
Awakened to hunt beast

Beast has started to appear in the human world and killed humans lots of them. But the humans had brought to light new knowledge of how to fight these beasts using their Ki energy. Somewhere on the planet, there was a boy named Steven. He was a young boy who lived in the town of Azua with his family. One day, a beast attacked the town, killing Steven's family. After the attack, Steven discovered that he had awakened with a special power. He vowed to use this power to rid the world of beasts by killing them. follow Steven's journey to complete quests and achieve his aim

Oluwatoyise · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Elijah had just been asked by Lucas to train with him. "I mean, to be trained by a zenith-rate beast hunter," Elijah said as he was happy to be trained by him.

They were in the mountains and Lucas the old man asked Elijah to come out of the cave to train.

Elijah's heart raced as he stepped out of the cave, the crisp mountain air biting at his skin. Lucas, the zenith rate beast hunter, stood there with a knowing smile. His eyes, like ancient stones, held centuries of wisdom.

"Ready, lad?" Lucas asked, his voice gravelly. Elijah nodded, determination etched on his face. It was as if he had dreamt of this moment—the chance to learn from the best, to become a zenith-rate beast hunter himself.

Lucas raised his hand, and Elijah saw what was in his hands, it was the mystical tier beast crystal that he had killed. he had never seen a mystical tier crystal before and he was wondering what the man wanted to do with it. "And by the way where are my swords" Elijah said as he was looking around for them.

"Well, I did not bring them with me, and I thought that since you use paired weapons, I am going to give you a better one. hooks swords are not my taste " Lucas answered as he brought out two fine blades.

Lucas tossed the two blades to Elijah, who caught them with ease. He felt a surge of power coursing through his veins as he gripped the hilts. The blades were made of a rare metal, forged by the ancient smiths of the north. They had intricate runes carved on them, glowing with a faint red light.

"These are the Twin Fangs," Lucas said, his eyes gleaming. " They were weapons used by me when I was much younger and they are peak-rate weapons. They are also imbued with a special ability: they can absorb the energy of any beast you kill, like half of it, and use it to increase your energy."

Elijah gasped, his eyes wide with awe. He had heard of such weapons, but he never thought he would see them in his lifetime. No just kidding but not this young. He felt a surge of gratitude towards Lucas, who had given him such a priceless gift.

"Thank you, Master Lucas," Elijah said, bowing his head. "I don't know how to repay you."

Lucas waved his hand, dismissing the gesture. "You don't owe me anything, lad. I see potential in you, and I want to help you achieve your dream. Besides, you earned these swords by trying your best against that mystical tier beast. That's no small feat."

"At least you didn't try to run away just like your friend did,"

"Well, I also tried to run away, but I just could not. "Elijah said to himself as he could see the mystical tier crystal thrown at him.

"He then held up the mystical tier beast crystal, which shone with a dazzling light. "This is the heart of the beast I killed. It contains its life force and its power. If you absorb its energy, you will gain most of its energy, and become stronger than ever. With this, you will become a peak-rate beast hunter and you will be able to use an ability like fire and water".

"But be warned, it is not an easy process. You will have to endure unimaginable pain. but if you can control the energy and with my help, you will rise to a new level of power. Are you willing to take the risk?" Lucas asked

Elijah felt a surge of fear and excitement. He knew the dangers of absorbing a mystical tier beast crystal, a crystal that is two levels above him, but he also knew the rewards. He had always dreamed of becoming a peak-rate beast hunter, and this was his chance. He looked at Lucas, who nodded encouragingly. He made up his mind.

"Yes, master Lucas," Elijah said, his voice firm. "I am willing to take the risk. I want to become stronger. I want to become a peak-rate beast hunter, and one day will be as strong as you."

A smile appeared on Lucas's face after hearing the words Elijah had spoken " I am dying soon, now I know that I have chosen the right person to pass my fire techniques to.

They got into a meditating position and the crystal was held by Lucas in one hand and his other hand was placed on Elijah's back. Elijah closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He could feel the energy flowing into him and he heard Lucas whisper in his ear.

"Relax, lad. Let the energy flow into you. Don't resist it. Don't fear it. Embrace it. It is a part of you now."

Elijah nodded and tried to do as Lucas said. He felt a tingling sensation in his chest, then a sudden jolt of pain. He gasped, his eyes snapping open. He felt a wave of heat wash over him, followed by a wave of cold. He shivered, then sweated. He felt his heart beat faster, then slower. He felt his blood boil, then freeze. He felt his muscles tense, then relax. He felt his bones crack, then heal. He felt his mind expand, then contract. He felt his soul burn, then cool.

He screamed, then whimpered. He felt everything, then nothing.

He lost track of time, of space, of himself. He was in a state of agony and ecstasy, of chaos and order, of life and death. He was in a state of transformation.

Lucas watched over him, his expression calm and steady. He knew what Elijah was going through. He had gone through it himself, long ago. He knew the risks and the rewards. He knew the pain and the power. He knew the price and the prize.

He knew Elijah would make it. He had faith in him. He had seen his potential, his courage, his will. He had seen his spirit.

He smiled and whispered.

"You can do it, lad. You can become a peak-rate beast hunter. You can become a zenith-rate beast hunter. You can become the best. You can become like me."


Oscar, and the rest of the beast hunters who had followed arrived at the forest where Kai had said the humanoid beast had attacked. They saw the view in front of them and they could not believe it, the forest bushing was bunt and they could see dead beasts and counting the corpses, they were seven on the ground.

"This should be the beast you both killed before the mystical tier arrived isn't that right Kai" Oscar asked as replied by nodding his head nervously.

"Sir Oscar, the crystals in the beasts have been removed," Andrew said as he and Raze the other first-rate hunter checked the corpses.

They all moved forward a little bit only to find a burnt corpse. they all inspected the corpse and noticed that it was that of the humanoid beast.

"Just who killed this beast, was it Elijah, no it can't be, Elijah is Just a second-rate hunter," Oscar said as he had one thought in mind. Does that mean Elijah was saved by someone?