
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasy
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78 Chs


Thando Chestnut is a direct personality. Green haired bombshell. She has a perfect gentle chin, full lips she wore a purple lipstick, with gold bangles hold back her hair.

Her lesson is probably the hardest of all the lessons. As shooting mana is easy but projecting mana to heal is difficult for a whole range of different reasons. To be able to use healing spells effectively one needs to match the mana confluence of the person they are healing. However, she was trying to teach to build an Aura.

An Aura not only required exceptional control but also extreme purity. The purity of an Aura determines how much healing can be done to the various people in an area and how well they would heal. On top of everything else, fine mana channeling is critical. These are just some of the thoughts he had to keep in mind during her lessons.

She was just as ruthless as Wendy giving him no quarter she would make him do multiple things while trying to teach him to project his mana. It was mentally tiring it would drain the mana from even from the bones.

One really hard week was when he was studying, she told Kwanda to concrete on healing without stopping the reading the Grimm texts. Kwanda asked her like what healing. She gave him a potion to drink that would melt his skins so long as he did not cast a healing spell. At the same time, she would then start grilling him on Druid's theory on healing, Then she gave him a pen to write a list of poisons.

So if he stopped writing the pen would burn his hand. If he stopped healing the potion would melt his flesh and if he stopped answering she would add thirty seconds to the lesson. It took him almost nine days to figure out that he could momentarily stop reading the Grimm text and do what she asked. Still completing everything at once proved very difficult.

In his first two weeks of lessons had last the entire hour. Never once did he managed to solve all the study work. given to by Thando.

He had learned a lot about the theory of mana, magic casting, the focal points, the link between the source and the crown. How the crown is grown, imbued with element and crafting spell into weapons.

So far his favorite is the magic casting of grand wizard Sandy. She was a wizard who used magic for everything. From combat to cleaning. She had mastered all the elements from using fire magic to light a torch or even drying her clothes. Her breath alone could be used to cast a tornado.

The complete use of magic in every aspect of life is really interesting to Kwanda as it would allow him to practice all the elements in many different ways. In an unconventional way.

Thando was also a master of understanding she showed him how to truly master the theory of the skill from The Witchhunters Guide.

She explained to him that most people learn a fire spell they don't look at the theory to make it their own. For example, you have shown me that the same fire spell can be used for lighting a fire. Then when you stop, control and levitate the spell it can be a torch next to you.

Kwanda was reminded every day that spells don't necessarily have to be used in the manner the book or teacher or Thando even taught. She was telling Kwanda to remember what Mom had been trying to teach him, which was personalized magic is the strongest and most difficult to overcome which is why if you master it you can mask your true abilities.

It is critical Important to not be one dimensional if you can use the same spell in unexpected ways it will make you dynamic, remember to pay attention to your environment. You must be aware of your surroundings they could save your life.