
007- Comfortable and Uncomfortable

The blaring alarm woke Eli up the next morning, after a meal of cheese broccoli with shrimp which she couldn't help but praise they sat on the couch watching TV and enjoying drinks. It was all just so domestic while also fun, Eli was surprised to find how comfortable he was with her being in his house.

Even in his past life he didn't like people in his personal space, he didn't know the reason but he was always rushing to get people out of it but he was alright with her there. She just seemed to fit in it as she walked around like she owned the place, the only thing missing from it all was her things in his dressers and closet.

Shaking those thoughts away he smiled hearing her, "Would you turn that alarm off! Unlike you I don't need to be up this early, plus I would like to get some more sleep."

He chuckled looking down at her, she was laying on his chest all she was wearing was his shirt with nothing under it, they had another work out session. Kissing the top of her head he cut off the alarm, moving carefully he put her back on the bed after moving her off of his body.

Although he would love to stay in bed with her he needed to go into the office today, since he left the files last time he needed to go get them to work more. Though he was mainly going to prep for tomorrows trial more then anything, the other cases got pushed back since something happened to the judge on the case for the murders.

As for the copyright they were going to have their first sit down Saturday, he didn't really think that he would be this busy with the job but he was. In his past he was just a simple mailman so he didn't have anything a pressuring as this, he could only do this now though, mainly cause he loved the pay.

"Can't you just stay in bed with me, it got cold once you left." She said her eyes were still closed though as she laid there.

Eli stopped buttoning his shirt while looking over at her, he had just got out the shower so his hair was still a little wet dripping on his shoulder. Moving to the bed he took a seat next to her, reaching over he ran his hands through he dirty blonde hair, "As much fun as that sounds I have to go prep for tomorrow. Though I won't need to be at the courthouse until 12 tomorrow so we can sleep in, what time is your flight tomorrow."

She moaned in satisfaction as he rubbed her scalp, "Fine you better keep your words. My flight isn't until 8pm tomorrow so I will have enough time for you to make me something before I have to leave."

There was a playful smile on her face as she said that leaning into his touch enjoying his hands in her head, "Alright well I will make you something great, I will also make you something to have for when you get home."

She nodded, he didn't get to talk to her more as she seemed to drift off back to sleep, he could only chuckle as he finished getting ready. Keeping his promise he made her breakfast while sending her a message letting her know that is was there for when she woke up.

Again he found himself in the coffee shop, a bump on his shoulder and looking to the right showed Adalind who had a smile on her face while looking at him. He could also see that there was something in her eyes but he couldn't place what it was, she was definitely looking at him with a different gaze then the one she looked at him with yesterday.

After getting their drinks she spoke as she naturally followed him to his car, "So how was yesterday? Did your fling enjoy your time together? What was her name again I don't think you ever told me."

Eli could sense something in her tone, it was like she knew something he didn't but he couldn't just come out and say that just in case he was wrong. She was also staring at him with a gaze though so those thoughts of his were just deepened.

"Did you ever tell me the name of yours? And if you must know we had a great time yesterday, Sushi for lunch/dinner then we hung out some more before going back to my place where I cooked her a light dinner." He answered while moving through the streets.

She stopped talking while biting her lip, Eli didn't think much and just focused on driving but he was wondering why she was acting different then normal. Shrugging it off he pulled into his parking space before walking out, at some point she was on her phone again as she texted away with someone.

This was the only normal thing she really did this morning besides the coffee as she held his shirt him bringing her to her office, before he left though she was still holding his shirt. He raised a brow looking at her, she seemed to want to say something but she just stood there with a small frown on her face.

"Is there something you wanted to say?" He asked while standing there, some people were looking at them but she just stood there.

"...No, have a good day." She said finally before walking into her office.

Eli didn't know what to think about that little exchange, instead he moved to go to his office while saying hi to some people as went. He handed Jess her muffin before going into his office, the place was the same as he left it yesterday still opened on the pages that he was working on.

Shaking his head he went straight to work, he was already planning on tanking the whole case tomorrow but he still needed to look like he did something. Opening Timothy Greens file he sighed while rubbing his forehead, he went to look over it while making it obvious that he didn't want to do it.

Three hours later he was actually reading the copyright file, he was ignoring Timothy's since he already knew everything he was going to say and do for the trail tomorrow. In the middle of finally figuring out what he needed to do he got a message, looking at his phone he smiled seeing a message came in from Liz.

Looking at the message it was a picture of her eating the breakfast he made her, he responded right away after seeing it, 'To Liz- Hope you are enjoying that, it was a little rushed but I kept my promise to give you that breakfast.'

'From Liz- It was good, thanks for taking the time to make it for me. When should I be expecting you back, all I need to do is drop off this potion to my son then I am free for the rest of the day.'

'To Liz- Soon, I don't really have much more to do after this last thing. I was finally able to figure out something for my case so I am good to go.'

'From Liz- Great text me when you are leaving.'

He sent her a kissy face which he immediately regretted before putting his phone down, he was even to embarrassed to look at her reply instead leaving his phone face down. At that moment Don walked into the room though, there was a big smile on his face as he did something that he usually didn't just wear around like that.

"Isn't today a great day?" He asked with a shit eating grin, something really good must have happened to him.

Eli smirked closing his file and looking at the man, "What is with that smile, you are dangerously close to looking like Scott's smirking smile."

Don laughed a little, he went to the couch and started to set up his files on the table with that smile still there, "Can't I just be happy to be at work today?"

"Alright man, no offense but you are freaking me out. This smile wouldn't have anything to do with Serena would it? I saw you leave with her the other night, is something going on there?" Eli said walking over and taking a seat across from the man.

Don smiled wider, "Dang I was hoping to share the good news with you. Yes though it is because of her, I didn't think that she would actually give me a shot but she is. We didn't sleep together that first night, but last night she... man she rocked my world last night, I think, no I know I am in love."

"Wow, when was the last time that you got laid man?" Eli joked while laughing at the man.

They sat there with Don telling him the story of their date last night, the guy hasn't been this happy since he dated that last girl. Though she broke his heart in a week so Eli was really hoping that this time it stuck, he didn't know when she would pull the plug or if she would but he would support his friend.

That is also when Eli told him about Liz, they hadn't talked since that night so now they were catching up on everything that happened since that night. Since Don was working on a new case he didn't need to worry about going to trial so soon, this is usually when they talked the most.

"Wow, can't believe we both found someone that night." Don said amazed at hearing about Liz, "So do you think it will go anywhere with her?"

Eli knew that Don was a romantic type of guy, he believed in true love at first sight and that there was someone out there for everyone it was sweet. Thinking about that question though made Eli paused while really thinking about it, Liz popped into his head immediately.

He remembered last night and how natural things were between them, sure they haven't talked about anything to deep but they have talked a lot. Seeing her on his couch was something that just put a smile on her face, she just looked so natural sitting there while flipping through the channels.

When he called her for dinner and she set the table he let out a big smile, he actually enjoyed her in his personal space too which was where he didn't like anyone. Sure he had guest over but it hardly let anyone stay, he didn't like people staying over though.

Liz stayed over twice, that was actually something that had never happened though, he didn't bring girls back to his place he went to theirs. That was something that he didn't notice until that moment, when she mentioned it that night she was just like a siren who lured him in.

These thoughts just made him feel so comfortable, he didn't mind having them at all.

Then he remembered that she didn't want that, though they were enjoying each others times she didn't want a relationship or to be tied to him. He could only sigh in his head at this, he didn't even need to ask her about it he could just tell by the way she acted around him.

They were both present but closed off with each other, it was something they were doing to not catch real feelings for each other. Though it seemed to happen a little with Eli since he was thinking this at the moment, he was trying to tell himself it was just the sex though.

Rubbing his chest he felt uncomfortable at the thought but tried to make it real, they just weren't meant to be so it wasn't going to be.

"No Don this is just going to be a fling. We both know that a relationship isn't possible between us, there are just things that are forbidding it to happen." Eli said knowing that the words he just spoke are the truth, it really could never be more then sex.

Done smile went down some, "That sucks, well at least you have those moments right? You might not be able to do more but at least you will always have Paris as they say."

Eli nodded, "Yeah you are right. Anyway it is now 4pm, I am going to head off early since I don't have anything more to do here. Also I will be coming in late tomorrow since I have a trial, might not come in at all."

Don nodded while collecting his things, "Sounds good, well I hope things work out for you."

"You too man. If Serena is the one keeping that smile on your face then she is good for you, try to make sure that she is right for you though. Hate to see you down again." Eli said patting the man on the shoulder while grabbing his messenger bag and leaving.

He finally looked at his phone seeing the reply from Liz, it was a follow up kissy face which he laughed at a little. 'To Liz-- Heading back to my place, are you there or out?'

'From Liz-- Out still, Sean, my son wanted to talk after following us yesterday. We are having a 'civil' conversation about it at the moment.'

'To Liz-- Well I will meet you there then. Call or text if you need the big guns to come save you, or if you just want me to come pick you up.'

She sent back a positive reply, Eli was leaving and as he passed Adalind's office she happened to look up looking right at him. She still had that same look in her eye as she looked over at him, he paused at her door staring at her right back with a brow raised.

"Are you going to tell me why you are staring at me like that? Or are you just going to keep it bottled up inside?" He asked walking into her office some.

She bit her lip again before speaking, "Close the door first, I don't want anyone to come by and listen to our conversation."

Eli raised a brow but did as she asked before walking back and taking a seat in a chair in front of her desk, "So what is this all about exactly?"

She paused a moment, it was like there was an internal debate that she was having with herself at the moment as she sat there looking at him. He didn't want to rush her so he sat there looking around her office while she decided on what she wanted to tell him.

"Alright well this is going to be a lot, I don't even know how you are going to react to this all but I think that I should tell you about it." She said with her pen tapping against her desk as she sat there.

"Come on just tell me, what could be so bad that you have to build it up this much? Are you going to kill me or something or is someone else going to?" He joked while smirking at her.

She laughed some, "Well no they won't kill you, but they will find out about you soon..."

Eli raised a brow at her vague comment, "Who will?"

She tapped the pen faster that was the only sound going on in the room a the moment while she looked him right in the eyes, "Well they would be...."

Next chapter