
The Day I Die

Instead of running the people in the street looked at the scene that was about to unfold. The adventurers began crowd control when they recognised that the Sarian Royal Knights was about to act.

All this drama meant very little to Valerian. Saras was less than a backwater country to him. He did not really care about being discovered or being hunted.

He had lived long enough to be able to predict the actions of insignificant mortals. One thing that reigned supreme in any place, era and world is that you were untouchable when you have the power, influence and money to take your own stand.

Valerian took a step forward.

Heroes and Villains, Good and Evil, Gods and devils were the same to him. All having ideals, power and status that they could enforce. Two sides of the same coin.

Another step.

What was the purpose of hiding? What was the point of being too afraid to use what you have because others may come for you?

The slow march continued.

Death was welcome. Valerian had lived long enough to have experienced more than his fair share of life.

Only mortals feared death yet they also feared living. Mortality was a living, breathing contradiction to the Vampire. Death was welcome. Dying in fear was not.

Another step.

"Blood scum, stop your advance. You stand in the presence of His Royal Highness, the First Prince Edward August Saras and the Sarian Royal Guard. Our blades are blessed and our armour is enchanted. We have reinforcements on the way. Surrender now!" A knight shouted.

Valerian's mouth opened, his words powered by mana, "I do not fear the day I die..."

The royal knights looked confused.

"My lips and blood may one day become dry but I swear I will not ask why."

A knight ran toward Valerian, sword and shield at the ready. "Stop talking nonsense!"

Valerian's eyes narrowed. With terrifying speed, he did a somersault when the knight was less than a metre away from him and before leaping over the surprised knight, he extended his arm and palm, slapping the knights helmet before landing.

No one knew what touched the ground first. The vampire's feet or disembodied head of the brash knight that charged.

Only three things were certain after seeing the blood stained helmet that rolled on the ground with a hand shaped dent in it.

First, this vampire was quite strong. Second, though his words were a little mad, the vampire was extremely aware of what was going on. Third, evacuation was a necessity.

"My flesh may rot and wither. My thoughts may fade away but I promise, I do not fear the day I die." Valerian continued with his poem, bent down to pick up the knight's sword and marched forward.

"Protect his highness!" A knight shouted.

"Today or tomorrow, a month or a year from now, I will not ask why."

Another step.

"I move forward each day because I do not fear the day I die."

"He is f*cking with us, Captain!" A worried knight shouted.

"Stand firm!" The captain shouted. "Prepare to retreat. Swords at the ready!" The knights' aimed their swords at Valerian.

"My bones may turn to dust, scattered to the winds, my voice a distant memory, but I will not ask why."

The adventurers felt a little uneasy and the slap that could sever heads had left them with a sense of dread.

"I have lived a life full of fight and growth, pain and truth, so believe I am not afraid of the day I die."

Valerian swung his sword left and right and with each swing the winds only went left and right.

Another step.

"Do you see now? I will not ask why? I promise I am not afraid of the day I die."

The Captain wanted to issue the order to retreat but every time he tried, the words seemed to get stuck in his throat.

Valerian disappeared for a moment and then reappeared, now in front of him.

"I fear the day I hide, the day I do not try but never will I fear the day I die."

The poem ended with that last line. The powerful mana Valerian sent out to stop them from retreating had dispersed but the knights still felt dazed and afraid.

"Wait!" a voice shouted.

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