

"You're going to go to school Greyson and there's no two ways about it. What's this new attitude you've been throwing at your mother saying you don't want to go to school?"

5 year old Greyson was their only son and child. While Greyson was his mother's handbag, Grey didn't fail to be the balance and correct his child when he was in the wrong and Azure knew better than to get in his way of correcting the boy.

"It's not that I don't want to go to school Big G." The boy's eyes already started to water. Azure fought all that was within her to run towards her poor baby and give him all the hugs and kisses he needed.

"Then what is it? Don't use those tears on me Little G, I'm not your mother, they won't work on me." Azure had always thought of the nickname they gave each other as very cute. She had tried to come up with a name that all three of them could share just so that she felt involved but no, the two boys always refused her names.

"I just don't understand why I can't go to the same school as Amora. It's not that I don't want to go to school My Big G."

"Amora the gardeners daughter?" He asked this to Azure. Grey had provided accommodations for the families who worked in the mansion. He often saw his son playing with the other children and whenever he had spare time, he joined them to play.

"Yes. I think he has a crush on her." Azure said to Nick who suddenly grew a grin on his face.

"So my little man likes a girl and he didn't say a word to me?" All seriousness in Grey's voice vanished as he continuously poked the little boy round his body with his index finger. The boy's ears had turned pink and he was blushing furiously.

As much as Azure was the one who pampered him to a fault, the boy always looked forward to seeing his father and preferred the company of his father.

Azure had began working in Grey's company as an accountant. She'd studied this as a profession and the rest, she'd done them as hobbies.

Whenever she went to pick the boy from school, she noticed the way he asked for his father immediately after he gave her a hug and peck. She also noticed the way he always ran to his fathers office immediately they arrived at the building. She had taken cognizance of the way the boy always preferred to dress like his father and so they always got a matching pair for both of them.

"You really like the young lass, don't you?"

Grey steadied his son on the ground as he spoke.

"I really like her My Big G. I want to get married to her. I want us to grow like you and my momma and then we'd have plenty children. When I marry her, I'm going to build my own house and bring Jayden, Jeremiah, Jasmine, Kimberly and Patrick to live with me."

Jayden, Jeremiah and Jasmine were triplets born of Natalia and Trevor. Turns out Natalia's mother was a twin. Kimberly on the other hand was adopted by Lucas and Elisa who found out they couldn't have children of their own. Patrick on the other hand was also from the orphanage and somehow, he managed to find his place among the squad of friends.

"We could move her to your school." Grey suggested.

"Amora said her daddy would never be able to afford the school I go to, that why I promised her I'll to go to hers."

"We can afford to pay her fees as well. We have more than enough money little G."

"Can we talk alone, Grey."

Grey saw the way Azure looked at him, how stern her voice was and knew that he was in trouble.He sent the boy to his room to go and get dressed before he followed Azure into the kitchen.

"You can't just change the girl's school Grey"

"Why not? You know that I've decided to pay the fees. Anyone would jump at this opportunity."

"The money is not the issue Grey. Our son gave his word to that girl that he'd be the one to change school. And now that I think about it, it might be useful for him to school with the not so financially privileged. He should know what it's like to not be at the top of the food chain."

"He is just a baby."

"Is he?"

"I feel like our roles are reversing, you're usually the one trying to protect him from he world."

"I love my baby boy but I'm not about to make him into a man that thinks it's okay to go back on his words."

"Fine. We'll transfer him to the public school that Amora goes to."


Pre school was different than this for Greyson. All his classmates were rich and they all ate similar dishes he did. They played the same sports he did, visited the same places he did. He could relate well with them and they didn't stare at him or throw him hateful glances. They didn't dress any differently than he did.With these people however, it was strange.

Amora kept him by her side the entire time, she played with him and even introduced him to some of the friends she made. It was different, but he knew he could be happy here as long as Amora was with him.

This was until the next week when he had gone to use the loo. When he returned, he found Amora being surrounded by other kids. When he came close he realized that they didn't know of his presence and so he just stayed there, listening to what they had to say.

"How can you be friends with him?" One whose name was Ethan spoke.

"Why not?" Amora replied still being sassy.

"He's different. He is rich and spoilt." Another named Theon spoke up.

"No, he isn't. He is very rich but, he is the nicest boy ever." Amora defended.

"Because he likes you." Amora wasn't surprised at this. Everyone noticed the way he clung to her and it was too obvious the boy liked her.

"I like him too. Yesterday and every other day since he came, he's given his lunch to all of you. He's had to share mine with me. You enjoyed his food and now you're hating him?"

"He was only trying to rub it in our faces that he eats better food than we do." Dennis said angry that Amora was defending him. He hated competition and Greyson was competition. He liked Amora as well and didn't like the fact that Greyson liked her as well or that she just admitted to liking him back.

"So why did you eat it then?"


"Leave him alone. If you don't want to play with him that's fine, but don't disturb him."

"What if he is crazy as well. My parents told me that his mother is a crazy woman, she even went to a mental hospital twice. She is a monster, she has scars all over her body." Dennis said again.

Grey could handle being badmouthed but not when his family was involved. Before he thought twice about it, he pushed his way to the middle, grabbed the boy who spoke about his mother and shoved him to the floor. He bit him very hard on his shoulder and with his little fists, he grabbed and pulled the boys hair hard.

"My mother isn't crazy. You're crazy." He creamed as he bit the crying boy again. Amora, noticing that some other boys were pounding at Greyson's back, joined in the fight. Clawing as many as she could, biting as many as she could, throwing slaps and kicks wherever she could. The next thing, all the children were fighting each other, some were for Greyson and others were against.

The noise being generated caused several teachers to show up and separate the fight. When they asked what exactly was going on, most of the pupils pointed at Amora and Greyson.


While the two kids sat waiting for their parents to show up, Amora noticed the was Greyson's hands were shaking.

"Are you okay Greyson?" She asked as she placed her hand above his to stop the shaking.

"My Big G is going to be so disappointed in me. My momma is going to be mad at me if she hears I was involved in a fight. I've never done this before."

"They aren't going to do anything to us. The moment we tell them what Dennis was saying about your mum, they'll ...."

"Don't tell them that. I don't want my momma to know that they are spreading rumors about her, she'll become very sad and she'll cry."

"They have to know. They were insulting your mother."

"Please don't tell them Amora. Just tell them that you were being bullied for being friends with me and I got mad, stepped in and bit him."

Amora really wanted to argue some more but she kept it to herself. No one would believe that! He was such a sweet boy and wouldn't hurt anyone without a strong reason. She noticed that his hands had stopped shaking and so she just left her hands there. She knew that Dennis would say that he was on his own when Greyson came to attack him and because he had a lot of friends, they'd support him. She found herself getting angry at Dennis for making Greyson so sad and at Greyson for letting it slide.


"Parents have been notified of the incident that happened and many of them whose kids had bruises are asking that Greyson be withdrawn. I personally watched Greyson's character since the day of resumption and that's why this is all too strange to me, he didn't seem like the violent type. You should talk to your son, find out what actually happened and solve the issue. We can't be having bullies here. As for Amora, the kids say that you had no part in the fight but that you played a major role in instigating the fight. Is this true darling?" The Principal asked the girl whose hair was still in a mess.

"It's a lie. I took part in the fight. Dennis and the rest were bullying me and Greyson came to help me. Dennis made some more statements about me Grey bit him. The boys were angry at Greyson for touching Dennis and they began beating Greyson up. I joined in the fight and I hit whoever I could. How can you believe them when you see so much bruises on Greyson's face. They were bullying us, we are the victims here. If you send Greyson away, I'll never come back as well."

Grey and Azure sat there quiet as the girl spoke. Azure was barely keeping it together, she wanted to know the people that hurt her baby and warn them but she had to keep her cool. Something was missing, she knew it and she would find out what exactly it was. Her baby wasn't violent, she knew that very well. Something serious must have set him off.

"We will withdraw our boy and the girl. There's no way I'm letting my son nor Amora stay in a school where no proper investigation is done before threatening to expel a child. You heard the girl, look at my boys face, he was beaten up and rather than receive immediate medical help you brought him to be questioned. You might as well tell the parents that they won't be seeing my boy here again."


"Tell me the truth Greyson, why did you attack?"

"They were bullying Amora because she was...."

"Not that story. The actual reason. I know that you would have reported if it was only about bullying but you attacked. Why?" Azure refused to let it rest. When they arrived home, she took Grey and their boy to the sitting room and continued questioning him while she attended to his bruises."

"You'll be sad if I tell you. I don't like it when you're sad My momma."

"Momma's sad because her baby is keeping a secret." Azures eyes were filled with unshed tears.

Grey put his arm around Azures shoulders and kissed her forehead before he pulled his boy to his laps. "Then tell your Big G instead. Let me take momma to rest and I'll come to your room. You should go and take off these clothes. Genevieve will come and run a bath for both of us. We will talk then."

"I'm sorry my momma. I didn't mean to disappoint you." Tears fell off the boys eyes as he saw how sad his mother was.

"It's alright baby. I'm not disappointed in you, you're not a bad person or a bully and so I know that you didn't do what the kids say you did. Come and give momma a hug."

The boy threw his arms around his mother's neck and continuously said out loud. "I love you my momma."


"They said that my momma was crazy. He said that his parents told him to stay away from me because I might be crazy as well. He said many bad things about my momma and I got angry. I didn't want to disappoint you but I was so angry. My momma is a good person, she works very hard and is nice to everyone, why did he say that about my momma?"

After their shower together, Grey dressed him in the same way he dressed. He wanted the boy to feel as close to his father as he could so that the boy wouldn't feel the need to hide anything.

"He said that to you?" Grey said as he brushed his sons hair. He wasn't going to flare up in front of his son as much as he wanted to. Who gave them the right to talk about his wife that way! And what's worse, to his son.

"Yes, big G."

"Should I tell you something son?"

"Yes Big G."

"When you're momma was twice your age, her momma died. Someone killed her."

"Will my momma die when I'm twice my age?"

"No son." Grey quickly corrected when he saw the panic in his sons eyes. "Big G is here and he will protect your momma."

"What happened to my momma?"

"Someone did very bad things to her and she got scars from it."

"Why didn't Momma's own Big G protect her?"

"He wasn't around."

There was no way he'd tell his little boy that his grandfather was the one who did that to his mother. "Because of that, she used to feel weird sometimes. She saw a doctor and the doctor said your momma had to stay with them for a while. Your momma is a strong and nice woman. That's why she is alive right now, because she loves you. She was only sad that you were hiding something from her, she wasn't disappointed in you."

"Are you disappointed in me, Big G?"

"No son. I'm proud of you for standing up for your momma and Amora. The next time someone says bad stuff to you about your momma, you tell them that your momma is the strongest momma ever and that they are wrong about your momma. Then you report to an authority. Don't hit people anymore okay."

"I won't hit anyone anymore Big G. My momma and Big G are my superheroes. Can I go and tell my momma that I love her?"

"Let's go to your momma now."

Greyson stood up and ran to his parents room where he saw his mother pacing rather than resting. When Azure turned around she saw the little boy running towards her. She quickly bent down and accepted the hug the boy spread his tiny arms for.

"I love you my momma! You're my superhero."

"I love you too my baby. You're my miracle. You and your Big G are and will always be the reason for my joy."

"Come My Big G and join us."

"Alright son." Grey walked towards them and knelt down to join them. "I love you son."

"I love you even more My Big G." The boy said with a big grin on his face.

"I love you." Grey mouthed to Azure who smiled and repeated it.

The end.


This has been a very long ride! But we've come to an end. I'm thankful to all who supported Azure's Hope by reading, voting and Commenting.

There will be a sequel and it's focus will be on Greyson and Amora but it'll come later. Thank you all again.❤️❤️

Authors Questions.

What did you like and not like the most about the book?

Who were your favorite and worse characters?

What were your favorite and worse moments in the book?

Thank you! Don't forget to comment and vote.❤️❤️