

After a few moments, Haru and Suzuka enter the kitchen. When they arrive there, they find Sora already sitting one of the chairs around the dining table.

Regarding their apartment, it is similar to the one episode of the 'Yosuga no Sora' anime, which shows a flashback about Haruka Kasugano's meeting with Sora in their childhood. It is when Sora arrived in the city to live with Haruka and their parents after living with their grandparents. However, the apartments is bigger because there are 6 bedroom in total.

Just like in Suzuka's case, the visual novel, anime, and manga arts don't give justice to the real-life version of Sora.

When Haru sees Sora, his breath is taken away by her beauty. Sora has a different charm from Suzuka, but it doesn't mean she is less beautiful. In fact, Haru will be hard-pressed to answer who's prettier.

Sora is a fair-skinned girl who possesses a doll-like appearance. She has long silver hair; the color of her irises is dark brown, though it can be mistaken as gray from afar. Her height is 152 cm, similar to Suzuka.

At this moment, she is wearing a white-colored nightgown that is supported by laces on her thin shoulders. That is the same nightgown that her other self in 'Yosuga no Sora' usually wears.

However, Haru immediately senses that Sora is in a bad mood. She gives off an aura that is clearly screaming, "Fuck off!"

Haru is at a loss for words. He knows that from his predecessor's memory, Sora has become more troublesome lately. But, the impression that Sora presents is too much when he is sitting across her.

After Suzuka takes the seat next to Haru, the breakfast begins. Haru, Sora, and Suzuka are silently eating. The silence is oppressive and uncomfortable.

Haru also senses a strange tension between Sora and Suzuka.

After searching his predecessor's memory, Haru realizes that his sisters are incompatible with each other. They are like oil and water, unable to coexist.

Suddenly, Haru feels a great urge to release a frustrated sigh. He feels irritated by their animosity toward each other. He can guess the reason for their petty rivalry.

Both Sora and Suzuka love him. Not as sisters. They love him romantically. And they know of their feelings for Haru. Although they know that Polygamy is legal, the problem is their compatibility.

It is like a saying, "Two tigers (or tigresses in this case) cannot coexist in the same mountain."

Haru wants them all to live in harmony, but it won't be easy unless a miracle happens.

'Wait! There is a miracle! Let's turn on my 'Aura of Harem Protagonist'!'


Suzuka suddenly called Haru, attracting the attention of both Haru and Sora. However, Suzuka willfully ignores Sora and turns her head to Haru.

"You said that you are going to write a novel, yes? Do you have an idea about what you're going to write?"

Haru's hands stop as he begins mulling over his story. From his information gathering, many masterpieces don't exist here. Thanks to his 'Enhanced Memory,' Haru can remember all novels that he read in his past life, a word by a word. There are some titles that he wants to publish here.

"I have some ideas, but I have yet to finalize it."

"I see. Well, I hope Onii-chan will succeed in your endeavor. You have my full support, Onii-chan. If you need something, and I can help with it, you can ask my help anytime."

Haru turned his head to Suzuka and saw her small, pretty smile. In return, Haru unconsciously forms a smile. He feels happy by Suzuka's encouragement.

As Haru and Suzuka are smiling at each other, it seems like they are in their own world. A certain someone isn't happy when she sees that.


Haru and Suzuka come out of their stupor. They turn their heads to Sora and see her raising her body from her chair.

Sora has slammed her palm as well as her chopsticks on the table. "I'm finished," she muttered sullenly. Then, she leaves the dining table without waiting for Haru's or Suzuka's reply. She walks to her room without turning back.

"Geez, what's wrong with her," Suzuka grumbled under her breath after Sora was out of hearing range. Her mood is soured because of Sora's rudeness.

Haru is silent. His eyes are closed before he mumbles under his breath. "An intense jealousy, huh?"

Haru has 'Analyzed' Sora to find the source of her bad mood. Knowing Sora's propensity in peeking and eavesdropping from the anime, Haru believes in the result of his 'Analyze.'

"Huh? Did you say something, Onii-chan?"

Haru snaps out of his musing after hearing Suzuka's voice. He turns his head to Suzuka and sees her confused expression.

"Nothing. Don't mind it."

"If you say so," Suzuka said, though she seemed doubtful.

After Haru presents a reassuring smile, Suzuka dismisses the matter and continues eating in silence.

Haru and Suzuka soon finish their breakfast.

"I'll wash the dishes. Just be ready to go to school," Haru said, stopping Suzuka from collecting the dishes.

"Very well, then. I appreciate your help, Onii-chan."

Suzuka presents a charming smile before leaving the kitchen. As she walks out, Haru watches her back until she disappears in the corridor.

Just like Haru, Sora and Suzuka have their own bedrooms. One bedroom belonged to their late parents, and another one was used when one of their mothers weren't in the mood to sleep with their husband. Those two rooms became a sore spot in this family. It reminds them of their deceased parents. Anyway, the last room is for guests.

Haru moves the dishes to the sink after storing Sora's unfinished breakfast in the refrigerator. There is no reason for wasting food. After finishing his chore, he goes to his room. He stops in front of Sora's bedroom for a short time. He wanted to call her but changes his mind at the last moment.

'I can talk with her after I escorted Suzuka to her school.'

Then, Haru enters his bedroom and prepares himself for going out.


Inside Sora's bedroom, Sora is curling in her bed; her head is pushed into a pillow.

Sora's bedroom has a wooden wardrobe, a spinning chair, and a desk with some books and a laptop on it. There is a black rabbit doll, a gift from her mother in the past.

"Emmm~ Haru! Haru! Haru!"

Sora releases sweet voices, which are muffled by her pillow. Her hands, which have slipped into her nightgown, are moving with unrivaled enthusiasm. Her left hand is busy with her chest, alternately twisting her sensitive nipples. At the same time, her right hand is staying in-between her thighs, fingering her soaked pussy.

It is clear what Sora is doing at the moment.

Sora is releasing her frustration after witnessing Haru's interaction with Suzuka before and in the middle of breakfast. She was so jealous when she saw it.

Deep down, Sora is aware that her love for her twin brother was wrong. Society frowned incest, and it is for a good reason. However, Sora doesn't care about society's opinion.

She wants to be together with Haru, to love each other, and to find happiness together. However, there is a problem with it.

Suzuka Kasugano. A strong rival for her twin's love.

Although Suzuka presents herself as a proper and refined girl in front of everyone else, Sora is aware that Suzuka is rotten inside. Sora knows about Suzuka's fantasy that is written in her diary. Suzuka named it "Onii-chan Diary," and Sora has found it accidentally in the past.

That book is so irritating. Whenever Sora recalls that diary and Suzuka's syrupy delusions, which are written in it, she wants to burn it and scatter the ash in the wind. However, she stops the urge because Suzuka will know that she is the culprit, and a fight will break out.

Although Sora and Suzuka are treating each other in a passive-aggressive manner, they never fight seriously. They don't dare because they don't want to anger their late parents.

"Kiss…Haru. Kiss me!"

Sora moans as she moves her left hand to her mouth. She then puts her index and middle fingers into her mouth, after which her tongue swirls around her digits. At the same time, her other hand speeds up its movement.

"Yes. Harder! Haru, I love you. I love you so much, Haru! Impregnate me, Haru! My Haru! Uuu? Ah! Cu-Cumming! I am cumming! Ahnn~!"

As Sora is so close to her climax, she loses the filter in her mind and says her deepest wish. She imagines her brother thrusting his dick in and out of her pussy, then sprouting his seed inside her womb as she reaches her sweet, blissful orgasm.


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