

In 304 AG, Kuzon is preparing for his vacation to one of his private islands which is hidden from the public eye. Only the member of The White Lotus and Knightia , Agentia ,etc. of his own personal forces knew of this place. Kuzon had recently achieved great feats within the recent years and the world regarded him as The Hero who saved the world, our New Avatar, Prince Kuzon. The public knew him as The Avatar, The Fire Prince, The Earth Prince, The Avatar Prince , The Dual Prince, The Genius Prince, The Angel of Justice, The God of Utter Destruction etc. He is the most famous celebrity in the entire world now to say the least since 303 AG and his approval ratings among the public throughout the world were nearly 100% and increasing. Kuzon really didn't care for all this fame and fortune or his approval ratings which were the highest even among the most popular people among the world.His way of dealing various incidents over the past year caused him to have many well known titles throughout the whole world. For example , one famous incident is:

The "War of New Eraians" incident, in 25th of June, 303 AG, after the Earth Grand Hall incident where Kuzon made his big debut as The Dark Shadow, The Fire Prince, The Earth Prince and as The New Avatar in front of the whole world, numerous pirates and criminal groups gathered together from around the Earth Kingdom and joined forces to take control of New Ba Sing Se , as The Grand Hall incident with Avatar Kuzon left the people stunned and distracted. They were planning to face the new Avatar with all of their forces joined together as a massive army and air force of over 20,000 trained soldiers led by The Recently Crowned Pirate Queen , a young, beautiful and honored lady , in an attempt to remove the Royal Family of Earthia permanently from the face of the Earth which included Kuzon as well as he is also a part of The Earth Kingdom Royal Family, Earthia. Plus, Kuzon had true royal bloodline of The Earthia Family unlike the most members of the royal family, so , he was a massive threat. Their military assembled directly outside the walls of New Ba Sing Se that day and they were ready to launch their first attack but unbeknownst to them, Kuzon already knew of their plans days ago and already had taken good care of their spies inside New Ba Sing Se. With his authority and status as The Earth Prince , Kuzon ordered the 5,000 soldiers of the Earth Army out of the hundreds of thousands to assemble near and over the outer wall where the first attack of the so called revolutionaries would be launched. The tension among the people was only increasing since the public declaration of war by the revolutionaries just 5 days ago towards the Earth Kingdom Capital, New Ba Sing Se. Kuzon assured the people by saying, "I am your Prince and also your ne Avatar. I would not let those so called revolutionaries who called themselves 'New Eraians' to take control of our Earth Kingdom for their selfish purpose of jealousy towards The Royal Family of Earthia. I know that our family, Earthia, has never been the best of the best among the leaders. Our kings and queens of the past and even now , are not worthy of the Royal Titles ..... but you know, they always had the best of intentions in their hearts, they always fought for The Earth Kingdom in the moments of truth. Do you really think it is easy for The Earth Queens and Earth Kings of the past and even present to hold such a huge responsibility of creating and maintaining such a huge kingdom which could be called an Empire larger than the other four nations combined, especially when the people of our nations are too chaotic since the very beginning of time. I , as The Avatar, the only person who lived through over a thousand lifetimes and retain those memories and feelings clearly can proudly say that , during the time of need for the Earth people throughout the centuries, The Royal Family of Earthia had stood beside them , gave them hope and created an unified kingdom which is larger than the other four nations combined and maintained it for centuries and never leaving vulnerable. During the 100 year war, the only reason the Earth Kingdom had managed to survive as long as they did , was due to The Earth Kings before Earth King Kuei , had done everything they could to resist the Fire Nation. I may not be your King , but as The Earth Prince and as The New Avatar , I promise that I shall protect this kingdom from the people who want to harm it. So, people of the Earth Kingdom, don't be afraid but stand tall and proud as you have always done because you have the right to do so. I know both my families have caused you pain and sufferings but please forgive us and give us another chance to prove ourselves as your worthy Rulers. Your Earth Queen shall return after she learns her lessons in Kyoshi Island and I know that you all see and worship us as gods but we are really the same as you . I shall temporarily take the authority of your Earth Queen and return it back to her the next month. For now, I shall be your leader . And to each and every single person in the entire Earth Kingdom , I shall help you with all I can. And to the Erarians , I am not going to go easy on you. Even after seeing my power as The Avatar, you still dare to threaten my own family and home as well as me, I shall make an example out of you to dare not to harm The Ever Proud Earth Kingdom ever again . " The crowd of people with tears of true joy, cheered endlessly for their Royal Family and for Kuzon . Later that day, before the Erarians could even launch their first strike , they met with Kuzon who came straight right to their main quarters outside the outer wall without any bodyguards or backup. Kuzon only ordered the soldiers to stand ready near the outside wall for capture. They were worrying about Kuzon who went straight to enemy quarters without any support whatsoever. The Pirate Queen Erica Jinora, the natural blue haired with an unparalleled gorgeous body and face , the ice cold beauty , herself wearing her high society clothes , came out from her personal quarters with her 8 gorgeous wives , 14 concubines and 20 beautiful maids and surrounded Kuzon from all sides.

Erica started saying, "Avatar Kuzon , or should I say , Prince Kuzon. Really, you have so many significant titles to your name that I can't choose one. I really never involved myself with a man ever before, but you .... are fundamentally different from those trash called men. I really would have preferred to let you live as you are so different , and have actual strength , plus you are too good looking...uhmmm! I mean , anyways, before I end your life , I shall have you have sex with all our over 20,000 women including me and my wives , concubines and personal maids , so that we can all go past our original potential and get stronger. I don't know why you came to us like this but it doesn't matter... you can't ever escape from us. We shall take your bodily fluids including your saliva and cum, to make ourselves even far more stronger than before . As The Avatar, you have this ability, I know all about it. Although , I and all the women never engaged in these sort of things with men before, I think we can still do it with you since you are essentially the ideal man and most handsome man ever. So what do you say, Avatar Kuzon?"

Kuzon said, " Surrender yourselves right now. This is your last chance. And spare me such nonsense, I would only engage in those things with the women I deem worthy enough . "

Erica shouted in anger, "Avatar Kuzon, watch your mouth!! We are the ones in control of the situation and obviously we won't surrender. All your soldiers are over there and even if you enter the All-Powerful Avatar State, you won't be able to defeat us."

Kuzon said, " You have given the answer . Don't say I didn't warn you. "

Immediately after, Kuzon entered The Avatar State, his eyes began glowing brightly and he singlehandedly wiped out all the 15,000 mecha robots and knocked out their users unconcious , around the area with very powerful lightning bending and knocked out The Pirate Queen and all the ground soldiers unconscious and later targeted the high speed planes which were shooting bullets and bombs over him. Kuzon , in the Avatar State, shot 20 powerful fire blasts at the planes and they all crashed on the ground. Kuzon, used Air Barrier on all the pilots , so they were unharmed . His style is not to kill, but only to defeat. He turned off The Avatar State and called his own soldiers to capture them all and to send Erica and her partners to the discipline school in Kyoshi Island . Kuzon's own soldiers and all of Erica soldiers and partners were all young pretty ladies with outstanding bodies . ( Just a fact). Kuzon defeated them all without killing them or harming them permanently. He became known as "The Miracle War Lord", "The God Of War and Peace", as it is truly a miracle that he managed to keep the other party in the war unharmed , without any serious injuries although he had every reason and power to do so . His popularity among the masses only kept on increasing , not only Earth Kingdom but also the entire world as they heard and saw the details of this war through the colored recordings including Kuzon in The Avatar State . After seeing Kuzon in The Legendary Avatar State through the coloured recordings, everyone in the world who didn't completely yield to 'The Avatar' title and Kuzon , just had to yield to him because his own power as The Fire Avatar , let alone his Absolute authority, his high status, his totally overpowered Knights, Agents, Servants and not to mention the recent weapon he created , The Atraxias.

(Now now, I know I haven't made the real Characters yet, but I will after setting up the main foundation of the story, it is really convenient that there are two animated series of this franchise which makes the foundation a lot stronger. No worries people, I am just getting started ...but before that I need some approval from you guys, I know this is still junk , but I shall do it.....)