

I am Ayumi Madrigal, the sole Survivor of Katana pack. Katana Pack are werewolves who are blessed with abilities sought after by people. Abilities we can harness when we turn 18 years old after our first shift. We share these abilities with our true mate, mate chosen by the Moon Goddess. Once a Katana member dies our abilities are passed on to our family member or our mate. Making them acquire more strength, providing them with a new ability. I have been hunted for 8 years now by Tibolo pack; the people responsible for my packs' demise. Although I am powerful, revenge is not an option. Surviving is my priority. I have discovered recently that my mate is the only Son of Alpha Apollo Saavedra head of Tibolo pack. He is my hunter who turned prey. Will he survive the surge of pain till the full moon? How will his pack accept the fact that now I am paired by the Moon Goddess to its future Alpha.

DhonAlair · Fantasy
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45 Chs


I watched Tessa as she spread her arms to her side, a ripple of lightning crawling towards us. Before it could hit us, Ayumi slid forward then blocked it with shield using the sands.

"What are you doing Tessa?! father growled at her. He glared at her then looked at us. Tessa smirked then glanced at him with a sinister look.

"Killing this Katana bitch" she answered with menacing voice.

"You'll hurt my son! Devon gets out of there!!!!" I heard him say. I just stared at my father full of dismay. Concern written on his face.

"I have binded your wolf using your hair so that they won't interfere.... now we can finally finish what we started." Tessa menacing voice echoed. Tessa tried to hit us again. Rippling lightning on the ground. But again, Ayumi manages to block it with another sand shield. Ayumi throws the knives and forks from the table using telekinesis but Tessa dodges it. She walked closer to where we were.

"Tessa stop! Father shouted in despair.

"Or what Apollo? I am going to kill this Katana bitch so that you can relinquish her abilities!" Another lightning struck us, Ayumi tried to block it with the sand. But this time some of the lightning thrown by Tessa penetrated it. Hitting both me and Ayumi, we got thrown by the blast. I caught Ayumi before we hit the ground. Ayumi got most of the impact. She moaned in pain.

I placed Ayumi gently on the sand. I squatted down in front of Ayumi. My hands on the ground, I positioned myself for attack. Shielding her with my body. I growled at them.

"Son, stop!!!!" Father warned me.

"Don't be a fool Devon! Move aside! Let me finish this Katana bitch. So, your father could absorb her abilities" Tessa shouted. Ayumi laughed hysterically while still lying on the sand.

"You thought you could harness our packs abilities Apollo?" Hahahahaha you are clearly a delusional monster!" She spoke.

"Shut up bitch" Father interrupted.

"Don't insult my mate father!", I growled back. I was glaring at both Tessa and father. Ayumi stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder. I stood up, still shielding her.

"If I die, these abilities will dissipate! Only a Katana wolf can absorb family's ability, you didn't absorb Aunt Alana's ability simply because you're not her true mate.". Ayumi uttered.

"It's true father! I read Mom's letter. You have done enough! Please stop! Just let us be! I'll come back to you after tonight. We'll settle this." Devon pleaded to his father.

"Don't listen to them Apollo they're lying." Tessa spreading her arm again then A ripple of lightning is making our way. Ayumi abruptly turned us around, her back on them. She extended her arms to each side; she wielded a protective orb barrier. Another surge came, excruciating pain in our chest from our bond wave. I can see her struggling, I hug her.

"MARK ME! MARK ME NOW DEVON!!!!" Ayumi shouted. We are still being attacked by Tessa. I could see random lightning striking us, but it was blocked by Ayumi's Orb.

I leaned down, elongated my canines, and then bit her on the base of her neck where my mark should be. She winced, her breathing was short and rapid. Then I feel her slipping, falling to her knees. I caught her by her waist holding her steady and released her from my bite. Our protective orb vanished and so us the surge of pain from our bond wave.

I saw Tessa wield another lightning. It was crawling towards us, I hugged Ayumi tightly, shielding her from the incoming attack. Ayumi took the chance to bite me on my mark spot completing our bond. The lightning was about to hit us, but my father blocked it with his body before it could. He was thrown by the blast; he fell on the ground near us. Ayumi released me from her bite.

"FATHER!!!! I shouted as I looked at him suffering on the ground.

"Apollo!" I heard Tessa exclaimed. I saw the concern in her eyes... then it turned to anger. Her eyes roamed to all of us then directed to father's direction.

"You're choosing your son over me?! How dare you? I helped you all these years! Turned away from my coven! Become your mistress! Be by your side at all costs! And this is how you repay ME!" She yelled in anguish.

"Let's stop now Tessa. Enough", father answered her weakly while begging Tessa. I made Ayumi sat on the ground I could see blood dripping on her neck. I stood in front of my father and my mate.

"Is this how you repay me Apollo?!!! I FREED you from your father. This is how you repay me?! Tessa said through her pain. Father's face looked shocked then stared at her with a questioning look.

"You are weak, imbecile mate! I killed your father to free you from his grasp! Helped you achieve your goals. But you chose to betray me?!HOW DARE YOU!" Tessa angrily shouted at us.

Wolves growling around... Tessa forgot our pack of wolves were around. I could see the panic on her face. My pack surrounded Tessa. Growling maniacally. They attacked Tessa from a different direction. Tessa was fighting the wolves using her lightning. A few of our warriors were thrown out into the air. Bodies stumbling on the ground in different directions.

I saw Javier's wolf launch at Tessa, tackling her down. Bit her neck. I saw Tessa struggle and fall on the ground, Javier still biting her by neck. She tried to wave her hand in the air trying to cast a spell, but she was too weak to do so. She desperately looked at father gasping for her breath. Her arms suddenly fell on the ground. Our Pack wolves are pacing around clearly agitated. I helped father sit down. Rub his shoulder for comfort. I waved my hand signaling our pack to stop. All halted and faced us. Then they bowed as a sign of submission. Javier and Luca shifted to their human form and approached us.

"Take father back to the pack house. Call the pack Doctor to treat him and those who were injured by Tessa." I instructed Beta Javier and Luca. Then I glanced at my wolves:

"Go back, home I'll be back tomorrow." I told them.

They all obey. One of warriors took Tessa's body. Javier and Luca assisted my father while other pack members dispersed out leaving me and Ayumi alone. I sighed relief and then glanced at Ayumi. She was lying on the sand now. Closed eyes, her breathing was normal. I kneeled to her side. I see blood dripping from her neck. I licked my bite mark on her to heal it faster. Then Slid my hand under her legs and neck while she placed her arms on my nape, then leaned her head on my chest. I carried her towards the house.