
1- This time it is over

Right at midnight, I heard loud banging on my bedroom door, disturbing my beauty sleep, and I valued sleep more than life itself. So, whoever this is they better be ready for what I'm about to do.

I sat up quickly as the door flew open revealing Jessica, my best friend, who's also my stepsister.

Oh, nevermind, I'm not gonna do a thing.

"What is it this time?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"We fought, again, and this time It is over, I promise-"

"When did you even get back together?" I cut her off, confused.

Jessica and Ryan, the unbreakable couple, and by saying that I'm only mocking them, because my friend and her boyfriend right here have been dating for two years, and bickering over stupid things is like a sport to them, and guess who has to deal with it? Moi, obviously.

"Well, He texted me and said he wanted to talk-"

"And of course, you agreed," I interrupted her once more, I'm just getting tired of them breaking up over stupid reasons.

"Would you please just let me speak?" she looked at me with fury in her big blue eyes, I nodded, Did I forget to mention that she has a quick temper? Yeah, it's basically the reason we became friends.

She took a deep breath "He said he wanted to talk about what happened this morning, and I thought, why not? So, we met at the diner for some milkshake, we made up, five minutes passed, and we picked up another fight but, it's really over this time, I'm so sick and tired of this, and actually, I blocked his number." she was shifting her glances all over the room after finishing her sentence, trying to avoid my eyes, when she did look at me, I smirked playfully,

"Oh, did you?" I smiled sweetly at her, not believing a word she said. It's not that I didn't trust her, it's the fact that she would never block his number, or delete it. Even if he ripped her heart out of her chest, she wouldn't do it.

It might seem like a very toxic relationship, but it's not. Once you get to know what is between them you'll understand that.

"Yup," she said casually, pursing her lips.


"Ok, I blocked his number then unblocked it again," Her eyes widened as she focused her gaze on the floor,

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, and by the way, you forgot to close the front door,"

"Oh." as she was about to get up, to go downstairs and close the door, her dad, my stepfather, knocked on the door that was already wide open and leaned against the door frame.

Jessica looked a lot like her father, Harry, blue eyes, a jawline you can use as a knife, porcelain skin, except that she inherited her mother's golden blonde hair.

"Before you say anything I was just about to go close the door, and yes, the tea was hot I needed to spill it," she said immediately, expecting his next words, "Alright, I already closed it, but don't do it again" He chuckled "Good night. sleep well, girls " we both smiled.

"Goodnight," we said in unison as he left the room.

"Just so you know, Ryan is an idiot, I mean, who would fight with you for such stupid reasons if he hasn't lost his mind?" I said, " You should probably go get your stuff from his house tomorrow." I suggested, or more like demanded. I heard her mumble something incoherently under her breath but ignored it.

Ryan makes her happy, and I completely understand that, but when they break up a couple of times every month, you know something doesn't add up, and Jessie is the only reason I haven't kicked his butt yet... yeah I can be like that sometimes.

I shooed Jessica out of the room to go back to my precious sleep.


I woke up the next morning, at 7:30, and began with my kind-of strict routine.

My alarm went off. I turned it off and hopped out of my bed and went to my bathroom.

I took my toothbrush to put a small amount of toothpaste on it and started brushing my teeth then I washed my face.

It was a little cold and cloudy, so I put on a sports bra, a hoodie, and running leggings.

I pulled my hair up in a ponytail as I went down the stairs quietly. After taking my phone and some money, and put my headphones around my neck.

Careful not to wake anyone up this early in the morning then, I went to the kitchen to drink some water, turning the music on and putting the headphones on my ears, I left the house and started running.

When I reached Arnold's Diner, it was already 8:40, I made my way inside and waited in the line for a couple of minutes to get coffee.

"Hey, Emma, What can I get you?" the barista, my friend Hannah, said with a thick Aussie accent and a genuine smile.

"Hey, Can I get a Latte macchiato, PLease?" I said, mimicking an Australian accent and Hannah started chuckling,

She handed me my drink, and I gave her a quick thanks, turning around, I saw Jessica and Ryan sitting next to each other in a booth in the far end of the diner, laughing?

It was that moment when I knew I screwed up.

I tried leaving the place without drawing their attention to me, But, stupid old clumsy me, thought it was time to take control.

Holding the cup in front of my chest, I walked in the direction of the door while looking at them, like an idiot might I add.

I heard to door open but, it's like my mind didn't register it, and in a matter of seconds my body collided with someone else's, and I could feel the hot liquid spill on my chest, I looked up, and my eyes met with the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen, they looked very familiar to me, and for a split second I forgot what was going on, then I started blinking, my eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry," we both said in unison" No, it was my fault," we said together once more.

I took a step back then remembered that I have to leave without Jessie noticing me, "I'm really sorry, I have to go." I glanced at him quickly before stepping out of the door, I threw my cup in the trash can outside the diner then made my way home.

My day is officially ruined.

It lingered in my mind for a while, how he was so familiar yet so strange. I've never met him before I know that, but a small part of me disagrees.

When I was on the front porch, I put my hand in my pocket, then remembered I forgot to take my keys, and it's Monday which means, mom and Harry already left for work but, why not try and knock?

So, I did, and surprisingly mom answered the door, "Hey, honey" she smiled and stepped aside opening the door wider for me to get inside and left to the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom," I said, closing the door behind me, "You aren't going to work today?" I ask as I make my way to the fridge to get a bottle of Gatorade.

"No, I took the day off," she said casually" And...I am making breakfast today" now that is a mood booster.

whenever mom and harry are not home we just end up making cereal because we know nothing about cooking, at all.

"Great! Thank you, Mom" I hugged her, I gulped down half of the bottle in my hand then ran upstairs to take a shower.

Next chapter