
Meat hole.

[1498 Words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior




Under the bizarre and distinct meow-hoot of a cat owl, two men wearing large hats that hid their faces glided silently and swiftly through the forest as they carried a large human shaped bundle wrapped in black cloth over their shoulders, the full moon illuminating their path.

Soon enough, they quickly arrived at a large clearing deep in the forest. The clearing was completely barren not even a single blade of grass grew on the loose soil.

This clearing which was so far removed from any gathering of humans seemed to be well used and treaded upon.

The two men gently lowered the bundle that they carried on their shoulders down and removed the cloth. Under the moon light the naked body of middle aged man was revealed.

He had black hair and a well trimmed moustache, he possessed a strong muscular body with rippling muscles.

The only flaw to his otherwise flawless body could be said to be the giant circular hole through his stomach. His skin was an ashen white having long lost most of his blood long ago.

A moment after he had been put on the ground, five more groups of two arrived. Each carrying a bundle of cloth similar to the one that was wrapped around the man.

Four of the five groups gently put down the bundles, however the last two in sharp contrast threw their bundle on the ground with blatant disregard.

After all six bundles were unwrapped, the twelve men silently gazed at the corpses of their fallen comrades one by one. finally their gazes drifted to the only female corpse.

She wasn't in good shape to say the least, she was missing an arm and her body was riddled with scars, the most impressive of which being the large scar that ran from the stump at her left shoulder all the way up to her face. Though those weren't the reason for her death.

(Picture of scar and missing arm)

What killed her was obviously the large cave-in at her chest, most probably the result of a heavy impact by a blunt object.

One of the men reached into his robe and brought out a round flask, he uncorked it and toke a sip.

After letting out a sigh he pointed at the large scar on the girl's body and said "That's a nasty scar."

"I heard she got it on her most recent mission, it's a miracle she survive such a big hit." The man next to him commented.

"She should have just died." A rather tall man replied.

"Wow she even got Lee." The man with the flask said as he pointed at a naked man who's body had no less scars than the girl, but in the end what killed him was a dagger through the eye.

"I always thought he'd be around forever, always standing silently behind lord Long Feng." Another Dai lee member who had remained silent before spoke.

"It feels like she was a kid jumping around just yesterday..." Another Dai lee member added.

"She is a kid." The Dai lee member with the flask said.

"She's a traitor is what she is." the tall Dai lee member snarled.

The clearing descended into silence.

A Dai lee member stroked his short gray beard while looking at the limp body of the girl, his cloudy eyes hiding his thoughts behind them.

The gray bearded Dai lee member let out a long sigh before saying "Have no teacher greater anguish than to kill his own student."

No one spoke for a few moments, all of their thoughts remaining hidden.

The Dai lee member next to the old man patted him on the shoulder but said no more.

"Let's get this over with." The Dai lee member with the flask said, putting his flask back inside his robes.

Four Dai lee members took their position with two pairs of two facing each other.

They all stomped their feet into the ground at time and pointed their arms Infront of them before pulling the back.

In response the earth beneath them opened like a curtain revealing a giant rectangular hole in the ground.

The moon light shone directly over the hole revealing a giant pile of bodies. The horrid stench that emanated from the hole was strong enough to make a grown man faint although none of the people around flinched, as if the smell didn't even exist.

After the mass grave was opened the rest of the men carried over the bodies and threw them down the hole, except for the girls body which was catapulted into the hole using earth bending.

The old man glared at the tall Dai lee member but didn't say anything.

With their job done, the Dai lee closed the hole and left, letting the forest descend back to it's silence.


'Who am I? what happened? why is it so dark?' Kye thought as she struggled to barely open her inflamed eyes.

Her senses gradually returned and with them came the worse pain of her existence. every breath made her wish that she hadn't woken up.

'Why is this happening to me?'

Her entire body ached and her chest hurt beyond what she thought was possible. And if that wasn't enough, soon she experienced what she could only describe as visions or hallucinations.

She watched the story and the adventure of the bald air bender Aang and his friends as they explored the world and fought the fire nation.

These strange hallucinations along with the horrid stench of intense rot mixed with dirt and the soft feeling under her made her completely lose her sanity for an unknown amount of time as she drowned in it all.

Eventually the pain subsided, the visions ended and she got used to the smell.

Kye's first thought was 'Am I in hell?' because it sure seemed like it, why did she survive? no, why was she discarded in the first place? She had done her everything but was thrown away and given the reputation of a traitor at her end.

Kye clenched the flesh underneath her intensely before slowly loosening her grip.

'Is there even a point to getting angry? sure I can leave this place right now, learn metal and lava bending and take revenge, but what after? take over the earth kingdom? kill Ozai? Rule over the world? Befriend the avatar? Sounds like a waste of effort. Maybe I should just stay here...let it all finally end... I'm so tired...'

Kye closed her eyes and relaxed her body, getting acclimated to the being dead position.

But even as she tried to clear her mind and forget about her existence she couldn't stop the scenes she saw in her hallucinations from flashing by her mind, they weren't the scenes of the epic fights or of all the different people, they were the scenes of all the marvelous places in her hallucinations, temples hanging upside down, giant trees, cities of ice and snow, mountains that spewed liquid fire.

If only such magnificent places truly existed in this world, but how could such places exist? it was just a dead girl's mind playing tricks.

But what if they really exist? maybe then it would be worth it to live just a bit longer until she sees them.

'Even if it's just my mind trying to convince me to continue living, I really can't die satisfied after just seeing those places in my vision. I want to see them for real, I want to touch them, smell them and even taste them, after I'm done I'll just come back here.' having decided on an excuse to continue her existence Kye crawled her way on the fleshy ground until she bumped her head on a rock wall.

Remembering what she had seen the blind earth bender girl do she closed her eyes and concentrated before slapping the wall.

She wasn't able to see the world around her through the vibrations which rocked her already shaky belief in her vision but she continued none the less, even if her vision was all a lie she was sure that there was at least one thing worth seeing in this world.

Slapping the wall again, this time a small tunnel to the surface opened up, Kye gazed at the starry sky.

She slowly held her arm up towards the sky as if to trying to reach up and touch the stars, only to fall on her face after having lost support of her only arm.

Serene mood and incoming wise saying about the starry sky being just like life being mostly dark with some light dotted in between ruined, Kye crawled out of her underground hole.

(Well that at least makes one of you, you filthy basement dweller.)


I'll be ending this chapter here. cya in like a year maybe.

U may leave but ur power stones stay.

Lustful_Deathcreators' thoughts
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