once confirmed he shooed away the young lad.


Few days have now past and Adelaide was in her room breezing herself from the wind cool current.

She was somehow tired.. more drowsy than her usual days or maybe months per se.

Odd she might add, but maybe the few days of sparring in the ground and more etiquette classes increasing her usual days had made her more exhausted. Adelaide never knew existing in a High society would be tiring, she pouted a sigh.

All her servants were quite busy for now, immersed by unending chores for the approaching Debut and Bouquet hosted by Heinrich. While Hannah was outside in her room, waiting for her Lady's call.

Then an idea struck like lightning upon her. She already has permission to go outside the mansion, so why used the chance to have a little leisure while her parents were away?

" Hannah are you there?"

" Yes, my lady,"

" Excellent! Call in our Coachman and a guard. Furthermore, get prepared, we are going to the market,"

" As you requested, My lady," the maid tiptoed and off she goes from her lady requested.

the young lady was full of joy to experience once a lifetime opportunity to go out in their humble abode. She twirled around, dancing elegantly like no one was watching, and humming a melodic song as she changes.


" Wow, the market does indeed live to their reputation!" I looked around at my surroundings, I'm crowded with happiness.

The Market was full of life, vendors selling costly things, the food's aroma that lingers throughout the air. Oh, how I wanted this to happen. My dream has finally come true!

" My lady, the boutique is around the corners," Hannah approached me, she was carrying the boxes with lavishly wrapped papers. Inside of them is biscuits with fine taste and glamorous accessories.

Accompanied by my maid, I roamed and explore the place taking my time to mesmerise. A performer was introduced in the middle of nowhere, people cheered up to both of them. The other person waved their hand until the cheers were calmed down.

The entertainers then dance gracefully tale-telling legends of many ancestors. The people's happiness and their smiles had warm my heart, for once I can act like a normal person.

My mind and eyes were fixated on the entertainers when a sturdy and hard thing bumped from my way.

" Ehhh-ouch!"

" My lady!! " Hannah rushed in dropping the boxes from the floor slowly. Reaching out her hand to me. " My lady, are you okay?? Did your feet have some scratches??"

What the heck is that?! My back hurts... I have never been bumped like that in my entire life... It was hard truly. Like a rock and I also fell with a hard floor.

" My b..back hurts... Wh...at was that...?" I was trying to hold on to my pain, the impact from the fall has made me feel unable to speak.

I looked up to see a cloaked figure person. " I am so sorry, I didn't see you,"

Hannah snapped in front of them. " You-! Your reckless behaviour had made my lady in danger! What will you do if my lady couldn't walk anymore?!". Silly girl... she even tried to raise her voice that even the whole market hears her.

The whispers covered the whole market, and the performance was halted. As if we were the one who is on drama play. The embarrassment I felt that will traumatise me for a while.

The cloaked person coughs " I don't mean to bump into the lady, please if I may, I will try to heal her,"

My back was still in tremendous agony, I hurriedly nod to end this. Hannah scoffed letting her eyes roll and let the cloaked person come closer to me, their hands reached out to me. Their figure seems to be familiar...


The person helped Adelaide sat down from a chair near them, poor lady her back was aching that she was unable to move.

The cloaked person gives the lady a pill, it was nothing to let their guard up also. A seemingly normal pill to ease the pain. Minutes later Adelaide was able to comprehend everything without the pain. Hannah was still on her guard, she was still sour from the incident.

Before the mysterious person left them, Adelaide called. " Wait! Just stand there! " she stammered.

" Yes?"

" Have we met before?" Adelaide looks at the person with wonder. " Your presence feels familiar to me,"

The person flinch but they shrugged it off,

" It depends my lady, I'm somehow everywhere in every sight, I am the night and the day," the person smiles as they leave.

'And what does that even mean, why is this person speaking riddles or something,'

Hannah stuck out her tongue from the cloaked person, showing her scorn. " What a disrespectful individual!" she sneered. The maid hold Adelaide's hand " Once you had the debut your name will be everywhere!"

The lady got up, " Come on now, let's forget that incident for now," steadying up herself properly " We can't waste more time with useless matters, the boutique might close soon,"