22 Chapter 20: New Mission

Camille's POV

I woke up and found myself in the same bed. I tried to get up but I can't move.

Then, I heard someone snoring beside me. I saw it's Kyle!

"K-Kyle!" I tried to scream even though I feel pain in every part of my body.

He woke up and his eyes enlarged. It's like saying that he's surprised to see me awake.

"It's nice that you're awake. I'll return right away" he said while smiling and went out.

Then I remembered Shizune. W-What happened to her?

Her voice becomes softer, her speed decreases, her eyes are 1/8 closed and her smile is not that wide compared to my first time seeing her.

I wonder what's happening to her.

"Camille!" I heard a voice with a relieved tone.

"Oh, hi" I said as I saw all the Elites except for him.

"It's been three days since you opened your eyes. I hope you felt a bit better now" Angel said and smiled.

"Y-Yeah" I whispered.

"Here, you're lucky we reserved some for you" Aster said and gave me a large plate of food.

Finally! The amount I've been hoping for since my first day!

"T-Thank you" I said and sat down. I pretended to be so weak that I can't even eat with energy so that I won't be embarrassed and I won't lose my discipline.

"Don't worry, they will let you out this afternoon. We miss you too like you do!" Azalea said and laughed.

"Yeah, I miss you too" I said and smiled.

"Cam-" I heard Aspen called my name but I accidentally talk and so he cut his words.

"Where's Brylle?" I asked.

"Well, he's still in his room, recovering" Lexie answered.

"Will I just rest after I got out from this?" I asked.

"No. We have a task. You need some personal space. We're just gonna visit Brylle!" Kyle said and walked out. Then, all of them followed him.


There's no one I'm with right now.

I smirked and ate as fast as I can to remove my hunger in a short period of time.

Because of eating so fast, I got full so easily with a remaining 1/4 amount of food on my plate.

I just smiled and slept.

I'm still sleepy! I must relax already!

When I woke up, I look outside and saw it's getting dark.

Then, my Healer came in.

"Camille Ambers, discharged! Continue living a healthy life okay?" she said with a smile.

Then, she helped me stand up.

"Do you have clothes with you?" she asked.

"N-Noth-" I was about to say nothing when I saw something on the floor. It's a pair of my clothes.

"Oh, I have! My friends could have placed it here!" I answered and smiled.

"Then, feel free to change in that room!" she said while pointing at a door.

I nodded and went inside.

After changing my clothes, I went out.

"Thanks for the heal!" I said and went out of my room.

As I open the door, the Elites showed up together with him.

"For the first time in three days I can feel the fresh breeze once again" I said and smiled.

"Well, you're rest is not enough! We have to head to our Dormitory!" Azalea said.

"Hmp! Bossy!" Aster screamed and ran away with Azalea chasing him.

Azalea somehow changed!

"Elites!" we looked behind us and saw the old man.

Long time no see! Old man!

"Yes?" Angel asked.

"We have a meeting" he said.

"Uhmm, fine, I'll go straight to our dorm. You have something to do!" I said.

"No, Ambers, we also need you to come!" he said that shocked me.

"F-Fine!" I answered and followed him.

When we opened the door, we saw all the Kings and Queens.

I got nervous thinking what could I've done that I have to join a meeting with them?!

"Please sit down!" Queen Leila said and smiled.

"What are we doing here?" Brylle asked.

"You have a mission!" King Ace said straightly. Well I guess the old man was just mistaken to tell me to go here!

"D-Dad?" Aspen asked.

"No worries. We need Ambers. She is a great help for this mission" Queen Allyson said.

"I'm sorry. What?" I confusedly asked.

"The Trinkets of all Kingdoms are gone. Amd we made our decisions to make it as a mission for you to accomplish" Queen Leila said.

Then, I saw King Anderson walked out. And here I am again who felt a little headache!

"Please excuse him. He's just worried of your safety!" she said.

"Since when are they lost?!" Brylle angrily asked.

"Calm down my dear. They're lost two days before the Assessments" she answered.

What are they talking about?!

"Well first, we have to tell you the informations we gathered for us to help you. And once you're in your dorms, explain the details of it to Ambers" Queen Aurora said.

We all nodded and said nothing.

"Well, the Trinkets are still in each Kingdom where it belongs. The problem is just that they're not in their proper places that could hurt the ones whose soul was in every shard of the Trinkets" King Ethan said.

Soul in every shard. This statement is somehow familiar! I'm thinking I heard it from somewhere!

"Maybe the thief is already looking for a way to escape without getting caught!" Queen Aiza said.

"And if we found them?" Lexie asked.

"My child, each one of you must keep the Trinket that belongs to your Kingdom since you're just the once we could trust this time. And we're sure you could pay more attention to it more than we do" Queen Thyra said.

So what I heard about the last time I came here are all true.

"H-How could I help them?" I asked.

"Ambers, you have great abilities and you know the meaning of life. You're a great companion to save someone's soul!" Queen Georgia said.

I just sighed.

"Headmaster Viado, what about our attendance?!" Aster asked.

"You'll be excused and Sean and Rein will take your job as those who look for each students' safety" the old man asked.

"When will we begin?" Brylle asked with his crumpled fist.

"Tomorrow morning" King Hendrix answered.

"Camille Ambers, sorry for involving you in too much trouble. It's just that we really need someone who can help the Elites" King Eviana said.

"I-I'm okay. I'm glad someone needed be" I said and smiled.

"We're glad you're okay" King Henry said.

"We already said goodbye after our lunch but we didn't yet went away because we gave to talk with you!" King Clifford said.

"So, now go and rest and we'll go home. We will help for your presence in each Kingdom to show the Trinket!" King Xavier said.

"Meeting is done. Please don't forget the information to Ambers. Goodbye!" the old man said.

We walked out and split ways with the Rulers.

"I'm new! Will I be successful with these?" I asked

"Of course! Our mothers and fathers will never ask someone to go on a mission if that person is not that strong!" Lexie said.

Then, we went straight to the Crystal Dormitoy and we started planning as they show me the locations of the Trinkets and while telling me the history about it.

Even though I find something familiar, I just listen to them. I'm just thinking like I don't know anything.

And when our plannings are done, we tried to prepared our materials for tomorrow's mission!
