


“The whole thing, Azura, and, not a sad measly sip.” She said, with a stoic face. Her tone did not leave any room for any more arguments.

I swallowed the entire content of the cup, might as well just get it over and done with quickly. We both stared at each other afterward; our eyes locked in an intense staring battle which for me was a move to assert dominance even though I could barely stand up whereas for her, this was just to pass time and her posture made it very clear.

Suddenly I feel tingles at the tips of my fingers and toes, the tingles gradually fade away and give way to a numbness that spreads all around me. The room starts to spin, and I can no longer hold on to the cup, and it falls to the ground; the sound of the cup is the last thing I see before my eyes close and darkness engulfs me Of course, the drink a mysterious stranger gave me was tainted; I should know better than to trust people.