4 Lost and then Found

I'm walking through the woods like any other normal teenager who gets dropped off on some unknown planet for what feels like hours. It's possible that it had only been ten minutes. The planet seemed uninhabited to me. There was nothing around but grass and trees. If I didn't know any better I'd think Nova just set me up. I continue walking when a figure comes from behind a tree. He scared me so badly that i jumped. When I looked at it's face I was even more shocked. He was giant for one, at least ten feet tall. His face was twisted and looked as if it had been melted. I didn't have a clue what the hell I was looking at. He began walking toward me and I backed up in the opposite direction. He stopped less than two feet away from me.

"You," I say laughing. "Are disgusting."

As if understanding my insult the thing began to frown and that made him look worse.

"Ew no." I say disgusted. "Stop. That makes it way worse."

The face it makes next is a look of anger and the thing looks even more disgusting.

"I'm going to throw up!" I say starting to turn around. "Looking at you is the worst-"

I guess that thing had enough of my insults because next thing I know I'm flying across the sky and my back hits a tree. I didn't even see it swing at me.

"That was a cheap shot." I say standing up. I don't really feel pain much, but I sure did feel that.

"Mean human will die!" It yells.

"He can talk!" I exclaim out loud out of shock and the thing charges at me. I shift to the side and he rams into the same tree I hit.

"What?" I say. "It's not like I called you a it, because I really could have. I really should have."

The things says nothing and rams at me again and misses me every time. It really had no body coordination. Nova would have been even more disgusted at the thing than I am now.

"You have got to do better than that if you're gonna hit me." I say mockingly. "See last time I wasn't really paying attention, but now I'm fully aware so we can do this all day."

"Mean human will die for making fun of me!" It yells. "Mean human will pay!"

"I highly doubt that." I say and then it does something.

Okay, I'm going to pause right here for a second. Have you ever had a moment when you're one-hundred percent sure of all of your abilities and then some horrible tragedy hits and then the next thing you know you're pathetic and probably traumatized for life. That's exactly what's about to happen. The thing charges and I could've sworn I ducked him but the next thing I knew it's hands were wrapped around my throat and he was shaking me violently as though I was as light as a pillow. Now typically these kind of things happens two or three times every two weeks or so, but never have I ever not been able to counter it. I was literally on the verge of passing out, maybe even death, but then I had another one of those too fast moments. A boy. Or maybe a man. Or maybe a child. Or maybe a combination of the three, just out of nowhere sliced his head off. The hands of the beast unwrapped themselves from around my throat as it's body began to fall. I hit the ground not as hard a I expected. I was rubbing my neck and could tell I was probably gonna have a scar or two for a while.

"Are you okay?" The man-boy child asks holding out his hand.

"Who are you?" I ask irritated taking his hand.

"My name is Sky." He says. "The Light sent me to find you."

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