
Curve 8: The Central Head Office

By midday, Master Yoo arrived at the Central Head Office, the primary military installation of the empire. This formidable fortress, known as Oden, also serves as the capital of the region and is heavily guarded.

Upon arriving on the ground floor, Master Yoo was escorted by guards to the conference room, where the Supreme General and other high-ranking commanders had assembled for a meeting.

Inside the conference room, the booming, virile voice of the Supreme General could be heard saying, "Did you say the southern towns of Horris were invaded by the South Treaty Alliance army?"

The Supreme General, Choi Seojun, is a commanding presence with his towering height of 7 feet and 2 inches. His physique is rugged and muscular, a testament to his years of training and participation in countless battles. His skin is marked with scars that tell the story of his experiences on the battlefield. His strong jawline and piercing gaze lend to his manly appearance, exuding confidence and leadership. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is known for his fair and just leadership, earning the respect and loyalty of those under his command.

"Yes, Sir," the head messenger replied. "That's according to our scout report."

"If that's the case, then we must dispatch our troops to defend their territories as expeditiously as possible. After all, we have a treaty of alliance with them," suggested Liu Wengshen, a high commander.

Master Yoo entered the room and joined the meeting. "There is no need to deploy our infantry. I will send two conclaves to Horris to repel the invaders," he declared before taking a seat.

"Lingshu, I don't think it's necessary for the conclaves to become involved. The Seven Conclaves are our most formidable forces. We should avoid always sending them to fight the armies of the South. They should always be our last resort," argued another high commander, Gu Yushin.

"If your concern is that the South Treaty Alliance will gain insight into the tactics of our formidable forces, you should also be aware that we have been deploying them to defend our territories for years. We have suffered numerous invasions and it was our special forces that successfully defended our territories," Yoo replied.

The Supreme General resolved the argument by granting Yoo's request to send two conclaves to Horris. "You may send two conclaves to Horris, Master Yoo. However, I recommend sending only the two lowest ranked conclaves. That should be sufficient to drive out the enemy forces," he decreed.

"Actually, Sir, I plan to send Eunjoo's and Tensen's conclaves," Master Yoo explained.

"What? Why would you send the first and fifth conclaves there?"

"With all due respect, Head Messenger, may I ask which divisions of the South Treaty Alliance were sent to invade the southern territories of Horris?" Master Yoo inquired.

"Oh, our scouts confirmed the presence of three commanders in Horris. Specifically, the sixth, seventh, and fourteenth commanders were there yesterday," the Head Messenger replied.

"As you heard, two of those commanders would pose a significant threat. Sending our two lowest ranked conclaves would not provide much assistance to the forces of Horris and could even result in their demise," Master Yoo pointed out.

"I concur with Master Yoo, Sir Seojun," the Field Marshal added. "Your son is renowned as the Prodigy of Spiritual Arts, and Rikimaru Tensen, though new, is both a highly skilled practitioner and a swordsman. I do not think those two lords would struggle against the three high commanders of the South. Additionally, are you not more concerned about your daughter if we send the two lowest ranked conclaves?"

The Supreme General took a deep breath before making a decision. After considering the opinions of the leaders in the room, he agreed to allow Master Yoo to deploy the first and fifth conclaves to Horris. "You are all correct. I must not underestimate the commanders of the battalions of the South Treaty Alliance," he stated. "To conclude, we will be sending the first and fifth conclaves to Horris."

Master Yoo and the high commanders thought the matter had been resolved, but another incident arose. The Head of Intelligence Department, Sentoryu Taishu, stepped forward and presented another report. "The guards patrolling the South harbor mysteriously fell asleep after approaching a meteorite that fell into our region a couple of days ago. The guards have no memory of the incident. Thus, it is difficult to gather any leads. However, we speculate that the meteorite may have brought something with it, though we do not yet know what that might be," he said.

"A meteorite? Isn't it normal for meteors to fall from the sky and land here?" Liu Wengshen inquired.

"Mister Wengshen, you are the head of the Secret Intelligence Agency. Don't you find it peculiar that the guards suddenly fell asleep after approaching the meteorite?"

"Could it be caused by an alien presence? We are all aware that celestial beings occasionally descend from the heavens," Gu Yushin speculated.

The Supreme General stood and addressed the others in the room, "It is foolish to speculate without any evidence that something was contained within the meteorite. Sentoryu, as the head of the Intelligence Department, perhaps you should investigate this case first."

"I will certainly do so, sir," Taishu replied.

"Then, I conclude this meeting now. Return to your duties and keep in mind the matters we discussed here, especially regarding the state Horris," the Supreme General declared.

"Affirmative!" they responded.

Master Yoo was just about to leave the Central Head Office when he encountered the archpriest of the Divine Order, one of the most influential churches in Iona, on the way. Eamon is a tall, well-built man in his mid-40s with short, slicked-back hair and piercing brown eyes, had a chiseled jawline and exuded an air of power and authority. Despite his imposing presence, Yoo is never intimidated. He knew all too well the rumors and whispers that surrounded Eamon and his church, the Divine Order, one of the most influential in all of Iona.

"A splendid day we are experiencing today, Master Yoo. How have you been faring?" Eamon asked, his words laced with sarcasm.

"Don't greet me in such a manner, Eamon. I do not have the leisure to engage in pointless conversation with you. What is the reason for your presence here?" Yoo inquired, his tone hostile.

Eamon feigned amicability. "Oh, my apologies for disturbing you, Master Lingshu. I have come here to check on the request I made several weeks ago about the permits for certain businesses."

Yoo was not fooled. "Certain businesses? Or perhaps you mean to say cults? I know you're behind some of the massacres in our cities, Eamon. I don't know what you're plotting, but I highly suggest you stop it as soon as possible if you don't want to lose everything you have."

Eamon chuckled and said, "You still suspect me of running a cult, Master Lingshu? It's an insult for me who founded a church that is widely known for sermoning the people and guide them on the right track."

"Don't call me 'master'. You are not my pupil," Yoo snapped.

Eamon's smile faded, replaced by a look of annoyance. "Withdraw the case you filed against my church, Lingshu. The church I established is already paving its way to honor and rectitude, and I will not permit you to defile its esteemed reputation," he said, his voice dripping with anger.

Yoo was not impressed. "Until you cease to obscure the truth and renounce your wicked deeds, I will never permit your church to prosper. It subsists on deception, and I am confident you are well aware of this fact," he said, his gaze piercing as he stared at Eamon.

Eamon's expression turned cold. "I know nothing of what you are accusing me of," he said, his tone dismissive. "It appears this conversation is going nowhere, so I should better be on my way," he added before bowing his head in front of Yoo and making his way into the Central Head Office, leaving Yoo standing alone, his thoughts troubled as he watched the man go.

Meanwhile, inside the Guild House, Yeji and Kei are already savoring their meal.

"This tastes good. I thank you for your preparation of this scrumptious meal," Kei expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

"Of course, it's delicious! I put a lot of effort into making it. My mother taught me all of her cooking skills. She has a fondness for vegetables and emphasizes their importance in maintaining a healthy body," Yeji replied as she scooped a spoonful of soup into her mouth.

"You mean, these green leafy plants?" he inquired.

"Are you being serious? You've never tried vegetables before? Where on Zeon did you come from?"

"Oh, I hail from a place called Gammora," he replied, pretending to be telling the truth.

"Gammora? That's quite a distant region. I've been there before with my father. It was also the first time I set foot on a ship," Yeji remarked.

"Really? Why did you go there?"

"We traveled there for diplomatic purposes. Maintaining good relations with other countries is crucial, especially in today's globalized world. Ever since the three kingdoms of Iona united their forces, our country has risen to become one of the most powerful nations in the world. That's why the South Treaty Alliance was formed. Our expansive empire poses a threat to the sovereignty of less powerful nations, so it's important that we maintain good relations with them so to not to cause any further conflicts."

"I see. That explains why they occasionally send troops to invade this area. But what do you mean by the three kingdoms of Iona?"

Yeji chuckled. "Why, you don't know about it? Oh, right, since you are from Gammora, you probably have no knowledge of our empire's historical background. How did you end up here?"

"It's a long story. I don't feel like discussing it," Kei replied.

"Psh! Fine. I can't force you to share something you don't want to talk about," Yeji said dismissively.

Kei sighed and gazed at Yeji for a minute, causing her to feel uncomfortable.

"Could you not look at me like that? It's ruining my appetite," she said, setting her spoon back on her plate.

"I apologize," Kei said as he leaned closer to her, "Would you consider allowing me to join your division, Yeji? I know I may not have much experience, but I'm a quick learner and I'm willing to work hard to prove myself."

"Huh??? That's quite a sudden request." Yeji reacted in surprise.

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