
HeartWood Tree

The village itself was a breathtaking sight. Treehouses intertwined with the branches, creating a harmonious blend with the natural surroundings. Glowing plants adorned the landscape, casting a gentle luminescence. Spirits of different shapes and sizes moved about and engaged in various activities.

Lingxi guided Ye Fan to a central area where a colossal tree stood, its roots intertwining with the ground and its branches extending high into the ethereal sky. "This is the Heartwood Tree, the core of our village. It connects all wood spirits and serves as a nexus for our shared consciousness," Lingxi explained as Ye Fan absorbed the mystical aura emanating from the grand tree which towered majestically at the heart of the wood spirit village. 

Its size was awe-inspiring, with a towering height that reached approximately 150 meters. The trunk, of substantial girth, measured about 35 meters in diameter, showcasing the ancient and enduring nature.

[ Name: Heartwood Tree

 Level: Gold (Core Entity)

 Race: Ancient Spirit Tree


 - Nexus of Unity: The Heartwood Tree serves as the central hub for the shared consciousness of wood spirits, allowing them to communicate and connect.

 - Echoing Whispers: The Heartwood Tree can communicate with other ancient spirit trees across vast distances, sharing knowledge and insights.

 - Wood Spirit Guardian: The Heartwood Tree can summon distant wood spirits to protect the sacred groves.

 - Vital Essence Flow: The tree channels vital essence from the surroundings, sustaining the life and energy of the wood spirits. 

"Interesting, the Spiritual Eye seems to have upgraded again. Now, I can check the details of gold-level entities." Ye Fan pondered silently while checking the details of the Heartwood Tree. However, when he attempted to appraise Lingxi's information out of curiosity, the familiar string of question marks still persisted. "Is she beyond Gold level?"

Looking back, the aged bark of the tree was a testament to its name Ancient, weathered by centuries of existence. The surface displayed a mosaic of intricate patterns, the bark emitted a soft, pulsating glow, casting a gentle luminescence that illuminated the entire grove.

Branches extended gracefully from the central trunk, spreading out in all directions, adorned with clusters of vibrant leaves, varying in shade of green, shaped like delicate, elongated ovals, with edges that seemed to shimmer in the ambient light.

Amidst the leaves, intricate vines and tendrils wove a natural tapestry, forming patterns that hinted at the tree's deep connection with the surrounding ecosystem. Small, luminous flowers blossomed sporadically along the branches, adding a touch of beauty to the already mesmerizing display.

The Heartwood Tree's roots, expansive and interconnected, stretched out beneath the forest floor, creating a network that embraced the entire wood spirit village. These roots, infused with the essence of vitality, pulsed with life. 

"The Heartwood tree is a variant similar to the Titan Wood tree, born from the Mother Tree. However, unlike you Titan Wood trees, the Heartwood trees can only thrive in this Spirit world created by the Mother Tree," Lingxi explained from the side.

As they walked deeper into the ethereal forest, Ye Fan couldn't help but notice the vibrant energy pulsating through the surroundings. The leaves of the Heartwood trees shimmered with a soft, otherworldly glow, and the air resonated with a harmonious melody as if the entire forest were alive with unseen energies.

Lingxi guided Ye Fan toward a clearing where many treehouses weaved from the branches of the Heartwood trees. "This is the Heart of the village," Lingxi explained. "It holds the accumulated wisdom of generations and serves as our spiritual focal point."

Ye Fan approached the Heartwood Tree, a sense of awe washing over him. He extended his hand to touch the tree's trunk, feeling a surge of energy and connection. Lingxi observed Ye Fan with a knowing smile. "The Heartwood Tree has recognized you, Groot. You are now part of our village. In time, you will understand the shared consciousness that binds us all."

"Here, you are granted the freedom to explore and connect with other wood spirits at your leisure. During times of emergency, some restrictions may apply, but for now, feel free to make this village your own," Lingxi explained with some additional details on the periodic attacks of monsters on the village. 

"Cursed monsters?... It explains why the Heartwood tree calls upon wood spirits for protection. They're essentially guardians, defending the village from these threats," he thought, recognizing the significance of the wood spirits' role in safeguarding their home.

As if reading his thoughts, Lingxi's voice appeared once again in the shared consciousness, "The cursed monsters are creatures born from the corrupted energies that seep into our realm. They are a constant threat, and the Heartwood tree sacrifices its own vitality to summon wood spirits for protection."

"During the attacks, the cursed monsters emerge from the depths of the spirit world. Their origins are mysterious, and their nature is tainted by dark energies," Lingxi explained, her voice resonating with a mix of sorrow and determination. "The wood spirits summoned by the Heartwood tree are our first line of defense, but the village can always use more allies." She then pointed toward one of the treehouses nestled among the Heartwood trees. "This will be your home. Make yourself at home, Groot."

With those words, Lingxi vanished, leaving Ye Fan standing in the serene clearing, surrounded by the mystical energy of the Wood Spirit world. He made his way to the treehouse, marveling at the intricate design woven from the branches of the Heartwood trees.

As he stepped inside, the ethereal glow of the surroundings seeped through, creating a calming ambiance. The interior of the treehouse was simple yet elegant, with delicate patterns etched into the wooden walls. A sense of tranquility enveloped him, and Ye Fan couldn't help but appreciate the unique charm. 

Then Ye Fan stepped out to explore the outskirts of the village, he also encountered other wood spirits, each with its own distinct appearance and personality. Some resembled humanoid figures with fair skin as elves, dressed in clothes made from leaves and small vines on their bodies. While others took on more whimsical forms like deer, bears, and many more, reflecting the boundless creativity of the Spirit world. 

Some spirits exhibited simple minds, akin to the innocence and curiosity of children. They frolicked in the luminescent meadows, their laughter harmonizing with the gentle rustle of leaves. Conversely, few ancient spirits like Heartwood, with their timeless existence, emanated an aura of wisdom and depth. 

In the Heartwood Village, Ye Fan discovered that not all spirits were born from seeds like Groot, but also other Spiritual plants that grew on BlueStar. Instead, a significant portion of the wood spirits originated from ancient trees with extraordinary skills. These majestic trees possessed the ability to utilize their own life force, to give birth to the diverse array of wood spirits.

In the center of the village, Ye Fan discovered a serene pond surrounded by luminescent flowers that seemed to dance to an unseen melody. The air was filled with the gentle hum of spiritual energy "This place is truly enchanting," Ye Fan murmured to himself, Lingxi's words echoed in his mind, reminding him that this Wood Spirit world was a haven where wood spirits could thrive and coexist in unity. 

Observing the numerous wood spirits that populated the Heartwood Village, Ye Fan couldn't help but entertain the thought, "Isn't this the perfect place for me to gain valuable experience?" However, a realization struck him – despite the enticing prospect, he was still short on vitality.

With a thoughtful expression, Ye Fan acknowledged the limitations of his current vitality reserves. Despite the intrigue that surrounded him, he understood the importance of patience and strategic planning.

As the ethereal world of the Heartwood Village gradually dissipated, Ye Fan found himself seamlessly returning from the shared consciousness to his personal spiritual realm. The pattern with a symbol resembling Groot continued to emit a soft glow, distinct from the pattern of the Mind Shadow Parasite.

"It appears that I can access the wood spirit world at will. That's certainly good news," acknowledging the newfound ability to tap into the Wood Spirit world whenever he desired. The persistent glow of the symbol hinted at the ever-present connection he now held with the Heartwood Village.

The vibrant lights of blue and green slowly dimmed, and the nebulous surroundings gave way to the familiar confines of his room.

As he settled back into his own consciousness, Ye Fan couldn't shake the awe that lingered from his brief journey into the Spirit world. The experience left him with a sense of wonder and a heightened curiosity about the potential within the Heartwood Village.

"An incredible realm," he mused, reflecting on the encounter with Lingxi, the Forest Spirit, and the Heartwood tree. The memory of the shared consciousness and the vast expanse of the Wood Spirit world still lingered.


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