Everyone thinks she's cursed,they think she's a demon,they bully her,she has no friends,no one likes her. And for what?. Because she's never said a word. Coral Taylor is just a girl,a teenager like every other kids in her town but no one likes her,people run when she walks pass them. Her parents call her 'Baby' because she's never said her first words as yet,people think the family is cursed but its just Fate. Then Ryder Peters comes along, always partying and hanging out with his friends, he's the bad boy of school and the captain of the football team. Ryder stopped bad things from happening to Coral,he's just that sweet guy. Ryder gets stuck on the girl that's never spoken and tries to help her. Will 'Baby' break the silence or will she stay silent for the rest of her life.
I walked through the bustling hall,ignoring the whispers and eyes,I'm right here,just walk up to me and say it already!.
I got pushed into a wall harshly and the pain in my side made me walk much slower now,the girls laughed and yanked my hair,I didn't do anything because I couldn't.
The teacher looked over at me to see if I'm here,he nods then marked my name,and thanks to Daisy Parks,I had to be the laughing stock of class as usual.
"Baby can't talk?" Daisy says playing with my hair,I moved away but that made her angry.
grabbed my hair harder and I let her torture me,I'm used to it anyway.
My name is Coral Taylor,I have jet black hair and green eyes, I live with my parents who are very rich and well known in our town,its a huge town but I've never been everywhere,no one likes me because I've never spoken, rumors are spreading everyday, lies and lies but that doesn't bother me, my parents are still waiting on my first words but I'm not. I'm not an only child,I have an older brother but he's a marine,I haven't seen him in years,its just two of us.
"Coral,is that you sweetheart?" Mother calls walking out of the kitchen.
She smiles and hugs me, "I missed you" she says and I nod hugging her.
I use signs to talk to my parents.
"I missed you too"I say with my hands,she wraps an arm around me.
"Now come on,I made your favorite MacN'Cheese"Mom says leading me over to the plate of cheesy delight.
I sat at the counter and ate slowly,no one knows why I've never spoken,they all assume that I'm a demon or a witch or something, but I don't let it bother me, my parents hide me in the house from the horrible people as Mother puts it,my father wants us to move away someday and I don't have a problem, we have houses in twenty different countries in the world,that's how rich my parents are,I'm seventeen,I have cousins who love me to the extreme, older,younger and same age,we get along great, we don't talk much and we mostly play games.
"Is everything okay?" father asks,we use sign language as I said before,"I'm fine "I say but he doesn't want to give up "is it school?" "I'm okay, thanks", I kissed his cheek before going up to my room,I closed the door then walked to my bed,I laid on it then grabbed my iPod and headphones, I played 'Rise Up' by Andra Day,I sigh thinking back on everything that's happened to me since I started school, I can't wait till we move.
The football team clogged the halls,oh boy, this is so great I tell yah,so so great. I pulled my bag and books up and prepared for the worst,walking through the halls, "hey Baby" Shaun,the main one who bugs me says and I ignore him "its rude to not answer a greeting you know" Reggie says grabbing my books,I didn't try to take them back because I knew what would happen if I do, I tried to walk pass them but to my happy day,they blocked me "what,no excuse me?,tsk tsk tsk, isn't that rude?" Shaun asked wrapping my hair around his finger "I'm sure mommy taught you manners", this happens everyday of my life,there is not one day I don't get pushed around,thank god for the bell,my books were thrown at me and I lost my balance, the boys laughed walking away,I pick up my books and head to class,my life is just great.
"Baby,I'll get them kicked off the team" Father says "no" I answer shaking my head "why not?" "they have important games and college" "if they knew that you were keeping them in school,they'd be sorry!" Mother walked out of my room upset,Father kissed my head before leaving, its hurting to see my family in pain because of me.
Honestly,I've read many books but I've never spoken nor heard my own voice,I don't know the sound of my parents' name coming from mouth,I'm not sick or anything, just never had my first words. Tutors have tried to get me to talk,doctors, lots of professionals but its no use,my parents still have hope but I'm not so eager, almost eighteen and I've never spoken in my whole life,and I don't have a problem with it at all,I've never tried because I'm never interested in talking.
What kids these days talk about is no conversation I want to be caught in,never in my life.
I sat under a tree on the school grounds,taking out my iPod and headphones, I listened to music watching the empty place. The bell went and that's the last time I remember silence in my sight,my headphones got grabbed,I look up at Shaun "oh hello Mute, how's everything?" he asks with a smirk, I ignore him getting up but he pushed me.
"Shaun, that's enough" someone says,I look at Ryder Peters,the football team captain,the most popular guy in school,and Daisy's imaginary future husband, she's all over him and what not. "Oh come on man,we're just having some fun,ain't that right Coral", I look away from both of them "just give that back and get to class", Shaun threw my headphones at me,it fell next to me,he walked away and I got up and walked away quickly.
Not that I'm not grateful that Ryder helped out but he kinda just made it worse,some cheerleaders saw what he did and they went all snappy fingers on their phones,soon the whole squad was swarming me. "Coral?, sweetheart, can we have a word?" Daisy says grabbing my shirt and dragging me towards her,she pinned me on the wall "look,Ryder Peters is way out of your league, you can't even form a single word, so I'm asking you to stay away from him!" Daisy grits,I so wanted to slap the blonde off her fake ass head,"got it?!"the whole squad threatened, I nod scared for my life,she pushed me on the floor and left,I got up and ran out, things just can't any worse can they.