
A Bloodbath



A dozen bodies were split in half, and blood filled the white ground. Every step taken on this battlefield was filled with corpses. As the Fire Nation warriors reached the frontlines, those who were already fighting had been killed by the enemy. 

The primal beast instincts within each person's soul were fully unleashed in this kind of battle. Even the kindest and most cowardly people from the Water Tribe had turned into beasts without reason in less than ten minutes.

Even though the world had been at war for about a hundred years, no one from the Northern Pole had seen so many dead bodies in one place, and in the face of blood, death, and brutal scenes, they had become desensitized. 

Initially, when they watched their comrades being killed, they felt full of pain and cried out of helplessness. But after realizing they could be the next to die, they fought without fear. Regardless of the outcome, they would all reunite later, some sooner than others, so there was no need to cry.

"The warriors on the right announce retreat; I'll take over that battlefield from now on alone." Thorian watched as the battle focused more in that direction and immediately reported.

One of the most aggressive Water Tribe soldiers pulled the ice sword out of the heart of a man he had just killed and shouted, "My brothers, kill one last invader, then retreat." As he spoke, more than a hundred waterbenders moved their hands in synchrony, managing to kill countless enemies.

Without even looking at the outcome of their attacks, they all began to retreat. They had only taken a few steps back when Thorian took charge of the battlefield.

Boom! Boom! Boom! With each swing of Thorian's sword, a fire-bending warrior exploded into a mist of blood, and body parts flew around. The Fire Nation forces completely ignored all prices and sacrifices; they all stepped forward without any fear, like an unstoppable tide.

With a fierce movement of his hand, water began to flow towards the wounded who had retreated behind Thorian, and they were slowly healed. Thorian had stepped forward because the enemy troops were destroying those in this village. For that precise reason, he couldn't afford to continue losing future soldiers who would serve him on another battlefield.

In a normal battle, the most powerful troops would only make their move when their army was overwhelmed; until then, there would be no need for them to act.

"Those soldiers behind this should be the top experts of that strange commander."

"I must be right, but they don't seem to be just a few thousand." Thorian noticed that each gender trained their respective private forces, and they had different combat uniforms than most.

Thorian had been observing the battlefield for a long time. "With a force like this, they should have been able to eliminate the threat posed by the cities of the War Nation, so what were they waiting for?"

As he moved at maximum speed, besieging dozens of enemies in a matter of seconds, this thought came to Thorian's mind. "Aaaahhhh!!!" Boom! Boom! Boom! Huge ice spikes emerged from the ground, seeking the lives of numerous soldiers, and despite their desire to resist, they could do nothing.

The moment Thorian rushed into the battlefield, thousands more soldiers had entered the field right before his eyes with no intention of backing down.


Brad looked at all the soldiers in front of him and shouted loudly, "Kill the enemy and make sure no one is left alive." Boom! Boom! Boom! Numerous blasts from the cannons echoed as all the soldiers attacked the enemy cruisers to prevent them from continuing to invade the north and ensure the pressure was reduced in the upper battle.

Watching as everyone was massacred easily in combination with specialized combat tactics, Brad didn't have to participate to know that everything was going well.

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