
Baby's Amazing Twist Of Fate.

Kara is a woman who has the underlying interest of being a mother. She kept this secret for so long,not even her father who is a General knew about it since he wasn't the type to care about females or more like their family hardly have anything to do with females. Her mother on the other end,died when giving birth to her since giving birth was even a probability,her mother had what is called ENDOMETRIOSIS which leads to painful mental cycle when when her mother was alive and it only stopped when her mother became pregnant with her. This same dilemma was passed on to her by her mother and now the thought of ever getting pregnant and carrying her own child was something she consider that it will never happen,so getting married was out of the league for her because the one precious thing to make her husband happy was like a life line or 50/50 chance. But one day changed her story Some months back,Kara made a trip to Caribbean were she met with a young business man named Vince Vario. She had the intentions of staying for a month for work related issues. They both became friends and before the day of his departure,they had a one night stand were no contraceptives and birth control was involved because Kara believed that she stand no chance of being pregnant. But after weeks of her return from Caribbean they never had each others contact since what they had was just fun. Not knowing that her life will completely change their encounter,she found out that she wasn't feeling too well,she took her medicine thinking is just the same illness starting up. But then it persisted so she visited her doctor and he told her that she was two weeks pregnant,she didn't believe so she opt for a pregnancy test which came out positive. And now she is prepared to keep it weather or not the baby grew up with a father,and besides she doesn't want to ever meet him again and even though the do, she has no plan of telling him because of fear of him rejecting the baby and not caring about it... WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW THAT VINCE VARIO IS BACK, WILL SHE TELL HIM ABOUT THE BABY...

Joy_B1 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

It's Difficult


" At least no matter what happens you will let my parents see their grandchild,... What something before I leave ",

 Vince said looking into her eyes, trying to see through her.

  "of course they can,.. that's if they want to",

  Kara said bringing her head down.

  "they would definitely want to see their grandchild,... I will be on my way,see you in the morning ",

  Vince said and gave her a perk on her forehead then turn towards the exit.

   Kara at that point felt the urge to cry, crying was becoming something she did so easily,.. maybe the were because of the hormones,she wasn't sure.

   The lock sound from the door brought her back to her senses and everywhere became silent again.

  Not being able to hold on any longer,Kara stumbled towards the stairs,to her bedroom and then curled herself up on the bed like a snake.

   Tiredness suddenly escalated. Despite the things she told Vince, ever since their last encounter she hasn't really been herself, being overwhelmed by worry and guilt almost every time she remembered it.

   Finally,now that she has explained to him, it did a good job in bringing down a huge burden she's been carrying for good seven months. Now she can relax pending till when Vince brings up the topic of them getting married.

   "some arrogant guy he is",

Kara said closing her eyes as fluffy curled himself right beside her foot.



  Vince sat in his hotel room late that night thinking about what Kara told him earlier. Although his blood boiling anger had diminished,his now covered in regrets. Despite the fact that their time together wasn't truly real but there is more to it than just that.

   "did she plan all this before we became friends ",

  Vince thought in his mind,but then even with that he wasn't angry at her. He felt as though she was right. It was partly his fault anyway.

  For some reason, Vince really admires Kara determination and courage. Although it might have been a terrible decision if everything they had was a lie.

  It was also true that a lot of men would have cared less if they fathered anyone,but then he can't do that because those attitudes are foreign to him and hope not to be one of them. He can't father a child and choose to abandon it, when it's not a belongings.


  Kara Wesley was someone ruled by the heart and that was something he also admired about her, emotions rather than thinking was what caused her to land on his bed.

   *"I really didn't need to seduce you"*

He smiled remembering her inaudible comment. But she was right because from the moment he'd set his eyes on her he was determined to get her on his bed.

 Being used was not in his league,but it wasn't completely her fault because he knows the world system yet he'd made it absolutely easy for Kara to gain what you wanted. 

He knew better than to let his body rule his head and common sense. Never in his had he made love without protection even as an undisciplined youth, but then he did broke his Cardinal rule with Kara.

  What was even more strange, was that he still wanted her with a baffling intensity despite the way she used him, despite his confused feeling about her and the child she's carrying.

This thoughts raced through being Vince's mind as he search for some resolutions. But his trail thoughts where stopped when the phone rang, it was an interruption to the commotions going on inside his mind.

 " Hello! "

"my son, I expected to hear sooner from you",

His mother said from the other end.

"Mom" ,

Vince said as an explicit smile curved his mouth, so much for the interruption,he loved her dearly but with everything so unsettled this wasn't a good time to speak with his family.

   "How's the cold there at Washington DC?",

  Came his mom's caring voice from the other end.

  "its the earliest month of the year Mother, so there must be cold everywhere ",

  Vince said with a face that look like that of a young teenager who is being asked a silly question whose being bothered by alot of stuffs.

  "you sound so..... far son,",

his mother asked with concern.

 "Is something wrong?",

 if only Kara had agreed to marry him he would have called his parents and ask them to come for the wedding, but she hasn't. Even more worst his daughter that she is carrying is that risk, if he told his family they would cry over their grandchild they might not be able to carry.

"I'm just busy and tired, that's all,.... There's nothing wrong "

 Vince murmured, knowing fully well that he was perpetuating a lie that Kara started.

Although his mother was not a woman who was easily swayed from worries, but she must have sense the certainty in his response.

  The spoke for some time and soon after he ended the call.

He had no doubts he would eventually convince Kara to marry him. She showed deep love for the baby and would surely recognize it was better for her thier child to have both a father and mother.

  "*it will definitely be difficult,.. but not impossible*

Sorry for dropping late

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