
Chapter 5: Studies

[Warcraft Timeline: 0]

It has been four years since he arrived on Azeroth, and much has happened during that time.

At the tender age of two, Arthas had already begun his education, learning to read and write under the guidance of a highly respected tutor arranged by his mother.

Queen Lianna marveled at the remarkable intellect of young Arthas, far beyond what one would expect for his age.

She had caught him in the act of escaping from his crib, displaying impressive dexterity and coordination as he attempts to knock down a book from the shelves in order to read it.

His curiosity and thirst for knowledge were evident even at such a young age, leaving her both proud and apprehensive for what the future may hold for this precocious child.

Fueled by a fierce determination for her son's future success, she tirelessly searched for the most esteemed tutors to educate him. 

With careful consideration and unwavering dedication, she handpicked the best of the best to shape her son into a leader fit for a kingdom.

With joy and pride in her heart, she shared this news with her husband, King Terenas.

King Terenas was pleased with the news. 

His son's potential for greatness was obvious, and he knew that with proper guidance, Arthas could become an exceptional leader.

As the king, he knew that the future of his kingdom rested on the shoulders of his only son.


In the days, weeks, months and years that followed, Arthas's education continued under the tutelage of some of the greatest minds in the kingdom.

He studied the art of warfare, strategy, diplomacy, and economics.

He learned about the history of Azeroth and the great leaders who had come before him.

Despite the rigorous education, Arthas remained curious and eager to learn.

In the past, he had been completely convinced of his vast understanding of Azeroth.

Bolstered by countless hours spent immersed in the game and honing his skills in warfare.

But as soon as he began taking lessons, his eyes were opened to just how much he still had to learn.

The transition from simply observing Azeroth on a screen to actually living within it, guided by lessons that delved deeper into its intricacies, was like stepping into a whole new world.

Suddenly, every detail and aspect of Azeroth came alive in vibrant color and tangible sensation, and he realized how much there was yet to discover and master.

"Prince Arthas, your level of intellect astounds me," his tutor exclaimed in admiration. 

"In all my years, I have never met or heard of anyone like you. At the mere age of four, you already possess a great depth of knowledge and understanding!"

The tutor's eyes widened in wonder at the young prince's precocious abilities.

It was as if he had been blessed by the gods themselves, for it was unheard of for a child to possess such advanced intellect.

But Arthas was not just any child - he was born with a fire in his heart and a determination in his eyes that set him apart from the rest.

His destiny had been written in the stars, to become one of the greatest leaders and minds in all the land.

And even though his youthful appearance may deceive, his soul also held the knowledge and wisdom of someone far beyond his years.

He exuded a powerful warmth that attracted others to him, instilling a sense of faith in his potential for excellence.

Arthas' smile radiated genuine gratitude as he spoke, his eyes bright with appreciation. "Thank you, Professor," he humbly expressed.

"I owe my success to your incredible teaching and guidance." His words were sincere, reflecting the immense respect and admiration he held for his tutor.

His tutor smiled back at him with pride, pleased to have been able to teach such a remarkable student.

"It is my pleasure, my prince," he said. "Your thirst for knowledge is a gift, and I am honored to have been able to help quench it."

As time passed, Arthas continued to excel in his studies, impressing all those around him with his extraordinary intellect and unwavering dedication.

He became acquainted with everyone in the palace easily, his charismatic nature drew people towards him like a magnet.

It didn't take long before rumors spread about the future heir of Lordaeron.

Arthas quickly became renowned throughout the kingdom for his wisdom, charisma, and kindness.


One day, during a break from his studies, Arthas decided to summarize his findings about the history of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and how the Light became it's dominant religion.

It all started in -6,800, the exiled Highborne who would become the high elves arrived to the northernmost parts of Lordaeron, where they encountered the forest trolls of the Amani Empire.

The elves used their arcane powers to drive out the Amani and founded the kingdom of Quel'Thalas, centered around the Sunwell and their new capital of Silvermoon.

In -2,800, the Amani, hungry for revenge after having been driven from their lands by the high elves millennia prior, launched an all-out assault on Quel'Thalas.

Meanwhile, the Amani's southern neighbors, the human tribes, continued to war with each other even as Amani incursions into human territories became more aggressive over the span of a few decades.

The Arathi tribe, one of the many human tribes realized that something was changing among the Amani and that humanity would stand little chance in a true war against the trolls if they remained divided.

The Arathi's leader, Thoradin, declared himself king and, over the course of six years, united the other human tribes into the empire of Arathor before establishing the capital of Strom in the Arathi Highlands.

Facing certain defeat against the trolls, the elves turned to Arathor and agreed to teach a hundred humans arcane magic in exchange for their aid.

Together the two nations thoroughly defeated the Amani army at the foot of the Alterac Mountains and shattered their empire.

In Arathor, the original One Hundred spread knowledge of the arcane among the humans.

The proliferation of magic allowed Arathor to expand across Lordaeron including former Amani territories in the Eastweald.

Establish new cities like Dalaran, which over the centuries grew into independent city-states.

The continent of Lordaeron was named after Lordain, a general of Arathor who sacrificed himself in the Troll Wars.

It stretches from the Arathi Highlands in the south to the Eversong Woods in the far north.

Historically, the continent has been populated by humans in the northern, western and southern regions, trolls in the eastern regions.

The Hinterlands and Zul'Aman and high elves in the far-northern Quel'Thalas.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron is named after the continent and it was originally an Arathorian city-state that is located along the northern territories.

Mereldar was the sister of General Lordain and originally a renowned warrior in the united human army during the Troll Wars.

When the war ended, Mereldar dedicated her life to caring for humanity's wounded veterans.

It was she who first spoke to other humans about visions of the Light.

In her dreams, Mereldar saw five strange, inhuman forms thrumming with holy power that filled her mind with the wisdom of holiness, protection, justice, retribution, and compassion.

When she put their wordless teachings into practice, power seemed to flow through her, miraculously curing wounds and illnesses.

Mereldar met with others who had also reported seeing the visions, and together they codified and wrote down the wisdom of this higher power, based on the tenet of selflessness and a belief that the Light dwelled in all things.

The movement sparked widespread faith in the Light and became the predominant human religion, and centuries later the different Light-based traditions and belief systems were codified by Lordaeron's leaders into the Church of the Holy Light.


If you wonder why the chapter looks different than before, it's because I revised it for the better or to adjust with the chapters in the future.

This won't be the last time, as I'll make changes throughout the story so there won't be any discrepancies.

If you guys notice anything wrong, or out of place. Let me know and I'll make the corresponding revisions to fix that.

Also if you have any ideas on how you want the story to go, feel free to tell me! I am open to anything, and it actually helps me a lot in writing.

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