psh Haha kid finna die
my boyfriend is amazing, exept hes clean over in another state and it's so hard not to see him everyday I call him he calls me we talk we smile we laugh and we are always happy to c eachother. We met online and started to become friends for almost 5 months then we slowly fell for eachother and then he said to me how he felt and of course I felt the same way and we just clicked. we have been together for 8 months now and have many inside jokes for example avacado. In my brothers phone avacado is his safe word to tell our dad he wants to go home but dosent want his girlfriend to be hurt. So I said why not avacado is my brothers safe word so why not use it for my boyfriend as in hes my safe person I go to for everything. I have avacado socks and avacado plushie, but so does he. These items are what connects us when we are so far from each other. Cute but weird I know that ls how everyone discibes us. His name is Cameron. Hes amazing, pretty, and so protective of me when he needs to be. Now that you know the gist of our relationship let's fast forward some time. Btw I'm a freshman rn