
Chapter 21

When Naruto and Deidara reappeared along side the Shukaku, Naruto threw Deidara into the air and allowing Gaara in Shukaku form to smirk as he shout "Fūton: Renkūdan (Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullets)" as soon as he finished saying that he shot multiple gusts of air in the shape of a drill towards Deidara, upon impact Deidara's screams of pain were heard until the Jutsu stopped and Naruto and Gaara saw Deidara shove his hands into his pockets.

After a short while they saw him pull out some pure white clay and the mouths on his hands started to chew the clay, sculpting it until Deidara smirked and shouted "C2!" as soon as he finished he threw out a dragon like model of clay that started to expand, after it finished Deidara hopped onto it's head and it started to fly, little did he know, it was useless trying to get away, as the next thing he saw was a yellow flash and he soon felt himself wrapped up as his clay dragon rapidly decended from the sky above "Y-You're supposed to be dead! The Yellow Flash died!" he cried in panic before his eyes widened seeing a pair of Mangekyo Sharingan staring into his eyes, the next words he heard made him wish it was the Yellow flash.

"Oh, I'm not my father" Deidara heard then noticed the black hair of the Kyuubi Jinchuriki before he heard a whisper "I'm worse" next thing he knew his body was spasming while rattling against it's binds which were Naruto's chakra chains as he silently screamed before his world turned black only to never wake up again.

Gaara, who had just left Shukaku state and used the sand to float over to Naruto stood there watching Naruto decapitate the Mad Bomber "Do you really need his bounty?" Gaara asked as Naruto shrugged and sealed the Akatsuki cloak as well as the ring.

"It's more of a peace offering to Iwa, after all he was their Shinobi" Naruto said before his eyes snapped to Deidara's body and he whispered "Amaterasu" as soon as he finished Deidara's body was encased in black flames before Naruto's eyes snapped to the blood on the clay bird and he sighed using the same jutsu again while wiping away the blood running from his eye before sighing softly as he rubbing his head sealing Deidara's head away "Damn headaches, I'm gonna have to switch them soon, it could also be a side effect of using Raiton no Yoroi and Hiraishin" Naruto mumbled the last part to himself as Gaara nodded.

"I kept telling you to switch them but you never listened" Gaara said as Naruto shrugged and stood up and put a lollipop into his mouth as he hummed.

"Want one?" he asked as he held one out to Gaara who nodded and took the piece of candy putting it into his mouth as the two walked towards Suna, not seeing the enraged masked man or black and white creature that appeared to retrieve Deidara's body, although Naruto felt their chakra appear and fluctuate, as the two reached the gate they turned to see the other four members returning with a smirk although most of their clothing was ripped and Naruto sighed as he cuddled Temari once she was close enough "I'm glad you're safe" he whispered as she smiled and cuddled him back "Although, I don't like this fashion choice, let's go get you changed" he said and before anyone could say anything the two vanished in a yellow glow and Sakura sighed.

"He learns and master's Hiraishin and you barely get to say anything" she grumbled as Kakashi chuckled as Kankuro nodded meanwhile Gaara was enjoying the sucker in his mouth.

"Hey, Gaara, where'd you get the sucker?" Kankuro asked as Gaara turned to him.

"Oh, Naruto gave me one while we walked back from where we fought Deidara" Gaara said as he walked towards the Kage building to return to his duties and to tell the village that the coast was now clear.

-With Naruto and Temari-

Naruto was looking through Temari's closet with a soft hum before he picked up a Sky blue battle Kimono and handed it to her "The, uh, other stuff you can pick, Mari" he whispered as he walked to the door, they may sleep together in their underwear but he still refused to see her nude until they were married, he heard Temari get up and walk to her drawers before he closed the door and waited, after 15 minutes he heard her open the door and come out as he smiled softly "Ah, now I wish we could cuddle now but we need to get to Gaara and report" he said as Temari nodded and then latched herself onto his arm "Long way or short way?" Naruto asked as she hummed.

"Let's go the long way, pick up some Dango before we get there" Temari said as he nodded and the two started to walk to the Kazekage tower making sure to stop by the dango restaurant and collect and order to go before they walked to the office, after 5 minutes they got to the office and entered to see the rest of the assistance team stood there as Naruto was chewing on a dango stick and Temari was putting the paper bag in the bin.

"What'd we miss?" Naruto asked as Gaara sighed.

"Seems the civilians are back in their homes and occupations" Gaara said as Naruto nodded "We were talking about how the four of them plan to split Sasori's bounty" Gaara said as Naruto hummed.

"Who did the most work?" Naruto asked looking at the four as they looked to Sakura which made him look a little stunned "I'm surprised, seems Granny's teaching time wasn't wasted" he said as Sakura seemed to puff her cheeks out in a pout "Do it 40% to Sakura and the rest 20%" Naruto said as he opened the Bingo books and hummed "Huh? That would make Sakura the richest Civilian based Shinobi in Konoha" he mumbled as Temari choked a little.

"You're joking?" Temari asked as he shook his head.

"None of them have even come close to making this much, maybe Yugao but she became an ANBU" Naruto said as he looked at the numbed 150,000,000 Ryo, meaning Sakura would get 60,000,000 and the rest would get 30,000,000.

Gaara hummed before nodding "That's decided, now onto what Sakura was talking about" Garra said seriously as all eyes went to Sakura.

"O-Oh, uh" she mumbled nervously at the sudden attention "Sasori claimed he had to meet up with a spy who he has working for Orochimaru" Sakura said as Naruto's eyes widened.

"So the Scorpion had a spy working for the Snake" Naruto muttered before sighing.

Sakura nodded before continuing "He said he'd be meeting the Spy at Tenshi Bridge near Kusagakure" Sakura finished as Naruto hummed.

"I guess we'd best take this up with Tsunade when we get back" Naruto said as Sakura nodded and Kakashi was about to nod before he started to fall forwards only for Naruto to appear where he was falling and catch him on his back and he sighed "Dammit Kakashi, chakra exhaustion, Gaara you don't mind if we stay the night so I can make sure Kakashi has a bit more chakra before we tackle the rest of the desert?" Naruto asked as Gaara shook his head.

"I'm sure you know where you three will be staying?" Gaara asked as Naruto nodded.

"These two in spare rooms meanwhile me and Temari can have a bit of time to catch up" Naruto said picking up Kakashi on his back and he looked to Sakura "C'mon Sakura, I'm sure you're tired as well" Naruto asked as she nodded and the three walked out following Temari.

-Next day-

As soon as daylight had hit Suna the Konoha team were seen standing at the gates in front of Gaara and his siblings as Naruto smiled "If you need help Gaara just make sure to channel it into that" Naruto said having handed Gaara his Kunai "All the rest of our group has one bar my Akatsuki spies and the one in Tetsu" Naruto finished as Gaara nodded knowing the members.

"You got it" Gaara finished before he saw them starting to leave as he smirked seeing a pouting Temari in the corner of his eye "Just remember, you always have him next to you because of that ring" Gaara said as the siblings entered Suna.

As Naruto walked along side Sakura he hummed "It would be faster to summon a travel toad" Naruto said as Sakura looked to him.

"You can do that?" She asked as Naruto nodded and removed one of his hands from Kakashi's leg, bit the thumb and used the one handed seals before slamming his hand on the ground and out came a toad big enough for the three but much smalled than Bunta.

"Hey, Shiro, can you take us to Konoha? And quick Kakashi is kinda running low and I can't transfer chakra without a risk of poisoning him with the Kyuubi's" Naruto asked as the white and navy toad nodded and took off at speeds that surprised Sakura, it took them 1 hour to make it to Konoha where Naruto hopped off of the toad with Sakura and she saw Naruto bow "Thanks Shiro" he said as the toad nodded again.

"No problem Naru" said a female voice making Naruto smirk at Sakura's shocked expression as the toad vanished.

"T-That was a girl?" Sakura asked stunned as Naruto nodded and the two walked into the village.

"That was actually Gamabunta's wife, the mother of my two personal summons Gamakichi and Gamatatsu" Naruto said as Sakura nodded still shocked as they walked.

Upon reaching the Hokage tower with Kakashi still on his back the trio entered through the main entrance and walked straight to the office, Naruto opened the door with his foot and raised a brow at those in the room "Huh? The fossils are still alive?" Naruto asked jokingly as he entered and laid Kakashi on the couch.

"Naruto, I was expecting you all back yesterday" Tsunade said as Naruto shrugged.

"Not my fault Suna threw a party for the protection of their leader and the return of a prince, even if it was only for a night" Naruto said as he stood straight "I should probably do my report then let Sakura report" he mumbled as he saw Tsunade nod "While the Elders are here?" Naruto asked as Tsunade nodded again and he sighed "Upon being given the S-Rank mission with the Squad we met at the Western Gate and I summoned Gamabunta, we got a ride to Suna from Gamabunta and upon entering everything was evacuated from my warning to Gaara through the Toads" Naruto said as he got a nod from Tsunade and Sakura nodded to say everything was true "Once we got to Gaara's office he debriefed us on some minor details, such as that Suna had a spy in their midst, which one of my Shadow Clones I set up at all of the exits of Suna caught, turned out the spy was a member of the Council, upon him being returned to the Kazekage's office he was taken by Suna ANBU and interrogated" Naruto said as he scratched his head before sighing softly "After that we decided to set up plans and back up plans, the plan we went with was me and Gaara fighting against Deidara the Mad Bomber and Kakashi, Sakura, Kankuro and Temari fighting Sasori of the Red Sands" Naruto said surprising the Elders but he continued before they could speak "After the plan was set we met up on the wall of Suna where we waited to confront the Akatsuki members, once we confronted them I took off with Deidara while Gaara transformed into a more subdued version of the Ichibi and we got further away from Suna to fight him, I activated my Lightning Armor and Gaara started off the fight, after which Deidara being the sore loser he is decided to try taking to the skies not realising I had already marked him" Naruto said before grinning "Let's just say the Mad Bomber had the fear of Konoha forced into him before his death" Naruto said with a chuckle as Tsunade sighed "Oh I also took his head and destroyed all traces of him being there, just to make sure that Pedomaru doesn't go to his death sight and collect a sample of him" Naruto said holding up a scroll and Tsunade went to grab it but was surprised when he pulled back "Granny, this is for a peacy treaty between Iwa and Konoha, not for your gambling tendencies" Naruto said shaking his head as if scolding a child as a tick formed on Tsunade's head.

"Let's get on with my report!" Sakura exclaimed stopping Tsunade from beating Naruto up as she sighed and explained her side of the fight, from her figuring out a cure to Sasori's poison, to the four of them fighting his strongest jutsu and ending it with Kakashi's heart stabbing jutsu, sorry I mean Chidori to the real Sasori's heart and finally the part about Sasori meeting a spy that is apart of Orochimaru's cult type thing.

At the end Tsunade sighed as she turned serious "Team Kakashi will be going to Tenshi Bridge to find out who the traitor is, you will also try to find and eliminate Orochimaru and to finish it off find any bases in the area close to you, whether it be a small one with locations to his other bases or anything" Tsunade said as Naruto nodded before chuckling.

"Ah, what are we going to do about Kakashi?" Naruto asked pointing to his exhausted teacher "He's been out from Chakra exhaustion for a day from overusing his Sharingan" Naruto finished as Tsunade nodded.

"I'll have Sakura take him to the hospital and have her and Shizune check up on Kakashi, everyone dismissed except for Naruto" Tsunade said as everyone left with a nod leaving Naruto, Tsunade and her ANBU "ANBU take this little meeting off" Tsunade said and then 4 signatures vanished making Naruto hold up a half ram seal and the room was covered in a security barrier "How bad are you eyes?" Tsunade asked as Naruto chuckled and sighed.

"I'll need a transfer soon, I think after I confront Orochimaru, but I have a request Lady Hokage" Naruto said seriously getting Tsunade's attention "After my mission to Tenshi I would like for Itachi's status as a Missing-nin to be revoked" Naruto said as Tsunade motioned for him to continue where he put a large file on her table "This is everything I have collected on the massacre incident, sorry, protecting the village incident, the Uchiha were planning a coup under the lead of Fugaku and Hiruzen was trying to make peace talks with them" Naruto said as he sighed "Sadly, Mr Root was in a meeting between Itachi, Shisui, Lord Sandaime and the elders, Danzo seeing a perfect way to get free Sharingan decided to force the situation further along and well, egged Hiruzen into giving a secret ANBU mission to Itachi after Shisui commit suicide" Naruto said gritting his fists "In return for the protection of the Leaf and being named a Missing-nin, Itachi went through with the mission with one promise from Hiruzen, the protection of Sasuke, I'm just lucky mom told me about the coup and told me to go into hiding if anything ever happened to Shisui" Naruto said seriously surprising Tsunade.

"I'll bring all this to the Daimyo, after that it's his decision on what to do with Itachi" Tsunade said as Naruto bowed and lowered the barrier.

"See ya Granny!" Naruto shouted before vanishing.

"Damn brat" was all the Anbu heard Tsunade reply with when they entered.

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