

I am Ayumi Madrigal, the sole Survivor of Katana pack. Katana Pack are werewolves who are blessed with abilities sought after by people. Abilities we can harness when we turn 18 years old after our first shift. We share these abilities with our true mate, mate chosen by the Moon Goddess. Once a Katana member dies our abilities are passed on to our family member or our mate. Making them acquire more strength, providing them with a new ability. I have been hunted for 8 years now by Tibolo pack; the people responsible for my packs' demise. Although I am powerful, revenge is not an option. Surviving is my priority. I have discovered recently that my mate is the only Son of Alpha Apollo Saavedra head of Tibolo pack. He is my hunter who turned prey. Will he survive the surge of pain till the full moon? How will his pack accept the fact that now I am paired by the Moon Goddess to its future Alpha.

DhonAlair · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Tessa, my witch

After discovering that Devon was paired by the Moon Goddess to the Katana wolf. Tessa my witch mate has been relentless to locate them. She has been irritable ever since. Her locating spells could determine where they were, and my wolf trackers have failed either.

I knew where the beach house was, it was where Devon would choose to hide from me but when my wolves searched the area, they could not find it. I was told that the area was empty. My dead wife, Alana, made it impossible for us to find the beach. I was to blame; I was too complaisant. I knew Alana had the capability to wield barriers and make an area look unoccupied, but I never thought that barrier could still exist even though she was already dead.

We found a few hair strands from the black BMW the Katana wolf stole. The hair needs to be prepared for 5 days by Tessa for her to use for her spells. The full moon is coming in the next 5 days making us feel the urgency of our situation.

Tessa kept nagging and shouting at everyone for the past few days, making my pack feel on edge. My pack felt chaotic with Tessa being irritable. I felt miserable. Regardless of everything, I am still Devon's father.

"Your men are incompetent Apollo? None of them were able to Locate Devon and that bitch." She was glaring at me. She was pacing inside my office.

"Will you quit irritating everyone Tessa? Are we not your enemies here? If you want to find them, why don't you go and search for them yourself!" I answered her I could not hide my exasperation.

I stared at her. She is losing control and I felt disgusted by her display of anger at me. I am her mate, but she tends to forget it. It might be because witches cannot feel the bond like how we wolves perceive it.

"And then what? Allow my coven to capture me? You know I can't be outside this pack land for too long, they would know." She stood in front of me then looked at me. "Are your plans changing because of Devon? Because he is Katana's mate" She asked while glaring at me.

"Nothing's changed Tessa." I hugged her, assuring her. "You are my priority now". I assured her. Tessa slightly pushed me back making a gap between us.

"Good Apollo! This mess was because of you, you insisted I was your true mate, I believed you. You said you could protect me once you acquire the Katana's ability" She glared at me. "Let me remind you, I chose you over my coven, I stole our grimoires just to help you with your stupid conquest. So, you better not betray me Apollo!" I frown with her comment.

"What do you mean betray you? You are my mate?" I asked. I felt disappointed hearing her words. Tessa glared then raised her brow.

"Oh really?" She smiled sarcastically. "Because as far I remember I am still your mistress hidden in plain sight. If you chose Devon over me again, I would make sure you will regret it. I have been patient enough Apollo. Do not disappoint me again!" She exclaimed.

"Of course, Darling. I will never disappoint you again." I tried my best to convince her. Tessa sighed and pulled away from my hug. Walking back and forth again, leaving me standing in middle of my office.

"Our only chance is the Katana's hair. If I mixed it properly with my potion, we might find them before they could mark each other." She said then she stopped pacing, she held her jaw. I could tell she was thinking.

"Devon might have been protected by Alana. He is part Katana, but he had not shown any ability." One of her eyebrows was raised. She smiled sinisterly. "That bitch fooled me." she added. I looked at her. It made me also realized that We were indeed blind-sided by Alana. But I could not blame her either. Me and Tessa have been Self-absorbed.

"We can use Katana's hair as beacon. If there's a barrier hiding them then that mixture should be enough to give us signal and for us penetrate it." She said her confidence is building up.

I just nodded at her. She looked at me then walked out of my office. She slammed the door. I know she is heading to the basement where her grimoires are. I would rather leave her alone. We had been arguing for the past few days, it is giving me a headache. I walked back to my table then slouched on my chair.

I sighed relief that she is out of my office now. I called my Beta Javier and Luca through mind link to see me in my office to ask for an update. They both came to my office instantly.

"Javier any info from the trackers?" I looked at him then glanced at Luca, my son's future Beta. "Luca any luck on contacting Devon?"

"No new update Alpha." Javier bowed and was looking at the floor not making eye contact.

"He hasn't contacted Alpha." I..... ha.... think ... sorry Alpha." Luca responded. I glared at Luca's mumbling, which made me feel irritated.

"What is it Luca?" asked him.

"The pack is just wondering Alpha; do we really need to capture the Katana wolf now that she is our future Alpha's mate?" I could hear hesitation in Luca's voice.

"Of course! Have you all forgotten they are pack are responsible of your Luna's death? We need to be sure 1st she will not harm us." I said confidently.

"But Devon is our future Alpha? If he is the Katana wolf's mate, He might find a way to make an amicable settlement with the Katana wolf." Luca argued.

"Are you questioning my judgement??!!!!" I stood up and glared at them. They bowed their heads instantly showing

"No Alpha." They answered in unison. They both bow down as a sign of submission.

"Then get out!" I shouted using my Alpha voice.