
Chapter 01: Alone

Camille's POV

I woke up and did my morning routine. I went down the stairs and saw my mom.

"My child, come sit down and eat!" she said so I did.

"Mom, it looks like your not in the mood today. Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Camille, now that you're a teenager, do you still believe in fantasy?" she asked me.

"Mom, do you still need to ask me that? As you said I'm a teenager. There's no way I will still believe in those" I answered while laughing.

"Just as I thought" I heard something she said but I didn't understand.

"What did you say mom?" I asked.

"Camille, your old enough to know yourself. Come home as early as you can. There is something you must know" she said.

"Why mom? You miss me everyday? Joke!! Fine I'll come home ASAP" I answered and smiled.

As I finished my breakfast, I gave her a goodbye kiss and walk to school. I saw Sasha not so far away from me. So, I shouted good morning to her, but it looks like she didn't hear it. And she is walking with a troop?

Are they-?

Nevermind! Maybe she didn't just saw me.

By the way, I am Camille Ambers and my mom is Rachelle Ambers. I am 18 years old. Mom said that my dad was lost and is nowhere to be found. So, she raised me alone and I'm proud of her.

I just continued walking until I reached our school.

When I entered our classroom, I sat down on my seat.

After a few minutes, I saw Sasha again. I went near her and greeted good morning. B-but she rolled her eyes on me?

"Bes! What's the problem?" I asked. "Did I do something wrong?" I continually said.

"If I won't talk to you right now, I'm sure I'm gonna hear your annoying voice again and again. So now, I'm gonna say I don't like you anymore. I'm ashamed to be your friend!" she coldly said.

"Huh?" I confusedly asked.

"Camille, I'm tired of being with you. Can't you even see tgat you can't reach top 5 in our classroom? And one more, I don't want to be with someone who is so poor and don't have enough money! You didn't even buy me branded items unlike my new friends. All you can give me are useless poems you composed and drawings you draw. I don't think I still deserve to be with someone who's useless. I'm gonna confess one more thing. Cyrus and I are already in a relationship. And this will be the last time I will talk with you. Because, as I said, you're useless" she answered. I-I was hurt before she even finish her statement. What Sasha? She's so brave enough to tell me those words straightly. So it went straight to my heart and broke it.

Few days ago, she became cold to me already yet she's always with me. But now? She's still cold. But she doesn't want to be with me anymore.

She just left me crying. I lost my friend! I lost her just because I'm not that rich and talented? I also noticed that, why can't people value your talent? Why?! And one more, she knows how I love Cyrus, she knows that I confessed to him not so long time ago but I just gave him time to see if he had feelings for me. Did she do it because they truly love each other or she just did it to hurt me?

When the teacher came, I pretended to listen even if I am not. All I think about is my sadness

Why? Why Sasha?



The bell rang but I still can't move on. Losing a friend is worse than a break up.

I looked at Sasha. She's so happy with her new troop. Cyrus even held her shoulder and what's worse? I see the whole details right in front of me because it is Sasha's seat.

I lost my appetite so I put my food in my bag.

But someone held my hand, preventing me to do it.

"Sasha! Look! There is a food for you!!" Jasmine screamed.

"Huh?! Oh! I'm sorry but I don't want to eat a piece of garbage!" Sasha answered and they all laughed at me.

"Oh, sorry!" Jasmine screamed and gave my bread to Cyrus.

"Cyrus, you're good at basketball aren't you? Will you please throw this garbage at the trash bin? It's so stinky!" Jasmine sarcastically said.

"Shoot!" Cyrus said and throwed it in the trash bin perfectly.

"So talented! Sasha you're so lucky to have your boyfriend!" Shaira yelled.

And now, my greatest nightmare began. Yes, Sasha's new troop are my bullues. But now, I'm alone and what's worse? My bestfriend became a new member of the troop of my bullies.

Previously, Sasha even used to be my protector against them. But now, even my protector became a bully.

I have nothing to do but to stay silent and cry in the inside. I just don't know why everytime you're happy, time is so fast but when you're hurt, it's too slow!

Then, the bell rang.

Students are back to study.

I have no choice but to say silent because even if I'll report to my teachers about my bullies, they'll just say it's useless. And I know that they will always believe in rich people if they denied that they have done something wrong. There's nothing we could do cause that's society.


It was already lunch time and I can feel how hungry I am.

I bring out my lunch. But then I feel like I must go to the comfort room.

And I am now here in the comfort room. As I was about to go out, the glass of the window shattered into pieces and I was hit by a huge rock. And it didn't just end here. Someone spilled a bucket of water from the outside. I am so wet and it looks like I took a bath at the river with my clothes on.

I managed to prevent my tears from falling but then I heard someone's voice.

"Nice job Sasha!" someone screamed.

I cried. I can't do anything. What if I just ask my mom to transfer me to another school?

Even if I am so embarassed, I still ran out of the comfort room, went straight to our classroom to get my bag.

I carried my bag with rice spilled on it.

I ran outside but was unlucky. I slipped right next to the door. I can feel it is a cooking oil.

"Cyrus! Glad you spilled the oil!" Ivory said while laughing.

They even bring a cooking oil in school just a props to bully me?

I can't do anything so I just ran away. Every person I pass by looks at me and laugh at the same time. And what's worse, including teachers and parents standing on the side.


I'm glad I'm home right now. I was about to open the door when fresh blood is coming out from the hole at the bottom of it.

I opened it and my eyes landed to my mother lying down and bathing with her own blood.

"M-mom!" I screamed. But, she didn't answer.

I went near to her. S-She doesn't breath anymore.

Who did this to you mom?! I am so sad. I am now alone. As in, alone. There's no one I could live with that I can trust.

Who ever did this to my mom, I'm gonna kill you. I tried to find the spot where her blood is coming out. B-but I can't.

While staring at her, I was so shocked with the thing that happend next. Her blood is b-becoming a black liquid! In just a second, her body floated in the air. It became an ash and fell down at the black liquid on the floor. I don't have anything to do but to stare at a shocking incident.

I am so confused but I still can't overcome my sadness.

The black liquid is slowly vanishing.

"Mom! What happened?!" I screamed while crying. I ran away from our house and I'm not even aware where my feet led me.

I'm all alone. Do I still deserve to live?

I guess not.

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