

I am Ayumi Madrigal, the sole Survivor of Katana pack. Katana Pack are werewolves who are blessed with abilities sought after by people. Abilities we can harness when we turn 18 years old after our first shift. We share these abilities with our true mate, mate chosen by the Moon Goddess. Once a Katana member dies our abilities are passed on to our family member or our mate. Making them acquire more strength, providing them with a new ability. I have been hunted for 8 years now by Tibolo pack; the people responsible for my packs' demise. Although I am powerful, revenge is not an option. Surviving is my priority. I have discovered recently that my mate is the only Son of Alpha Apollo Saavedra head of Tibolo pack. He is my hunter who turned prey. Will he survive the surge of pain till the full moon? How will his pack accept the fact that now I am paired by the Moon Goddess to its future Alpha.

DhonAlair · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Protect your Luna 

It had been six months of blissful life. Six months of enjoying existence with my Luna. Having Ayumi in my life brought peace and contentment. This was the kind of life my mother Alana hoped for me to possess. The kind of life she hoped for but was robbed by the greed of my father.

I kept thanking the Moon Goddess for allowing me to spend the rest of my life with Ayumi even though my own father was the very reason she lost her once then pack and her family. Ayumi grew to be more forgiving than anyone I knew. For that I felt grateful at the Moon Goddess for creating a wonderful woman as my mate and my Luna.

I stared outside the window, looked at my 2 months pregnant wife. She looked happy and contented, gleefully playing in the garden with the kids that the pack adopted. We opened our pack to others and rescued rogue wolves; it was Ayumi's mission to save every lone wolf. Provided them shelter and gave them the means to thrive. If they opted to stay, Ayumi welcomed them with open arms. For her, she had experienced the kind of burden, making her want to save every needing and pack less wolf.

Some might say we were foolish for allowing outsiders to intrude on our territory but to Ayumi, it was her chance to repay the Moon Goddess for giving her a chance to gain her own pack and find a family of her own. As much as I wanted to put extreme measures to protect her, Ayumi's welcoming attitude hindered me and my pack to do so.

I heard Ayumi's laugh from outside and it felt like solemn music to my ears. I did not even notice Caleb, my beta tapping the top of my table inside the office.

"Alpha! {Knocking on the table} Alpha? Are you even listening? God, it has been six months but look at you." {I heard Caleb said, I turned around a saw his face looking disgusted.} "Still bewitched by Luna Ayumi? If I cannot function well by having a mate, might as well live mate less?" I could not help but laugh hearing Caleb's comment.

"You are going to regret those words, Caleb." I warned him through my laugh.

He smirked and stared at me proudly: "I have lived quite contented Alpha. I became a Beta after living a rouge life. What else could I ask for?" he splendidly stated.

"For a Katana, you are different. My mom, Ayumi and I did extreme measures for our mate. But you? You are a different kind of breed. Are you sure you are a Katana wolf?" I jokingly commented. He lifted a side of his lips towards his wrinkled nose, explicitly showing his disgust.

"How dare you question my lineage?' I saw a glimpse of naughtiness in his eyes.

"I will pretend I did not hear those harsh words from you. Be thankful you are my Alpha." he added then he shook his head.

"What are you two bickering about?" I heard Ayumi voice from the now opened door. Her arms were both on her waist then glared at us.

"I cannot pick any sense from our Alpha. He was swooning over you at the window. You have been married for months yet he is so... so...." I smirked the moment his face made a disgusted affect again

"So.... clingy! When will this honeymoon stage end? " Caleb complained.

"You are just jealous, Caleb?" Ayumi said and rolled her eyes.

"If I cannot function well like this!" {Pointing at me} "I would rather live mate less." he proudly said.

"You're going to regret that!" Ayumi commented while smiling.

"I warned him already love, but this fool! I hope your mate will give you a tough time!" I narrated.

"Whatever! I will excuse myself Alpha and Luna. It was hard making a report to an Alpha swooning over her wife. How much more having you two in the same room? Luna, stop bewitching Alpha, we have work to do." He said he looked like he was cringing over us.

We both smiled at Caleb's audacity to command us. Ayumi and I had this kind of relationship with him. Although we are ranked according to our hierarchy and roles, we have managed to maintain friendship with our pack members, especially Caleb. I used to feel jealous of him being so close to my mate but after knowing him, I understood why Ayumi had adored him. He was silly and hilarious.

Caleb turned his heel towards the door leaving us behind. The instant I sensed him close the door, I sat on the table, grabbed Ayumi's hands, and pulled her closer to a kiss. She moaned in satisfaction.

"Could have at least allowed me to walk a few meters away from the door! I can still hear you!" We heard Caleb exclaiming outside the office which made us laugh. Ayumi shook her head.

"Caleb is still the same. He cannot hold his tongue." she said. I stared at her and cupped her face.

"You seem so exhausted from playing with the kids. You want to rest in our room I will accompany you." I spoke. I gazed upon her beauty. Pregnant but she looked more radiant than ever.

"No, I am not; I just came here to say hi. I need to finish decorating the nursery. My project."

"You know we can let the servants finish it for you, why do you have to tire yourself doing the DIY stuff?" I asked her, worriedness laced on my voice. Brushed the back of my hands on her jaw.

"Because my husband treats me like a sick person, he wants me to lie around. He knows I dislike doing nothing." I smiled hearing her complaint.

"Because you are pregnant" I explained. I slid one hand on her belly. Gently caressing it.

"I am only pregnant Devon, I'm not disable." she briefly answered.

"Just let me protect you." I said in a begging voice tone.

"Just stop fooling around, you need to listen to Caleb when he's reporting. I know you have a council meeting later. You better do good or else I will strip off your Alpha title." she said in a humorous manner. I stood straight and placed my hand in my forehead. I saluted her command.

"Yes Ma'am." I abruptly answered which made her smile. We were about to go out of the room when the door swung open, which made us halt. It was Lawrence, one of the patrol warriors. He bowed down, gesturing submission and then said.

"Alpha, Luna! There was a group of kids on the west border. They said they came from the Black moon pack. Their territory was attacked, and they have nowhere else to go." Lawrence reported.

"Have you ushered them here? You can place them in the dormitory." Ayumi asked him. It was an establishment made by Ayumi, intended for rouges and returnees.

"No, Luna.... The thing is these kids are too nervous to be ushered by any of the warriors patrolling. They were too anxious and hysterical. We could only talk sense to the girl who was with them, but most of them were too afraid to follow instructions." Lawrence answered hastily.

"Very well" I commented. "I will deal with those kids.... try to calm them down." I added.

"Oh no Alpha, let me take those kids to the dorm, they might need maternal companion. Besides, you are going to a council meeting, let me handle the rouge kids." Ayumi offered while smiling. I glanced at Lawrence then stared at her.

"Please don't say no...." Ayumi pleaded. She tipped toed while she waited for my reply.

"Ok! But if you ever feel any threat do not attempt to fight you come back here. Let our warriors deal with it." I instructed Ayumi. I felt overly protective of her. I looked at Lawrence intently, gazing at him wanting assurance from him that he would protect their Luna. He nodded in response.

We all walked outside of the office. Me walking towards the council meeting at the conference room of our pack house. Ayumi and Lawrence towards the west border. I felt worried for some reason. Drew my wolf was uneasy of the thought Ayumi going near the borders.

We were in the middle of meeting when I heard a few voices screaming in our mind link. Caleb and the other council members stood up trying to decipher what they meant. I stood and ran out of the conference room. I felt anxious the instant I heard panic in their voices and wolfed out the moment I reached the pack front lawn.

"I must look for Ayumi" that was all I could think about. I sensed Caleb and other warriors followed me in wolf form. We all sprinted towards the west border. I felt so agitated thinking my mate could be in danger.

"Alpha, we are being attacked!" Drew eyes ooze with rage hearing it through our mind link. "We need to get to her fast" I said to Caleb and the warriors through mind link. We dashed as fast as we could, dodging every tree hopping on every terrane. I roared in anger while I stomped my way towards my mate.

"Luna is holding them off with a barrier!" another shouted through mind link.

"You imbeciles! Protect your Luna at all costs!" Drew shouted in our mind link.