
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Vanishing Isle

The next morning the ship had departed for The Vanishing Isle's, a series of island that disappear due to the constantly surrounded by a thick fog located three hundred south east in the central sea. The island held the largest population of rare and dangerous creatures with many abilities some even to this day never seen before. The Chatwins had used found this island several hundred years which caused the then head of the family to launch a bid to become

Kwanda ahead been talking to his cousin Seven, he asked "her if she was excited about going to the Vanishing Isle?"

"The what? Silly I'm going on holiday with mama and papa and big sister and stupid Bill and Will." Kwanda was quickly reminded that he had carefully picked his friends and while they are all from different backgrounds they all understood that it is important to think seriously.

Will and Bill were no better as they said, "We do not have time to play children's games, so go play house with Seven." They laughed as Kwanda walked away, he had been told by Wendy to reveal his power, while he will be allowed on the hunt on Vanishing Isle he would be on the third island were the creature he was looking for would be on he was not allowed to Venture to the first island, that is overlooked by the third.

Kwanda had not argued he was well ahead of his contemporaries plus he still got spend most of his time with his sister's it just that they were all preparing for the first island they each had to hunt for their jewels for the crown.

The doctor burst into the room, almost causing Kwanda to shit himself. The Doctor said " tell me how feel about your progress it important," Kwanda could tell this was different from the weekly check up he would on the weekends from the Doctor, it was clearly not about his emotional state.

"Well since my glow died I felt all kinds little forces running around in my body, the knowledge I gleaned also change my body at some level that I'm not sure yet. Also the ring has many materials and books that I can't read and even some that I can I can't even understand. Now with this breakthrough I feel really powerful, especially now the mana i can feel it travel from my crown to the rest of body.

"Good good, at least you seem to have a grasp of how powerful you are, you are different from manner other children in many ways. The Vanishing Isle can be a great thing however its time you started controlling your power. The ring is currently helping you keep your mana in check. Think about how much mana you have in such a small body and how that would normally play out. Now as long as you know you start working towards a solution." The doctor then spent the next detailing the various methods that they as adults use to not leak mana unintentionally and how to control his large mana pool. The use of it if not done correctly could result in his death or a transformation into a Horusi, a type of man that has been consumed by his own mana turning him into a violent creature with uncontrolled growth that would eventually consume the body killing it in the process.

Kwanda had long since been discussing this very phenomenon with his sister each had a slightly different idea on what he could and with their help he was going to present him a theory on the possible solution. The old saying absolute power corrupts absolutely holds truest to people this universe.

"You never seize to amaze me, you know that?[Kwanda shook his head as the Doctor gave him a hug] Now take this it will suppress you mana, creatures of the Isle are extremely sensitive. Now keep training or else no dinner," They both burst out laughing the joke referring to the women their life.

In another part of the boat the Khans were discussing a troubling matter. "Did you sense it all of them have made huge leaps in their power. especially the girls they must be doing some sort of special training, and Thando her mana purity coupled with her skill she might beat out our pride and joy her[pointing at their daughter]." The wife

Monroe takes a sip of his while Seven is playing on his lap, "I don't Think We have to worry, I invented so that we can gauge how strong they are, now we know we also have to look out for Thando. We might not win the clan meet because of Liza, but to also loss out on the training provided by Guru Gaiagupta would truly be a disaster I have poured all our funds into making sure she gets that position it would put her no low than a Family head. Then I can show up Arjay and the Doctor at the same time."

The boys looked at each other before Bill said "Do you think we should do anything about them we all know after all, we are well aware of how dangerous the Isle can be especially for those looking to prove themselves." a wicked smile came across the boys face, they had long since gotten used to using violence to get their way."

Monroe said " I'm not sure what do you think Seven?" She stopped playing with her doll and said " I can't say for sure but something is weird about all of them especially the boy his mana is even purer than sister Thando's."

Monroe patted his lovingly as his thoughts flowed throughout his head.