
Dante's Current Power Progression

Over arcing concept, Matter Manipulation and minor Reality warping.


Born as an enhanced individual (mutant-ish). > Personal bio-kinesis, minor molecular-kinesis within arms reach.

Hydra abducts him as a young child trains him as an emotionless soldier and assassin. Forcibly trained to extend range of influence.

Hydra experiments with faulty Super Soldier Serum, enhancing Dante's ability, unlocking potential for true Reality manipulation.

He spends years traveling after the serum experiment, learning what he can do.


These are his capabilities as of the current chapter. Will update as he learns.

Current Range: Quarter mile radius. Must know what he is controlling.(Natural eyesight.) and/or (Must have knowledge of entities existence.)

Some of these could be classified under one or more levels.


Spatial control: Locking material space(no entry, no exit of physical matter.). Displacement of matter.

Portals and teleportation. (Learned from the Ancient One)


Matter Manipulation: Creation and destruction of Matter. (Takes more energy and effort the more Matter that is created.)


Bio-Kinesis > Healing: (reverting bodies to a previous state and or destroying virus/bacteria/cancer cells etc.) Self and others within arms reach.

Energy manipulation > Kinetic



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