
Escalation of Liberation

"Are you acquainted with the procedure, Zaheer?" inquired the waterbender guard, his voice cold and slicing through the silence in the cell.

Zaheer shifted his gaze to the guard, noticing the commanding presence of five of them that day, each exuding an air of authority and vigilance.

"Certainly, certainly. The usual. Yes" Zaheer responded with visible resignation, stepping away and silently moving to a dim corner of the cell.

Observing the prisoner's cooperation, the guards proceeded with their routine, organizing a small escort to deliver the meal to the detainee. The metallic clink of keys echoed in the claustrophobic atmosphere of the prison.

"I hope rice still suits your taste" remarked the guard, a sarcastic smile playing on his face as he held the tray of food.

Strategically positioned near the cliff, one of the guards watched attentively. The prisoner before them possessed no bending abilities, appearing ordinary. However, the palpable aura of danger justified the decision to confine him to what seemed an impassable mountain, creating a natural barrier against escape.

On the horizon, the imposing silhouette of military aircraft, reminiscent of the iconic Mitsubishi A6M Zero, relentlessly advanced towards the prison. Meticulous details, such as sunlight reflecting off the wings, suggested the precise formation of ten of these aircraft.

"Sir, we have the precise location of the White Lotus forces. Requesting permission to initiate the attack," reported the military plane operator, his voice resonating with precision and clarity through the communication.

On the other end of the line, the commander in charge of Zaheer's rescue operation received the pilot's message, the tense silence heightening the expectation.

"Initiate the aerial assault" ordered the commander, and the distant hum of the aircraft engines began to echo.

In response, a barrage of gunfire was unleashed towards the troops, catching them off guard. The shrill sound of gunfire mingled with screams of horror that echoed through the area.

"It's a Republic military plane! Quick, take cover!" exclaimed the most experienced soldier among the five, running with a tense expression, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

However, it was futile; within seconds, all were hit by gunfire, and cries of agony blended with the turmoil that dominated the battlefield.

The roar of gunfire reverberated through the prison corridors as dust rose in the air, momentarily obscuring the vision. The commander, on the other end of the line, listened to the chaos unfold through the distant noise of military communication.

In the cell, Zaheer watched with fixed eyes, a mix of concern and curiosity in the face of the unexpected event. The sounds of battle penetrated the walls, indicating that something beyond his confinement was happening.

Amidst the growing chaos, the commander, realizing the intensity of the conflict, made a bold decision. "Have one of the aircraft descend to the foot of the mountain where Zaheer is imprisoned. Free him and inform him that Gale sent us to rescue him" he ordered, his voice resonating through the military radio.

As the order was transmitted, one of the Republic aircraft descended rapidly towards the prison. The deafening sound of the engines reverberated on the rocky walls, announcing the arrival of the rescue.

The door of Zaheer's cell swung open with a bang, and the pilot, clad in military uniform, stood before him. "Zaheer, you're free! Gale sent us to rescue you. Come on, there's no time to lose!" said the pilot, deactivating the handcuffs that bound him.

Zaheer, still taken aback, trailed the pilot towards the aircraft stationed at the mountain's base. As they climbed aboard, the roar of the engines peaked, reverberating through the tumultuous backdrop unfolding above.

Upon takeoff, the aircraft gained altitude, revealing the turmoil below. White Lotus soldiers fought against the Republic forces, and the prison transformed into an aerial battlefield.

Inside the aircraft, Zaheer took a deep breath, absorbing the feeling of freedom as he watched the chaos fade away. "Thank you for this. Where are we headed?" he asked, looking at the pilot.

"We're rescuing another prisoner, Ghazan. Gale has plans for all of you," the pilot replied as the aircraft sped towards the next rescue mission.

As everyone can see from the volume title, we are reaching the final stretch of the fanfic. Once again, I want to thank everyone who has read this far. Until the next chapter, coming tomorrow. Thank you!

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