
Warp storm

ISD 0-0178-123

**Command Deck**

The naval personnel cheered as the battleship soars above the atmosphere of mars. Many officers raised a toast while others just simply basked the void of space near the viewports. Karios laid back in her chair and watched the gathered men and women cheer about as she slowly sipped on some chardonnay spiked with vodka. She waves over to the High Admiral.

"I want the experimental drive ready to be utilized once it's at full power. We're out here to explore and conquer after all." She'd giggle as she sipped her drink.

"It will be online shortly, I already have Seraph working on the calculations to Beta Quadrant sector IV. We should be ready to launch within a few hours." Ulysses glanced at the hologram above their heads, watching as different lines of code interact with the hologram of the ship.

**Hanger Section VIII**

"Henry, you up for some dog fighting after we jump?" Lieutenant Octavia was apart of reconnaissance wing Enigma, a specialized division with naval assets to survey lands and intercept hostile fighters. They wear green flight suits with black armor plates over vital areas. They also carry two laser pistols over each leg.

"You know how much I hate shock rounds right? Also shouldn't we be going to the briefing for planetary operations?" Sub-Lieutenant Henry would stress the last sentence, for they both have a bad track record for attending any form of briefings.

"Nah, rather tend to my baby. Never know when a crisis could happen. Besides we have each other to look out for." She jumped off her fighter and booped Henry's helmet with her on before going off to the cafeteria.

**Armory III**

General Zero could be seen tuning his blades as his specialized division were arming up ready for whatever dangers they're thrown towards. The 82nd Chimera corps was comprised of genetically modified soldiers with their own respective armors suiting their new forms. However each armor type had a similar colour scheme of a black base, and a blue scar across one part of their body armor.

"General, Alpha company is fully armed and ready for combat. Do you have information what kind of planet we'll be landing at?" Captain Alpha is a jaguar modified human, Alpha company was comprised of all the frontliner troopers who utilized nano blades and close quarter laser weapons to dominate entrenched or city environments.

"General, Beta company has all the equipment in full power. Where shall you send us?" Captain Beta is a wolf modified human, Beta company was comprised of all the ranged soldiers utilizing their keen senses to hunt down prey in the deepest of any enviornment.

The general looked at both of the Captains before placing his hand down infront interacting with a holographic world.  Each motion of his hand caused his plan to unfold before their eyes without saying a single word.

**B.L.I.N.K. Drive**

"Condition: Optimal charging levels explored, require human assets to filter cages I-V for faulty components. Informing High Admiral current status of Drive." Lines of code can be seen flying across the drive system

**Command Deck**

"News: B.L.I.N.K. Drive is ready for operation, calculated successful jump at ninty nine point ninety-seven percent." Seraph would release bits of code unlocking sections the navsl personnel can utilize to initiate launch procedures.

"Well Ulysses you heard the ship, she wants the ride of her life, better not disappoint her." Karios would lean forward in her chair excited to see what warp travel would look like.

"You heard the Supreme Commander, prepare to warp! Input location Beta Quadrant sector IV." The High Admiral stood against the railing watching the personnel getting to work. He couldn't help but to grin at being the first Admiral to utilize warp capabilities.

"Attention: All personnel are recommended to utilize seats, harnesses or other restrictive movement methods to prevent harm to self or others during warp jump. Find the nearest restrictive moment system near your location before T minus eighty seconds." The sound of sirens would resonate throughout the entirety of the ship announcing the imminent warp jump. Many soldiers choose to just watch through the side viewports on many decks, others did as instructed. All pilots entered their respective space fighters while ground crew went inside the troop transports.


The battleship starts to have some sections extrude outward creating a ring around the entirety of the vessel. This ring then started to produce a multitude of flashing lights in front of the ship causing the space just a few kilometers out to start warping in on itself. After ten seconds the space created a rip in the reality of their space time. A wake of energy hits the ship causing minor fluctuations in power outputs. The ship slowly delves inside this tear in reality.

As the ship is fully immersed inside the tear, every known spectrum of color violently flowed around the ship, every living person on the ship was frozen in their respective timeframe. Only Seraph was aware of the current inputs of information. Every moment was documented for further study. Something caught the sensors of Seraph, a fluctuation occured at the front of the ship causing it to veer left by seven degrees. By the time Seraph calculated the probable outcome the ship already exited out of the warp field.

This all happened in the blink of an eye for all living creatures aboard. But at that same moment of time the ship violently shutters causing many of the personnel aboard to fall towards the front of the ship. Warning lights blared across the parts of the ship that were not currently space debris.

"WARNING: HULL BREACH DETECTED, BATTLESHIP CAUGHT IN GRAVITATIONAL PULL, MAIN THRUSTERS NON-RESPONDING" Seraph's code was frantically moving at the highest capacity possible without frying its own motherboards.

**Command Deck**

Karios looked around in the observation deck, and two sights gave her both awe and despair. The first was in front of the ship, a planet thrice the size of Jupiter was before them, and what looked to be filled with plant life and water with a multitude of biomes. The second was the engine part of the ship, what was there was now replaced by an asteroid embedded inside throwing itself and her ship down towards the planet.

"Seraph, retract all avalible living metal from the engine section still attached and have it close off any open ports that are losing oxygen this instant!" Karios clenched her fist and slamed it against the metal railing causing it to bend downward.

"All hatches from the damaged parts of the ship will be closed off effective immediently, High Admiral have the auxiliary thrusters ready to ignite once we make atmo. Everyone else strap in this is going to be one hell of a crash."


The battleship started to glow red from the resistance the air was giving from its fall, the living metal started to remove itself from the now detached portion of the engine section to the rest of the ship covering any and all hull breaches possible. The ring used for the warp was ripping apart from the seems causing some portions to fly off hitting parts of the ship causing surface damages. Once an altitude of two hundred kilometers was reached the auxiliary thrusters ignited  causing massive whiplash on the crew and ship. The astroid rips through the engine section and down towards the planet, the engine portion flys off in another direction while the Seraph continues to alternate auxiliary thrusters to slow its decent towards the planet.

Seraph finds a suitable area to initiate a crash landing with minimal loss of life inside the ship. The battleship steers towards a semi-mountainous region with vegetation below for eight seven percent survival statistics.

"Attention: Brace for impact in T minus" At that moment the ship crashed against the closest mountain, ripping off the tip of the mountain and sliding off towards the second. The ship crashes into the second mountain stopping all forward momentum. After a few momemts the ship starts sliding down towards the forested region below. In a effort not to capsize itself the left side auxiliary thrusters exhausted full power to ensure an upright state as it crashes to the land below throwing up dirt, rocks and trees.

**Command Deck**

 Karios was on the floor for a moment before some IPG's helped her on her feet. She then looks at the severly flickering Seraph Hologram with portions of the holographic ship in red.

"Status" Seraph's code went all about the ship before returning moments later.

"Status: 588,449/850,000 IN accounted for… 799,102/850,000 IA accounted for… 3,783/50,000 AIR accounted for… 27,999/50,000 IES accounted for… 64,688/100,000 IAG accounted for… 5,870/10,000 IG accounted for… 50/50 IPG accounted for… ship structural integrity at 73.488 percent functionality. Vehicle equipment unresponsive,  aerial assets unresponsive, Weapon systems unresponsive."

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