
Beginning of the story

I felt very energetic the moment I woke up. I pulled my hair back and made a ponytail then  I stood and opened the windows. A beam of sunlight has brightened up my day. It was a bright sunny day. Weather was very warm.

It was all breezy. Birds were chirping. Clouds were floating. The layer covering atmosphere had an aura of brightness. Parrots and pigeons were flying carefree in the naked blue sky. Kids were playing in the nearby lush green park. 

Some kids were riding bicycles feeling the love of the breeze on their skins. It was a beautiful morning. The breeze was very pleasant. It was an usual day for me and I was getting ready and like always before going out I looked at  myself in the big round mirror with a silvery white border.

My lavender deep round tank top looked perfect on my olive green layered floral skirt. My pink white polka dot bow hair clip was going perfectly with my blonde fishtail. Bangs on my forehead giving me an innocent look.

I had to finish many tasks at home before leaving for the office so I chose to wear floral applique's flip flops which match my outfit well. Today I decided to wear big round golden loops which will definitely go with my golden necklace with a charm butterfly of mat grey as a pendant which I never take it out. 

My husband and I separated a long time ago. I was living with my daughter Liza. Liza is a ten-years old girl. She's a brunette with wavy hair. Her fair skin is just like mine. I went out of my room to wake her up for school. The moment she opened her eyes, she smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 

She was taking shower while I was making breakfast for us. I am an editor in one of the renowned magazines. We had french omelette for breakfast. I gave her milk and for me always a coffee. After 15 mins I dropped her at school and went to the workplace. 

It was one of the hectic days as I wasn't able to wind up my column already and my boss handed over me some new reports. After getting restless I drove back to my house. In the morning I love to drop my babydoll at school but because of work the school bus takes her home after school and our nanny takes care of her till I reach home. 

With this busy schedule of mine I totally forgot it's my birthday. Fortunately my sweet pie never forgets my day. The moment I entered the home, I saw the big white banner embezzled with glitters saying "Happy Birthday Mommy" in our dining room. 

She decorated the entire room with yellow fairy lights and pink balloons. She made cookies and chocolate cake for me with the help of the nanny. And then she began the celebration with the happy birthday song. 

There comes the sound, "Mommy mommy do you like my idea? How are you feeling? How was your day? Do you like the banner I made for you? What about cookies and cake? Nanny helped me a lot in decorating our home and in baking cookies and cake."

She went on and on non-stop I think for a moment she skipped her heartbeat. Seeing her lovely face and listening to her, made my day. All tiredness disappeared soon. After the cake cutting ceremony I took my daughter to some fancy restaurant. 

We invited our nanny too but she had to visit her granddaughter. So she left after the celebration. My daughter loves nature and that is why I selected a restaurant which has a nature theme. We went inside and the door keeper opened the door for us with a big broad smile.

Then I asked the receptionist for our seats. She directed us and said, "Enjoy your evening ladies." Staff was really nice there. We reached our sitting area. Waiter pulled a chair for my daughter and said, "Your highness." On hearing that, Liza was more than happy. 

Then we started having our meals.   She was wearing a beautiful blush pink fairy gown with sparkly pink sandals. She was wearing a white fury hair band. She made me wear some fancy dress just to make me look special for the day. 

I wore a notched collar gigot sleeve two tone pencil dress in burgundy and white colour. I looked like some magazine model and paired with a strappy chunky heel of white colour looking vague. My daughter made a waterfall braid for my long hair trying to give me a princess look. 

Dinner was delicious and very blissful. Before leaving for home, Liza said with full enthusiasm, "Mommy, they think I am a real princess" and then she giggled while covering her lips with one hand. She was blushing.  I was really glad that she enjoyed the evening. 

Now it was her bedtime. It was already 10 pm which was too late for my daughter. She usually sleeps around 8 pm. But that night she couldn't sleep. I guess she was very excited. We played with her dolls. We had a karaoke night. She sings really well. What surprised me the most was that she wasn't sleepy at all. 

We did lots of activities together. She wasn't even tired. I asked her, "Lizy, tell me how will you sleep? You have to go to school tomorrow. I have to go to the office. It's very late sweetheart." To that she replied, "Mommy, I will sleep if you will narrate a nice story to me. Then I promise I will sleep immediately."  

Eventually I had to narrate a story to her. I was in a dilemma. I didn't know what kind of stories she prefers. Without any delays I asked her , "What kind of story would you like to hear"? Then there comes the reply, "always a magical one mommy." I guess it was the time for the narration. So I began the story...

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