
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasy
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78 Chs

back to school

Kwanda was really happy about winning. It also made him captain of the class, his vice leader were the other top students Diana, Rose, Daniel, Cho and Lebo.

Each lead a squad of five and they were lead by Kwanda this was done for lessons they challenges they had complete as a group every week.

The top ten fighters in the class tournament had all won a beginner skill, The top five an additional rookie skill and the top three advance skill and finally Kwanda would get a grandmaster skill pill.

The skills that they got had to be practiced and mastered overtime. However a skill pill would be directly incorporate itself into the person becoming a part of them they would have a full understanding of how the worked as if it had been a part of him sort of like we all know breath.

The class top ten, would all get their rewards as soon as they return to class. Me Pando had to arrange the students who qualified to meet the headmaster of the school, potential is always rewarded at the academy any hint of skill pushed to limit, it is how they had produced so many promising alumni.

The ride back was lengthy they took carriages back to school the students were still talking about the fights, especially Rose she was the most surprising as now she was the second strongest girl in class. The fact that she got that far without using a skill or weapon was even more impressive.

The other three classes in first year had their own tournament's. They six found out at break that Richard Van Kloppen, had secured his position as captain of Class 1B, Saito Yamada 1C and finally Dani Smith-Walker as captain of 1D.

They too would receive rewards those not as good or numerous. Apparently the class 1D winner had used a gravity skill, it is supremely difficult to use but the the young lady had a natural ability.

Some of the teachers even hoped that she might be moved to a different class during the end of semester rookie tournament. If she could do well she would be a natural in class 1A, or even 1B.

Most teachers were looking ahead to the tournament between the four schools after winter break. That would have all the schools vs each other with their first years. It was a favorite for member's of staff as it was the most unpredictable and fun.

The bets between schools could change the fate of an entire class, in one year a whole class won speckled eggs. A unique egg that can hatch any creature depending on how much, and the quality of mana it is provided.

The principles office was filled with victors of the various class tournament's. They would all come in one by one, chose skills and leave with nothing but smiles on their face. When Kwanda was up he did as Wendy told him and used the Grandmaster roulette skill wheel.

The Grandmaster roulette skill wheel, grants a unique skill from the first era, the risk is great but all who have mastered them have all been famous hero's. However those who can't master them, have even gotten killed by their own skill.

It was Kwanda's turn he touched the Wheel it spun.....