
A strange child: Unveiling the Chi (1)

In the heart of a dense forest, a young boy of merely three years sat in the tranquil embrace of nature. His azure eyes, a reflection of the boundless sky, gazed into the horizon with a mixture of curiosity and determination. Locks of raven-black hair cascaded like the night sky, framing his pale countenance, which bore a subtle ruggedness. Clad in tattered and frayed garments, woven from meager materials, the boy exuded an air of humble resilience.

Perched in a lotus position, his tiny brow furrowed in concentration, the child's expression belied his tender age. The intensity of his focus was palpable as he grappled with a profound challenge – the art of accumulating chi, the life force that coursed through all things. Each attempt was a testament to his unwavering resolve, though his youthful frustration became increasingly evident.

"Come on," I muttered to myself, my voice barely a whisper among the rustling leaves. My small hands trembled slightly, the effort to harness the chi proving to be far more arduous than I had imagined. How many times had I practiced this technique, struggling to mold the energy within me? It felt as though I was chasing an elusive dream, a skill that should have been instinctual but remained just out of reach.

Three years had passed since my arrival in this unfamiliar world. A world unlike any I had known before, a realm where the boundaries between reality and legend blurred into a tapestry of mysteries. I had become a part of this world, a mere child navigating its intricate design.

The forest around me held echoes of untold stories, its tranquil beauty juxtaposed with the latent potential for chaos and adventure. The rustling leaves whispered secrets, and the distant calls of creatures seemed to beckon me to uncover the hidden truths of this realm. I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me beyond the towering trees, beyond the realm of my current understanding.

As the sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow, I found myself lost in thought. How had I come to possess this connection to the elements? Why was I drawn to the dance of lightning and the surge of power that pulsed through me?

With a sigh, I released the chi I had been struggling to contain, watching as it dissipated into the air around me. Frustration gnawed at my determination, but it was a reminder that my journey was far from over.


I stood up from my meditation, my small body feeling both relieved and drained. Despite my efforts, I had barely managed to increase my chi to the first stage of 80 drops. It was a far cry from the progress I had hoped for, but I knew that mastery over chi manipulation required time and dedication.

Slowly, I walked through the forest, my tattered clothes brushing against the undergrowth. As I approached the orphanage that had been my home for the past three years, I couldn't help but reflect on the challenges that lay ahead. Manipulating elemental energies was a daunting task, one that required a substantial amount of chi. How much chi did I need to truly begin my path in elemental manipulation? And how did the growth of my body affect the amount of chi I could accumulate?

Entering the orphanage, I was met with curious glances from the other children. Their eyes held a mixture of intrigue and uncertainty, as if they sensed something different about me. I was accustomed to such looks by now, having grown used to the isolation that accompanied my unique abilities.

A stern voice interrupted my thoughts, pulling my attention to the middle-aged woman who had been taking care of us. Her scolding tone was tinged with frustration, as if my sudden disappearances had worn thin on her patience. She chastised me for my reckless behavior, her words carrying a weight of helplessness. I listened silently, unable to provide an explanation beyond my own inner turmoil.

After her lecture, she ushered me inside the orphanage, where I joined the other children in learning basic arithmetic and the alphabet. As I sat in the classroom, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the lessons. Strange knowledge and experiences seemed to linger in the corners of my mind, surfacing at odd moments. It was as if I had glimpses of a reality beyond my own, a reality that intertwined with the world I now inhabited.

The teacher's voice washed over me, her words a familiar cadence that brought forth a sense of déjà vu. I had heard these lessons before, though I couldn't place where or when. Despite the strange sensation, I focused on the lesson at hand, determined to keep up with my studies.

The teacher's observant gaze eventually fell on me, and she seemed to sense my distraction. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she called me to the front of the class. I approached the slate board, picking up a piece of charcoal from her outstretched hand. The equation was simple – 10 + 6. With a furrowed brow, I quickly solved it, the answer flowing effortlessly from my mind.

The teacher's lack of surprise was evident as she nodded, as if my capabilities were not entirely unexpected. I returned to my seat, mulling over her reaction. Had I truly solved the equation with such ease? The memories of lessons and knowledge that didn't belong to me gnawed at my thoughts, leaving me both intrigued and bewildered.

The day passed quickly, and as the lessons concluded, the exhaustion that had plagued the children seemed to vanish. They eagerly rushed outside to play, their energy renewed. I, too, made my way toward the door, ready to join in the fleeting moments of childhood joy.

A voice called out to me, and I turned to see a young girl, her eyes bright and full of enthusiasm. She addressed me as "Sora," a name I had become accustomed to over the years. At first, I hesitated, unsure of how to respond to her invitation. Despite the uncertainty that lingered within me, I allowed myself to embrace the sense of camaraderie that came with interacting with the other children.

The day continued with laughter and games, and I found myself slowly melting into the routines of childhood. Though I often struggled to understand the reasons behind my actions, I had learned to adapt and find solace in the moments of connection I shared with those around me.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of the day, Kiba and I returned to the orphanage. Our shared laughter and playfulness had given way to a sense of contentment. The room we entered was shared by boys of similar ages, and I settled onto my sleeping mat, my eyes heavy with the weight of the day's experiences.

As I drifted off to sleep, a familiar sensation enveloped me. Once again, I found myself in the dark and chaotic space that seemed to exist beyond the realm of consciousness. Vague scenes flickered before me, fleeting and elusive. The sounds and scents were distorted, leaving me with an overwhelming sense of confusion.

In the midst of the chaos, a whisper echoed through my mind, carrying with it a new understanding. The concept of chi manipulation began to take shape, its intricacies and techniques unfolding before me. Though I couldn't comprehend the full extent of this knowledge, I felt a surge of clarity regarding the challenges I had faced earlier in the forest.

The scenes gradually faded, leaving me with a sense of awe and fullness. In the end, I end up once again falling into the sweet embrace of sleep, looking forward to tomorrow to continue my journey.

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